The Random Crap Thread

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Brr. Weird dream.

First I dreamed that I worked for a bank that gave loans to super villains. This one guy had made a suit with this Sonic the Hedgehog-looking rings and used them inside a plastic-looking suit to make him powerful. But it didn't work and he couldn't pay us back so we had to take back his lab. Then I started walking home, and it turns out there was a picnic/outdoor party being held as some kind of benefit for people who'd been afflicted by an aging spell. There was an 11 year old kid there who'd been turned into an 80 year old, stuff like that.

Anyway, a bunch of halforums people were meeting, so I decided to go to that. I was ashamed of my job, so I dressed up to look very teacher-y. When we were all leaving, Charlie's car broke down and he wouldn't let anyone give him a ride. We all kind of decided to walk him home together (problem is that he wanted to walk all the way from LA to TX. So is started to rain and then Sera got really quiet, and then her legs just kind of "melted."

She just looks as us and says, "I'm actually a ghost," and turns into this angry-looking ghost with red eyes and sharp teeth. The rest of us turn into Twilight-looking vampires, except for Charlie, who's just standing there with his hand in his pockets asking for bus money and then humming, "Nobody knows the trouble I've seen."

Then this HUGE black guy, seriously, about 8 feet tall, who looks like a bouncer or something walks past us carrying the super villain, only he's crying and hugging an Invader Zim plush. Big Country then announces that he's also a ghost, and his face peels off.

How am I going to get back to sleep?? The ghost parts were really scary.


Staff member
Yeah. Some people wonder why I don't do drugs. I'd be frightened if things got any weirder for me. :confused:

---------- Post added at 06:29 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:26 AM ----------

I'm a little scared of Sera now. :(


Staff member
When I was a kid, I had this recurring dream that continually scared me so much, I went seeking therapy. I was in maybe 3rd grade, and the only professional help I knew of was the guidance counselor. I never said a word to my parents.

The dream was this fish-eye lens view of the world, which had a purplish heavily clouded sky, and a baked, mudcracked earth. In the distance, lightning flashed a lot. In retrospect, it almost seems like I borrowed that from Flight of the Navigator. But in the middle of the scene was a floating upside down cross (Christian style) 25 feet high or so, made of creosoted wood (like a telephone pole), and at the bottom was a razor sharp curved scythe blade pointing out of the plane of the cross. These cloaked, hooded guys dragged in a struggling man and placed him on top of the cross, bound and gagged. He slipped down the cross and was severed on the blade at the bottom, screaming horrifically. I'm pretty sure there was some physics-bending anal penetration involved in the slipping process, but it was a long time ago.
I had a dream! Copy-pasted from elsewhere, Travis is a friend of mine.

I had an awesome dream though where Travis and I were snipers in the Civil War. I was a Confederate, and he was Union. BUT we were on the same side trying to snipe Drew Carey. We were down to our last bullet, and Travis missed, and I hit him in the arm. He spotted us and was gonna shoot us to death, but at the last second Jason Voorhees jumped from behind a tree and strangled him to death with his own intestines! Wow, really gross, but awesome! Travis and I gave an exagerrated THUMBS UP that Jason returned before I woke up


Staff member

To help me sleep I just thought about the funny parts. A super villain clutching a Zim plush for comfort is very funny. He was short and dressed all in green, too.... like some devious leprechaun.
Man my dreams aren't nearly so entertaining. They're usually primetime sitcoms/teen dramas circa 1998, featuring me and people I know.
One dream was that she, some guy, and I were filming this sex tape. I will not even begin to tell you how out of character this would be for me because we would be here all day.

All other dreams would be with us hanging out. I have never watched KUwtK and the only connection to her I have is I live in the same state as her boyfriend's football team.

I don't remember much. I just remember thinking that I had to take the cassette out of the camera and steal it or I would get fired from my teaching job.

And she was wearing this rocking black bra/panties ensemble.
Wait, do you mean the three of you were filming a sex tape, as in you were the director, the dude was the cameraman and she was working the boom, while some other people did it?
No, we had a camera on a tripod.

I don't know anyone with a big ass and a sex tape, but my boyfriend has a nice ass.


I'm only seventeen and I'm from Brooklyn nice ta meetcha
This town is known for me the Ninja Turtles and pizza
Canceled WoW so I can afford to have a life a little moreso every month. Wasn't as hard as I thought it'd be.

Also I just noticed I'm in Vyta's sig. :cool:
Grats CK!

The withdrawal symptoms may still come though, pending on how often you used to play.
I'll likely play again when I'm not crazy poor, but I can still pop on Vent to talk to friends when I feel like it.

Or who knows, maybe this whole life thing will turn out okay and I won't need to play WoW. We'll see.


If you think about it, the borg is a hive mind, so why the hell does it need a "queen"? Personally I think it is becaus the borg hive mind is insane and listening to the voices in its head.
If you think about it, the borg is a hive mind, so why the hell does it need a "queen"? Personally I think it is becaus the borg hive mind is insane and listening to the voices in its head.
She brings "order to chaos". Direct movie quote.

Of the Borg are the internet, the Borg Queen is Google.[/QUOTE]

all we need to know now is who is 4chan.[/QUOTE]

Hugh and his damaging individuality virus...
If you think about it, the borg is a hive mind, so why the hell does it need a "queen"? Personally I think it is becaus the borg hive mind is insane and listening to the voices in its head.
She brings "order to chaos". Direct movie quote.

Of the Borg are the internet, the Borg Queen is Google.[/QUOTE]

all we need to know now is who is 4chan.[/QUOTE]

Hugh and his damaging individuality virus...[/QUOTE]

"Longcat is looooooooooooooooooooooooooong! WTF! ROFL! I'm charging mah' Phaseeeeeeeeeer! OMG! Every day is caturday!!"
I had a dream last night that had a couple people in it from these forums SO GET READY.

For some reason, Dave and I were lost in Texas. It was kinda ridiculous. We were in the middle of a giant dusty plain because for some reason I still think of, like, the Arizona desert whenever I think of Texas. Might have something to do with An American Tale 2: Fievel Goes West.


So Dave was wearing his bandstand vest and bowtie despite my protests that wandering through a desert like that would be unbearable, but he seemed to know exactly where we were going. Pretty soon we came to a river with grassy banks and a city on the horizon. Charlie (who I pictured as Steve Austin) soon came down the river riding on a giant dolphin (Venture Brothers reference? Clone High reference? WHO KNOWS) and offered us a lift to the other side, then mysteriously vanished.

Now that we were in "The City", Dave said he could find us some help since he knew the addresses of everyone on the forum by heart. Soon we pulled up to a house and knocked on the door. Shego came to the door and let us in, after it took her a second to recognize us. My dream-impressions of her house and appearance were mostly formed on the two-three sorta-pictures we've seen of her so far.

Anyway she was really happy to see us and soon we we're all playing Left 4 Dead 2 together. It was awesome.
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