The Random Crap Thread

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I'm gonna sleep and play video games. I'm not feeling the best. Maybe I'll read a bit, make a cup of tea...


Thursday is one of those days where I have to be in class by 8am, meaning that when you factor in my 90 minute bus ride, I have to be out of the house at 6:30am. Today I woke up realllly early, and couldn't get back to sleep so I decided to skip class. Thursday isn't a busy day, just a really early one. So my mom starts work at 8, so she's usually out of the house at 7:30-7:40ish, meaning that I have about an hour of time I have to waste outside of the house, avoiding her route to work, so that I can sneak back into the house after she leaves without her knowing. This is either easy or hard depending on the season, and wasting an hour just wandering around outside in the winter is usually pretty uncomfortable.

Usually. Today was unusual - we have a bit of a blizzard going on.

So I'm tromping through the snow and wind and all that, wasting an hour. I manage to do so and I'm really looking forward to going back home. But my mom was still there. I decided to do an extra lap around the block to waste another few minutes, but she was still there.


Now sometimes she just decides to go in a little later so I keep wandering and waiting, literally freezing in the process. Dead tired. Stopped in at a Tim Horton's for a little while to grab a coffee wit the small amount of money I had on me (remember, I never expected to go too far from the house when I left this morning).

I ended up wandering around for almost 2 and a half hours before I decided to make some shitty lies based on very viable half-truths to get back into the house. She didn't have much to say, because hey, she's skipping too.

So that's the story of how I slept for 4 hours last night and then wandered around in a blizzard during sunrise this morning for over two hours just in an attempt to get back into my house unnoticed.
I think...I'm finally cutting my long hair after years. Part of me hates to do it, and part of me feels like it's time to grow up. I'm thinking of doing something like this here:
I've been meaning to cut mine for years (it tends to fluctuate between just past my shoulders to halfway down my back), but can't decide how I want it cut. Maybe we should post head shots and get forumites to photoshop do's onto us?


Staff member
I can't decide whether that's cool, or pushes the needle straight past metrosexual into full on gay. "Not that there's anything wrong with that."

Kitty Sinatra


---------- Post added at 08:04 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:50 PM ----------

Oh, the dream I woke up to this morning.

I was walking down a street, just coming out of a tunnel it seemed like, when I saw this brown and black patchy stray cat in terrible condition. He looked so pitiful, and it seemed like he had a gaping wound, a horrific cancerous growth or something like that on his backside just out of my view. He was a fat, hulking garfield of a cat, too. Everything about him screamed "HELP ME PLEASE" like a pitiful whimper.

But did I help him? No. I offered him a sympathetic "awww, poor fellow" but I walked on past him to wherever I was heading. The poor little puss followed me but I did nothing but hope he would stop following me. I was relieved to finally reach my home - in the dream, a downtown high-rise apartment for some reason - but as I was going inside I saw that a couple women were bending down to help the poor kitty. One of them lamented that no one else would stop to help him

I woke up feeling so fucking bad that I didn't help the poor guy. I'm such a bad man :tear:
Last time I went to the dentist, he wanted to do three fillings. Only one had a cavity, another had an old filling that fractured, and the last was just a place where food regularly became trapped.

Went in today to do two of the three fillings, and he inspected the one with a cavity for awhile, then brought out the xrays, and looked a bit more, and decided that I either improved, or they hadn't looked closely enough during the cleaning.

Either way, I only had two fillings today, and I don't have to go back for a third.

Yay me.

On the other hand, one of the teeth that had the replaced filling is really sensitive to the process. I don't use anesthesia, and usually it's uncomfortable, but nothing more. Today it was almost painful, but not quite. The other tooth was fine though - he didn't have to drill as deep, and that particular tooth isn't as sensitive I suppose.


Staff member
Yikes, no anesthesia?

:tear: I'm listening to a recording of my niece singing "My Bonnie" and "Dumb Dog" (from Annie) when she was 3. It was right before her tonsilectomy, so she's all sick-sounding, and her voice is so small compared to now. It's lovely to have this little memory on my mp3 player... it'll pop up on shuffle and remind me of this little joy who came into my life and reminded me to dream and imagine. I think I'll call her tomorrow.

Philosopher B.

Man I'm glad I've never had any major dentistry done to my ass. It's in and out, clean my teeth and then I'm shot of that joint.
I have several cavities that I am trying to ignore because I can't afford to have them filled. I realize I'm only causing more problems, but rent and food always wins against the ability to eat chocolate with impunity.

Philosopher B.

Oh, the dream I woke up to this morning.

I was walking down a street, just coming out of a tunnel it seemed like, when I saw this brown and black patchy stray cat in terrible condition. He looked so pitiful, and it seemed like he had a gaping wound, a horrific cancerous growth or something like that on his backside just out of my view. He was a fat, hulking garfield of a cat, too. Everything about him screamed \"HELP ME PLEASE\" like a pitiful whimper.

But did I help him? No. I offered him a sympathetic \"awww, poor fellow\" but I walked on past him to wherever I was heading. The poor little puss followed me but I did nothing but hope he would stop following me. I was relieved to finally reach my home - in the dream, a downtown high-rise apartment for some reason - but as I was going inside I saw that a couple women were bending down to help the poor kitty. One of them lamented that no one else would stop to help him

I woke up feeling so fucking bad that I didn't help the poor guy. I'm such a bad man :tear:

Speaking of dreams, I had one the other day in which I kept taking running starts in the fields behind my house and then rising up into the air, soaring high above the land, dipping and flowing with the air currents while touching down but intermittently. It was pretty fucking rad. Flying dreams are the best. I wish I had them more often.
I have several cavities that I am trying to ignore because I can't afford to have them filled. I realize I'm only causing more problems, but rent and food always wins against the ability to eat chocolate with impunity.
If you brush after each meal, and floss once a day, you may actually be able to reverse the decay - at least for those cavities that haven't progressed very far. They'll re-integrate minerals and reharden.

It's cheaper than waiting for the telltale toothache that requires a very expensive root canal operation and crown. But once that comes, you'll be willing to pull the tooth out yourself with pliers it'll hurt so bad. And if you don't take care of that, it's only a short trip to sepsis and blood poisoning. In the bad old days, cavities could kill...

So... yeah... dental health is important.


Brush and floss lots...

Occasional Poster

I have several cavities that I am trying to ignore because I can't afford to have them filled. I realize I'm only causing more problems, but rent and food always wins against the ability to eat chocolate with impunity.
If you brush after each meal, and floss once a day, you may actually be able to reverse the decay - at least for those cavities that haven't progressed very far. They'll re-integrate minerals and reharden.


I did not know that tooth decay was reversible. That's very interesting, thank you! :thumbsup:
I have several cavities that I am trying to ignore because I can't afford to have them filled. I realize I'm only causing more problems, but rent and food always wins against the ability to eat chocolate with impunity.
If you brush after each meal, and floss once a day, you may actually be able to reverse the decay - at least for those cavities that haven't progressed very far. They'll re-integrate minerals and reharden.


I did not know that tooth decay was reversible. That's very interesting, thank you! :thumbsup:[/QUOTE]

Yeah, as long as the cavity hasn't gone past the enamel into the dentin:

In fact if you ask your dentist you can get prescriptions for more powerful flouride toothpaste that may help this process.
Going to need some good fortune, a bit of luck and some good timing in the upcoming weeks. This time next friday I will be driving down to AZ for a week (and couple days) camping event known as Estrella War!!! When I get back, I'm going to be taking look at a house that I'm interested in. The problem is we couldn't afford it with the current house, so the plan is to 1) walk through it to ensure it is what we are looking for and worth what they are asking and if so 2) put in a conditional offer (condition being that we are able to sell our condo) 3) hope they are willing to accept a conditional offer that is about 35k less than they are asking.

Not extremely likely but you never know.
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