The Random Crap Thread

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Old, out of state friend is having a kid. Not sure how I feel about it... he's younger than I am... but I wish him well. Had to go shopping for a baby shower gift though. Hope they like what I got them.


Staff member
Where's TotalFusionOne lately?

The girls to my left have gone from discussing men to flattened squirrels and humanity to the grossness of babies to Freud. I kinda want in on this conversation.


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....One of the girls at the table next to mine just compared TWILIGHT to JANE EYRE.


A friend of mine might be joining the forum.

And might be interested in dating Nick.

Only time will tell.


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The fun thing is that I can tell they're both so proud of being intellectuals. Right now they're talking about Freud as if his theories were hard science. O.O
I ... sometimes feel like one of those people. I occasionally find myself in restaurants, bars, and coffee shops with intelligent friends. We proceed to discuss things, from mundane crap like paperclips or cheese, to deeper stuff like theology or nuclear chemistry etc. Then, two days later, I'll overhear a conversation by two dimwits in a similar setting. I think I'm being paranoid, but sometimes I feel like the only difference between the two situations is being outside vs. inside the conversation.

But then, invariably the conversations I'm overhearing will be about the same sort of thing you're talking about Cajun ...


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^I think the exact same thing, Rob. My conversations probably annoy some people. And I probably sound stupid to some people. I speak softly in unless I'm just not thinking about it. I'm not afraid of what people will think as much as I'm afraid of annoying people. And they were annoying... probably more for their shrill voices than their opinions. I'm used to Twilight fangirls by now. I'm already over my Jane Eyre-rage from like... 15 minutes ago.

Really, they were doing something that should NOT annoy me, because we all do it from time to time. It's kinda like College freshmanspeak-- Vomiting up disembodied bits of semi-interesting information without ever really having a conversation.

Really, it mostly annoyed me that they suggested that Twilight was on par with Jane Eyre, damnit.

Man, listen to me. Can you believe people think I'm nice? This cafe would be great if there weren't so many people around.

:slap: Bad Leslie. Quit being a bitch.


Staff member
....One of the girls at the table next to mine just compared TWILIGHT to JANE EYRE.


Cajun... Please inform me where this person is currently located.

I think it's time for an emergency historectomy.

Or was it lobotomy?

In any case, the world will be a better place afterwards.

*picks up his big saw*


Staff member
the term you are looking for NR is: Termination with extreme prejudice
Mmmm... No, not yet. If the soon-to-be-operated "Headspace for Rent" chick had compared Tw... Twi... THAT piece of shit to Chaucer or any of the modern greats, I would be picking up a chainsaw flamethrower right now.

That's right: it shoots chainsaws. ON FIRE.


Staff member
I ordered the "Standard" edition of one of my favorite pieces of Mac software, and they sent me (accidentally?) the Professional edition. The moral voice inside of me says tell them. The other voice says, "Neat. Free software."
That, and 35% of their blood has actually been replaced by warm maple syrup, which is much less sensitive to temperature fluctuations.
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