The Random Crap Thread

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Am making an RPG for fun. Made a table for randomly rolling your character's primary motivation. Feel like sharing a few possible motivations:

Your sister is traveling around the world.
Your graduating class are gods.
Your platoon is missing.
Your time machine was beating your bowling team.
Your city is pregnant.
Your fiancee is evil.
I am re-reading Achewood and thought I would include this awesome bit of Roast Beef sass that I always forget about:



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Q: What's the difference between a computer salesman and a used car salesman?

A: The used car salesman knows when he is lying.
... is there a list of all the commands for smilies and what not anywhere on the site? I've felt kinda lost for awhile now, not remembering or knowing how to do a lot of the stuff we used to be able to do with the click of a button. :(
If you use the reply button instead of the quick reply, at the bottom left there's a "Smilies" link that'll show all the commands.
My lovely daughter laid down an SBD right before getting out of the car at school, leaving me powerless to reprimand her as the school helper was letting her out of the car right that moment. As I drove off with the windows down in the cold, I could ...not figure out if I should be ashamed, disgusted or impressed.
You should have rolled down the window and shouted, "Thanks for that smelly fart, <daughter's name>! I'll remember that next time I see <crush's name> at a school function!"

Stare at her uncomfortably, put on some aviators, and ride off into the sunrise.
Ok.. new plan. When you pick her up, go fill up your gas tank.

1. Preparation: eat taco bell for lunch. Make sure you take your keys. Enable child locks on your doors.
2. Turn off car/pop gas cover/etc.
3. Faaaaaaaaaaaaart
4. Close the door and pump gas.
Ok.. new plan. When you pick her up, go fill up your gas tank.

1. Preparation: eat taco bell for lunch. Make sure you take your keys. Enable child locks on your doors.
2. Turn off car/pop gas cover/etc.
3. Faaaaaaaaaaaaart
4. Close the door and pump gas.
The danger of sharting is high with this plan.


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Yum, free ice cream. Birthday coupon from Cold Stone Creamery, and I got butterscotch pudding ice cream with a mix-in of brownie bits. I could barely finish it, even though it's the smallest size. It made a nice lunch.


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Ugh...That post does NOT follow well after Jake's comment. All I can think of now is chocolate soft serve with brownie bits as a metaphor...


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So I came into work like 6:45 as usual for a Thursday to prep my lecture. I went to class, set up my laptop, and waited. I had noted on my way to the lab that the hallway was unusually empty, but there's a Big Important Conference going on, so I thought little of it. By 9:35, I thought, "Where the hell are my students?!?". So I check the university calendar online, and sure enough, today and tomorrow are holidays. Whoopsee.
I just called in sick for the first time in months. I can normally muscle through stuff, and I probably could have done it today, but I was supposed to work with a kid, and there are other sick people in my house. I don't want to spread any pestilence.

I always feel like trash when I call in sick. :(


Just had my first experience with Kona coffee and it's fantastic!
I just called in sick for the first time in months. I can normally muscle through stuff, and I probably could have done it today, but I was supposed to work with a kid, and there are other sick people in my house. I don't want to spread any pestilence.

I always feel like trash when I call in sick. :(
I'm the same way, but I work with food so I pretty much have to call in if I'm genuinely sick. :mad:


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My mother's the queen of her Mardi Gras Krewe this year, and tonight was the official announcement dinner.

Actually, it was kind of a bummer... the dress and strapless bra that fit me a month ago doesn't anymore. They're both many inches too big around :confused:. So, that's not REALLY bad, but it would have been nice to wear a dress that really fit.

Mom looked so radiant and she made us cry with her speech.
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