The Random Crap Thread

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I've been sick for two days. In those two days I've slept 32 hours. MLIA.


If you laugh at this you are my new best friend.

A Statistician, Engineer and Physicist go to the horse track. Each have their system for betting on the winner and they're sure of it.

After the race is over, the Statistician wanders into the nearby bar, defeated. He notices the Engineer, sits down next to him, and begins lamenting: "I don't understand it. I tabulated the recent performance of all these horses, cross-referenced them with trends for others of their breed, considered seasonal variability, everything. I couldn't have lost."

"Yeah," says the Engineer, "well, forget that. I ran simulations based on their weight, mechanical ratios, performance models, everything, and I'm no better off."

Suddenly, they notice a commotion in the corner. The Physicist is sitting there, buying rounds and counting his winnings. The Engineer and Statistician decide they've got to know, so they shuffle over and ask him, "what's your secret, how'd you do it?"

The Physicist leans back, takes a deep breath, and begins, "Well, first I assumed all the horses were spherical and identical..."
Had a wicked weekend, which sort of ended last night at 4:00, dropping one of my best guy friends home. I talked to him about some of the things that I want to do, and the fears that are involved. He was encouraging, and a fantastic sounding board.

Incidentally, I will not be perusing a relationship with that cute girl I might have a shot with. Considering I am planning on moving far away next year, and her life plans don't jive with mine, it would just be a selfish thing to do: beginning a relationship that I'm expecting (if not hoping) will end in a few months.
Tut, I have done a thousand dreadful things
As willingly as one would kill a fly,
And nothing grieves me heartily indeed
But that I cannot do ten thousand more.
Last night I called Dave on the telephone. It was a strange experience, but really funny. I told the people in my HF DnD group that I was calling him, and then that I left a message.

Soon after we started playing, I got a call and yelled into Vent, "AFK for a sec, I'm getting a call from Nebraska."

I got thunderous cheers and laughter, it was pretty excellent.
I just bought a new sketchbook/journal. I'm always hesitant to make the first mark. I carry it around with me for about a month before I deface it. It feels like I'm trying to show it who I am, and what I stand for, before we come to a mutual agreement and start working together. But really, it's just because I know that once I start putting ink on paper, it's just a matter of time before I write or sketch something that I think is crap.

Sometime in the next week or so, I'm going to succumb to a fit of passion and lay a pen to that page. Here's to being brave enough to share it with people.

Occasional Poster

Oh how I hate to write job applications. :(

This one was for a part time job at the post terminal (not sure if it's the right word, where they sort mail before it's delivered). I could really use the money so I hope they hire me, or at least show any interest. I applied for a summer job there two years ago but did not get any response.

Apart from working nights and on weekends a big part of the job was working over Christmas and New Year's, which would mean that I can't celebrate with my family this year. That would suck because I don't see them often enough as it is, but it's a small sacrifice if I can land this.

The competition for part time jobs that don't collide too much with university studies can be reallly tough in this city and I have already tried and failed with the hell that is telemarketing. I feel that my chances are better now than hey have been before since I had a good summer job in my home town this summer (newspaper delivery for three weeks) and my volunteer work at the student pub have taught me a lot.

So hey, fingers crossed and positive thoughts. :)
From last nights Super Dave Osbourne show

Little Jimmy is up late and walks in on Mommy and Daddy engaged in carnal relations. Daddy is a cowboy whipping Mommy in her cheerleader outfit. Daddy tells Jimmy, "Daddy and Mommy are just playing Jimmy, go to bed and I'll be there in ten minutes to read you a story."

Ten minutes later, Daddy goes to Jimmys room and finds Jimmy fucking the bejebus out of Gramma and cries out, "Jimmy what the hell are you doing."

Jimmy says "Not so funny when it's your Mom is it Dad?!"


Staff member
This isn't a rant. I just feel bleugh on Sundays. I'm here, Jake's there, and that's just stupid. At least we had a nice afternoon. Sittin on a bench at sunset talking about what kind of house we should have.(*^_^* glee)


Staff member
Lithuanian is one of the languages used in that hobgobble shit they talk in A Clockwork Orange, since it's heavily slavic based. For instance, "droog" and "draugas".
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