The Random Crap Thread

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Kitty Sinatra

There are 6 half empty 2-litre coke bottles in my fridge, 2 half empty pepsi bottles and one half empty Dr Pepper bottle. WTF is up with that?
Just finished writing my editorial on e-waste, to submit as an application to become a contributor to a local newspaper's 'community editorial board.' I also had to write a letter introducing myself.

Since it doesn't have to be submitted until midnight tonight, and it's 3:30 in the morning here, I'm going to let it stew, sleep for a few hours, give it another read in the morning and then submit it.

Hold on to your butts!


Staff member
My brother just opened for John Cleary at a local saloon. I'm so goddamn proud. I know this should probably go in Epic Win, but I was already here and just can't be bothered. Cleary's voice kept tugging at all the right threads, too, because I've been crying off and on all dang night.

Seriously... so proud. You go lil brother. You're living your dream. :)
I asked my husband to bring home some walnuts. We had some confusion over the term "shelled" so I detailed that I wanted only the nutmeats.

The man, never having heard the word before, laughed for like five minutes straight. He only stopped to ask me to repeat the word "nutmeats" before laughing until he cried again.


Occasional Poster

roflmao @ nutmeat

And for something random, here is a song I had not heard in a while.

I've wanted to work in Antarctica for a few years now, since shortly after leaving high school, but having just watched Encounters at the End of the World, I want to go even more.

Damn Canada for not having an Antarctic program. And Damn Raytheon for only hiring American citizens, apparently. I do understand, but I don't like it.

EDIT: Just saw a weather feed for several Antarctic stations.

Vostok Station (Russia) -78 F (-61 c)
South Pole Station (USA) -46 F (-43 c)

Is it retarded that that sounds exciting to me?
I asked my husband to bring home some walnuts. We had some confusion over the term "shelled" so I detailed that I wanted only the nutmeats.

The man, never having heard the word before, laughed for like five minutes straight. He only stopped to ask me to repeat the word "nutmeats" before laughing until he cried again.

AHAHAHAHAHAAHHA oh god Zen I've been laughing for a while now

Nutmeat XDDDD
Just woke up today and my cable is all screwed up. 800+ channels appeared overnight, most which appear to be copies of other channels (but not HD). I need to call Time Warner and find out just WTF is going on.
I present to you... a text message conversation:

BF: What happened to all of those batteries you just bought?
ME: They're in my car >.< Why?
BF: My mouse is about to die.
ME: How sad!!! Can we give it a viking funeral in the toilet?
BF: Only if you want to unclog it...
ME: I'm going to be sad all day now... How does it feel knowing you have such little and precious time left with your mouse?
BF: ANGRY! Like I need to beat up my girlfriend!!!!!

So, the boyfriend's best friend and his fiancee are preggers.....

....and our computer room was the site of conception! HAHAHAHAHA!

I shat bricks!
Grrrr, I got two inches of rain in about an hour this morning. When I stepped out onto the grass, my foot sunk a couple of inches into the mud. Hell of a way to start the day...
Looks like I might be forced into getting an H1N1 vaccine soon. I'm all for people getting it, but I don't like the idea of being FORCED to get one just to keep volunteering. Still, at least it'll be free.

Kitty Sinatra

I can't find my Dragonstar: Guide to the Galaxy book. I recently organized my place, and it was with the rest of my D&D books. Where the smurf could it have run off to?
Just spent 2 hours arguing with my friend about vaccines and how they are a conspiracy by the pharmaceutical companies to reduce the world population by sterilizing people. Zen, if you can here me, I now know your pain!

With friends like that, who needs the internet??
Looking at the post, I don't think I made myself clear. SHE is the one who believes the vaccine makers are evil. I was trying to tell her that the people she's claiming are bastions of her position have an agenda themselves, seeing as how they make their money selling alternative medicine, making movies stating their position, and making public appearances. She then proceeded to make me watch a 25 minute court session featuring one of these people, somehow thinking it would sway me. *sigh*

Still, at least she'll be done with her court experience tomorrow. She's taking a plea bargain that will keep her out of jail, but give her two years of probation. Considering it's a very conservative county and she's looking at 3 months in prison, it's not a bad deal (even if it's a fucking he said/she said debacle.)
Yeah I know, Ash, I'm on your side here.

I was implying that having someone available like that to argue a completely ridiculous point, would make arguing with your typical internet moron obsolete. :)

Best of luck to your sanity, my man.
Just spent 2 hours arguing with my friend about vaccines and how they are a conspiracy by the pharmaceutical companies to reduce the world population by sterilizing people. Zen, if you can here me, I now know your pain!
Incidentally, the West is the segment of the global community that doesn't really need to be sterilized. Our population holds more or less steady just based on our lifestyles.

Not suggesting that we sterilize the Middle East or anything. Just saying that even if population control were the agenda, anyone who spent more than a half hour outside their house in the last few decades would discover that we're the last people that need sterilizing.


That said, now that I think about it, I haven't impregnated anyone since I got the vaccine, so maybe she has a point.

[Got vaccinated yesterday]

Kitty Sinatra

That said, now that I think about it, I haven't impregnated anyone since I got the vaccine, so maybe she has a point.

[Got vaccinated yesterday]
Really? I've impregnated 3 women and 1 man since yesterday. I'm pretty sure you've been sterilized, dude.

I wish I was.
That said, now that I think about it, I haven't impregnated anyone since I got the vaccine, so maybe she has a point.

[Got vaccinated yesterday]
Really? I've impregnated 3 women and 1 man since yesterday. I'm pretty sure you've been sterilized, dude.

I wish I was.[/QUOTE]

Well ... the knowledge that I am sterilized would certainly be useful if I were getting any to begin with.
It started when one of my vegetarian friends ended up home with the flu. I wept for the senselessness of the universe, babbling about how she was never an enemy to the pigs of the world, and proceeded to yell "Piiiiiigs!" a la William Shatner's "Kaaahn!"

This has become a habit now. I encourage everyone else to express your anger in this way, any time someone mentions knowing somebody hit with H1N1.
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