The Random Crap Thread

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---------- Post added at 08:04 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:50 PM ----------

Oh, the dream I woke up to this morning.

I was walking down a street, just coming out of a tunnel it seemed like, when I saw this brown and black patchy stray cat in terrible condition. He looked so pitiful, and it seemed like he had a gaping wound, a horrific cancerous growth or something like that on his backside just out of my view. He was a fat, hulking garfield of a cat, too. Everything about him screamed "HELP ME PLEASE" like a pitiful whimper.

But did I help him? No. I offered him a sympathetic "awww, poor fellow" but I walked on past him to wherever I was heading. The poor little puss followed me but I did nothing but hope he would stop following me. I was relieved to finally reach my home - in the dream, a downtown high-rise apartment for some reason - but as I was going inside I saw that a couple women were bending down to help the poor kitty. One of them lamented that no one else would stop to help him

I woke up feeling so fucking bad that I didn't help the poor guy. I'm such a bad man :tear:

You realise this is your avatar telling you you've been ignoring HF too much, right? :-P

Kitty Sinatra

You realise this is your avatar telling you you've been ignoring HF too much, right? :-P

Well then, I must double and redouble my (pointless) efforts. No lame joke shall go unjoked, no unwitty comment passed up, no political jab left unjabbed. I shall be Gruebeard, Hollow, Smurfhole, Alt and all other alts all at once. Every day, every hour of everyday. No thread shall be spared.
Oh, the PETA thing?

The Canadian government wouldn't condone a stripper strutting her stuff in downtown Kandahar, I don't understand how a PETA protester bashing on the Seal hunt in downtown St. John's could expect any warmer a welcome.

I am honestly surprised that she was not physically harmed.
Oh, the PETA thing?

The Canadian government wouldn't condone a stripper strutting her stuff in downtown Kandahar, I don't understand how a PETA protester bashing on the Seal hunt in downtown St. John's could expect any warmer a welcome.

I am honestly surprised that she was not physically harmed.[/QUOTE]

Is this the thing where OZFM (orKrock) punk'd the NFLD PETA?

So, near where I live, I found a neighborhood where the developers must have been really taken with Houston.
These street names are all street names that I used to live on or near around the Westheimer/Galleria area of Houston back when I was making "internet money". These street names kind of invoke a nouveau riche imagery of the Houston area for me. Kind of funny, though it probably won't mean much to anyone here.
Is this the thing where OZFM (orKrock) punk'd the NFLD PETA?
The breakdown:

Stephen Harper (Prime Minister of Canada) is in St. John's to address ... something to do with the construction industry.

A single person representing PETA flies across the continent from Vancouver, intending to protest the seal hunt at the event.

Local radio station K-Rock catches wind and contacts the protester, offering to help her protest.

Protest begins, and shortly a K-Rock employee shows up dressed in a giant seal costume helping the girl protest.

Shortly into the protest, the costumed K-Rock employee tears off the head of his costume and begins to denounce PETA.

Another local man, also in costume (this one a Newfoundland Dog) arrives on the scene, misunderstands what is happening, and pies the seal-costume wearing man. This is ironic, since the guy in the seal costume was in the middle of denouncing PETA.

K-Rock employee departs, and somehow the lone protester gets ahold of the seal costume, dons it, and continues to protest.

Later, the Newfoundland Dog costumed man returns with another pie, apparently realizing his earlier mistake. He gets it right and pies the PETA protester, who is now wearing the seal costume. In order to do this, he has to rip the head off the costume.

The Newfoundland Dog costumed man disappears into the night. Eventually Police arrive and advise the PETA girl that she is putting herself in extreme danger by continuing to protest.

I'm not sure what happens after that, but I think it's pretty much the end of the story anyhow.

Here's an article on

EDIT: After reading the article, it turns out I got the story wrong. There was only one pie, and it didn't hit the K-Rock employee. The K-Rock employee denounced PETA, and departed, and then as the protester was putting the costume on, the Newfoundland Dog pied her and took off into the night (and by night, we mean mid-afternoon).

Kitty Sinatra

Well dang. One of my pillow covers escaped the washing machine while I was drowning its kin. Now I have 3 clean pillow covers and 1 dirty one.

Kitty Sinatra

I have 4 pillows for my pimp-sized bed. I really kinda need 6, though.

I also don't happen to have any Febreeze :(

---------- Post added at 10:48 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:45 AM ----------

Apparently he's a four-headed alien. I knew it all along!
Whatever reply is made to this post should really be by espy, our cigarette-smoking baby.
I just read on their site that Phil and Kaja Foglio (creators of Girl Genius) won't be attending the ECCC this year. And I was so looking forward to meeting them. :(
Jet is imitating us now. The husband has a cold and is coughing a lot, so the baby is coughing when ever he does and clearing his throat when he does. Now he's clapping like I just was singing 'Happy and You Know it'.

So fucking cute.
Each year, we are told to celebrate Valentine's day as a romantic holiday, and yet both my son's day care and my daughter's elementary school have policies in place stating that children should bring in cards for all class mates, including those of the same gender.


This message brought to you be The Council For Conservative Overreactions.


Staff member
Pbbt. They ought to be totally hands off, so that only the popular kids get valentines, leaving the ugly, quiet kids to fend for themselves. Hey, they need to get less ugly and louder, because everyone has the same chance to be popular and loud. If they don't, it's their problem they're crying softly in the back of the classroom, not the popular kids' problem.

This message brought to you by The Council for Conservative Overractions, too.


Staff member
Who the smurf is Gargamel?
He is the smurf who's constantly trying to smurf the Smurfs so he can smurf himself some smurf. Or something. Maybe he was just smurfing smurfy. Or smurf Smurfette in the smurf while smurfing a smurf. With a smurf.[/QUOTE]


That's what I said, you smurf-smurfing little smurfer. I'm still smurfing for that apology, you smurf.
I only went on Wikipedia for a second, I swear! My friend posted on Facebook that she was going to Cuba in a few days, and I wanted to reply with "Say Hi to Raúl for me!" But then I didn't know if I had spelled Raul properly.

A few hyperlinks later, and I discover that two hours have passed, in which I have read all about Raúl, Fidel, the history of Cuba, American-Cuban relations, Cuban-Vatican relations, pope Pius XII, the Vatican's international relations during the second world war, ending when I realized that I was beginning to read an article on Croatia.

Somebody needs to turn of Wikipedia so I can read an actual book. I probably read enough Wikipedia in a week to constitute an entire paperback novel, but it's difficult to quantify, so I can't impress people with it. Except when my mother gives me a look and asks why I know so much about the Falklands war.
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