L4D 2 - Nov 17

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Again, they're being charged because of X-box live. Not an issue with PC Steam.
Perhaps, but this is looking to be a rather sizeable update. We're getting...

For Sure:
- New Campaign (2-4 maps)
- Two New Weapons (New Melee and New Ranged. Hopefully something special, like a Flamethrower or Crossbow/Bow/Speargun.)
- 1 New Game Mode (I'm guessing some sort of 4 vs 4, Survivor only version of Scavenge)
- 1 New Uncommon Infected (Infected Survivor Uncommon? They were working on one.)

Probable Additions:
- The ability to use the Original Survivors in Left 4 Dead 2's other modes.

That's much more than we ever got for Crash Course. It's probably just nothing... but I have a bad feeling Valve is gonna start selling out soon.
Well from the sounds of it the game is getting a whole new feel. If they are somehow linking the four original survivors with the new ones for L4D2 the big question is how. The game has always been 4 player co-op. Will they be increasing it to 8 player for that particular campaign? Or will we just have our pick of the 8 survivors and it will remain a 4 player game? Or will there be a trade-off mid level where, much like a RE game, you play another person for a few pivotal points in the game?

And if it is an 8 player co-op, does that mean that the VS element will be 16 players?

And how do the stories interact if the next campaign happens right after Dead Center? The survivors have a stock car and a full tank of gas at that point. Wouldn't it have made better sense to pick up the story after The Parish campaign?

I'm still interested in knowing if the Military has plans on killing the L4D2 survivors much like they were killing off other "carriers".
And how do the stories interact if the next campaign happens right after Dead Center? The survivors have a stock car and a full tank of gas at that point. Wouldn't it have made better sense to pick up the story after The Parish campaign?
It's probably something like Hard Rain: The car needs more gas (as stock cars burn through it rather fast) or part of it breaks and they need to fix it. Alternatively, they come across a roadblock and need to clear it. This leads them to an area where the original four are stranded (Airplane from Dead Air couldn't make it all the way to a port so they could get to the cruise ships or something) and both teams need to work together to get out of town alive.

The good news is that since they are somehow including the original survivors, that means they may have the ability to include new characters in future DLC. I would fucking love to play as the Midnight Riders, as they try to escape from wherever their helicopter lands.


Staff member
It's probably just nothing... but I have a bad feeling Valve is gonna start selling out soon.
Yeah, I've got that same worry. It's pretty clear L4D2 was a full game, and not an expansion or gradual release of DLC, because of the Xbox 360. It will be interesting to see if concessions to get their games on consoles will turn into adopting console pricing structures.

The only reason the console TF2 players haven't gotten the updates is because Microsoft wanted to charge for each individual update. Valve is holding off until all the classes have been updated before releasing that stuff on the console so people don't feel cheated for the price.
They've also had some issues with memory and having to work to free up RAM to add in the additional models but, yeah, 360 gamers have had to wait mostly because MS wants to charge for everything it can. Hopefully Valve is puzzled by MS's behavior (and all the lost Orange Box sales, and lost XBLive subscriptions they've missed out on) and not inspired by it.
I also suspect they'll charge for the PC version. It says at the bottom of the update, "Pricing will be announced closer to launch." That suggests to me they're not planning on making the PC or 360 versions free.
Probable Additions:
- The ability to use the Original Survivors in Left 4 Dead 2's other modes.
Looks like it's only a cameo: http://www.gametrailers.com/news/first-left-4-dead-2-dlc-announced/1662


Now I know what you’re all thinking. Why would this crazy writer put up a picture of the original Left 4 Dead cast when CLEARLY this new DLC is for Left 4 Dead 2. Well my friends, if you bare with me, there is a reason for my insanity.

Valve has dropped the details on The Passing, the first DLC for its Game Of The Year nominee Left 4 Dead 2 and the new content will feature the return of Bill, Zoey, Lois and Francis! Now, before we all get excited and start fighting about who gets to be Bill, I should inform you that players will still be playing with Coach, Ellis, Rochelle and Nick, but will be crossing paths with the old crew at some point in the new campaign. The nature of the crossing is currently unknown but honestly does it really matter? Seeing the old crew in any way, shape, or form will be epic and bring back nostalgic memories of Bill and Francis bickering at each other while holding back a Tank and a legion of the undead.

Anyway, I digress; the DLC will bring more to the table then just a new mission, which for the record takes place between Dead Center and Dark Carnival. The pack will also include a new Uncommon Infected, new Survival, Scavenge and Versus maps, a new co-op mode (currently a complete mystery), a new firearm AND a new melee weapon to play with. All this will be coming in Spring 2010 to Xbox 360 and Steam.

Now, after reading this, can fans find a reason not to drool a bit? I certainly can’t and with Valve being the Santa Claus of video game developers the odds are PC gamers will get this free and Xbox 360 owns will probably have to pay a small fee. We’ll of course keep you posted as more details emerge.


Oh, and it's Uncommon Common Infected... ;)
That only applies to the campaign. It doesn't say anything about the other modes, or if they will or won't be including the old characters as a future option. Considering how many people have been asking them to do it, I think Valve would be stupid not to at least consider it.
Well good luck then.
Ir's basically going to come down to whether or not Valve has the survivors physically meet up with each other. If they do, then the models are there and there really isn't any reason not to expect them not to include it as an option. If they don't meet up like that, then it's just a shout out and they are just fucking with us. Again.

Honestly... the guys at Valve are almost as big of trolls as Hideo Kojima. "Did you rike it?" and all that.
I just played a VS match on another modded server. The server admin cloned every survivor 3 times, with the clones being computer controlled bots. That's a total of 16 survivors against 4 player controlled SI.

I wonder how the SI players felt when they saw an army of survivors barreling towards them...


Been trying Expert mode, without a solid team, it's just flat out impossible to pass any kind of Horde situation.
It is really hard. The team have to know EXACTLY what they are doing and keep the crossfire to a minimum. Also, the team have to work really close together and keep boomer and spitter at bay.

I try it and 5 seconds on spit = dead (or less than that)
Some idiot will wake a witch. That's an instant death. A tank will spawn and wipe 2 people out before they even realize it's around. A smoker will hold someone for more than 4seconds, that's a an incapacitation. Horde will spawn and surround someone, that's an incapcitation.

I won't even bother mentioning finales.


Some idiot will wake a witch. That's an instant death. A tank will spawn and wipe 2 people out before they even realize it's around. A smoker will hold someone for more than 4seconds, that's a an incapacitation. Horde will spawn and surround someone, that's an incapcitation.

I won't even bother mentioning finales.
yup. A single infected can hit you 4 times and you are incap :( it is pretty tough. I'm willing to give it a shot if you are on.

I have been playing some TF2 lately ;) it is fun practicing sniper.
Expert Mode is actually hard in this one, unlike Left 4 Dead 1 where you could all just take Auto-Shottys and be assured you'd win. In all honesty, the thing that makes it so hard is the introduction of the Spitter. In L4D1, if you had a horde coming, you could ALWAYS find a corner and hold up. You do that here and the game will almost always spawn a Spitter to kill you. The nerfing of the Shotguns makes it harder too... but the Magnum is your best friend in Expert. It will ALWAYS kill a Common infected in one shot and it can pierce through another one or two guys too.

Tanks can be dealt with easily as long as everyone knows to pour it on with Combat Rifles or AKs (I recommend Combat Rifles... less chance of FF that way). You can also take advantage of it's throwing animation to school it with Melee weapons. I've seen a tank fall on expert in less than 10 seconds when being ganged up on with melee weapons. You just need to be careful if you try it.
I can hold my weight in Expert mode. I'm out of town till Tuesday but when I get back I'm all for it.
I agree that the magnum is an essential. Not only is it a great weapon to help you save ammunition, but when you get incapped it will help you clear the zombies beating on you.

I haven't taken on a witch in Expert yet. In Advanced I can sneak up on them and usually dispose of them quickly with a shotgun. I'm not sure if they would be that easy to kill in Expert. I can only imagine though that we can't always get lucky with witch placement. If one's in our way, we may have to deal with her. Crowing a witch seems to be the way to go.


Staff member
What we really need to do is an all Halforums Versus match. We've got at least 8 forumites who own the game. Can we find a time for 8 of us to get online at the same time, though?
I don't see why not, if we pick some particular weekend and time. Might be tough right now though. After this weekend, it's Christmas and New Year's, so maybe sometime in January.


Staff member
Oh, yeah, I keep forgetting you people have those... things. The ones where you do stuff outside your house with other people.

Lives! That's the word I was looking for. I knew it was a gaming term. I was thinking "Power-ups" but I knew that wasn't right.

Damn inconvenient around the holiday season, if you ask me.


If you ever seen Chicago 'Specialfucker' Ted or Chicago 'Tallahassee' Ted on, that's me. What's your guys steam names? I'll pretty much be playing L4D2 nonstop.


Staff member
If you ever seen Chicago 'Specialfucker' Ted or Chicago 'Tallahassee' Ted on, that's me. What's your guys steam names? I'll pretty much be playing L4D2 nonstop.
There's a sticky thread for Steam names (and XBLA, etc.). If you post there make sure you give your account name, and not your nickname, otherwise people will have a hard time adding you. There are dozens of Chicago Teds on Steam.


I'm still very much L4D1 style, with dual wield pistols and autoshotty. I spam pills everywhere to avoid having to use medkits and so I can rush the map. I also mostly hunt by hearing.


Been trying Expert mode, without a solid team, it's just flat out impossible to pass any kind of Horde situation.
Not true, I specialize in one-man army tactics. Either wall of fire or pipes bombs will do fine in obliterating most of them, which you can then finish off with a shotgun. Depending on where you are, room + door + shotgun will stop even the fiercest hordes as long as you alternate (push back, fire into crowd, push back). Failing that, if you're caught in an open street keep hopping backwards with the shotgun. If you do it right, the horde will follow in a cone shaped formation which you can decimate with the shotgun. Pop any pills you have while meleeing. Anything that funnels the horde into a corridor or staircase will help. If you're on any level lower than advanced or in versus, fire thrown at your feet is very very helpful.

If you get hit, you immediately slow down, so you need to get them off you (melee) before you do any running, otherwise you're pretty much fucked.


Smokers are the only ones that can consistently mess me up. I can detect and ambush hunters easily, as well as boomers. Since smokers are ranged and have aimbot, I know where they are, but they can usually hit me before I can hit them. Usually I try moving from cover to cover, or throwing fire at them.

With boomers, they're easy to hear and you usually get a feel for where they'll try to ambush you. If you're hit, then you follow the same procedures that you would use as against a horde.

Usually I ambush hunters by firing through the walls at them, shooting them as they creep around corners, slamming doors in their faces. If we're on open ground, you dodge in a spiral step, the hunter will be consistently off-put. This throws your aim off as well and if you close the spiral too much, you'll end up being a sitting duck. If they're at close range, you have the advantage because you can melee them and then finish them off. Otherwise, your only choice is to bat them with a melee out of mid-air and I only get lucky with that about a third of the time.

Your team sucking is pretty bad, but if you have one guy you can trust to watch your back, even having two deadbeats is not a dealbreaker.
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