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Walk up to them with this expression:

Then say, "The hammer is my penis."

They will either love you forever or be thoroughly confused. Either way, mission accomplished!
My gf became unemployed.

teh win: now that job safety is no longer a concern she's looking for new jobs in my area and after almost 8 years of long distance relationship (250 km) we'll finally share a flat for more then the weekends.
Nice Zen :)

Awesome Just me!

An d Gusto: first question after introduction obviously has to be "now, which one was it you wanted in the threesome tonight?".
I ate 1 lb of green chilli and then proceeded to rip ass so hard I made my boss run for his office during a meeting.

Wasabi Poptart

Without my even mentioning I wanted it, the husband came home with this for me tonight:

I was going to show this to my husband and mention it would be a good present for my birthday (which is this Tuesday, btw, so you all better buy me something nice!). I'm getting a necklace and lap desk instead.
I've been trying and trying to find a good lapdesk, but nothing's been better than this ugly slab of foamcore, unfortunately.

Finished off "Curious Village" last night so I could start the new one. It's neat that #2 has a code to unlock a section of #1, and that #3 will have one for #2, etc.
According to Wikipedia, they are up to game 4. Game 5 has been announced. As for the manual referencing the sequel... it took them a year and half to translate the second game. It kept getting delayed so we never really had any idea if the next game was even coming out.

Personally though, I want to hear that SOMEBODY is going to translate the movie when it comes out. There currently aren't any plans, but I really fucking want to see it.
Did my first clan dungeon run in Kingdom of Loathing and it was the most difficult kind, but we succeeded and *I* did not ruin it despite the odds being stacked against me. (Seriously, I was kinda underpowered and it's not like a 10-man where you can just carry one sucky player.)

On the downside it took five hours and pushed me into a really good crash, but on the upside it was fun.
Yeah, that's pretty awesome. I've always wanted to play Shadow of the Colossus on one of those, with the epic music blasting out of the speakers.
Last shift at the private club I work at was today. Free at last.

For seven months I have worked with this insufferable asshole who is forty, living in his mother's basement, staring at any female members under 50. Making sexual and sexist remarks all shift, going on about how all women embody Freud's Hysterics of Women or whatever the fuck it's called -having never read it, I only have his word to go on, it is ridiculously shit.

I complained over and over, only to be ignored, no one ever spoke to him. Finally, after securing a new part-time job, I was able to submit my two weeks'. And today was my last day.

I told my obnoxious and now former acquaintance to go fuck himself as I left. The look on his face was wonderful.

I told my obnoxious and now former acquaintance to go fuck himself as I left. The look on his face was wonderful.

More husband win: brought me home a couple of great cross-stitch kits. I'm loving getting back into it (and I have a lot more patience for it now than I did in high school), and I finally have something to do while listening to podcasts. I'm already planning some designs of my own, for way down the line.

More husband win: brought me home a couple of great cross-stitch kits. I'm loving getting back into it (and I have a lot more patience for it now than I did in high school), and I finally have something to do while listening to podcasts. I'm already planning some designs of my own, for way down the line.
Sweaters for the kittehs are inbound?
The flu is spreading like Heidi Montag's knees around here and my two year old niece has had a really high fever. Since the boyfriend isn't working yet, my sister had to drop my nephew at my apartment so she could make sure he wouldn't be exposed to any other sick kids at the doctor's office. This was totally unexpected and a complete emergency, and she felt bad about it. She never likes to "dump" her kids on anyone...

I just got a text from the boyfriend of my nephew at McDonald's with a cheeseburger patty hanging out of his mouth... looks like they are having fun together!

Seriously, what guy in his right mind would take a three year old, who is not related to him, and keep him wonderfully occupied for a few hours? And actually have fun?

I know if the shoe was on my foot, I wouldn't be as cheerful. I think I'm quite a lucky gal :D


Staff member
My brother's friend Andrew is a composer with really nice recording and production stuff at his house. So he and I are going to go there and made a demo. THEN we're going to perform together. AND I just met someone on campus who performs house shows with a group of people (who happens to know my brother also) and he wants us to come play sometime.

What a nice afternoon. I talked music with my new pal, and very soon I get to go record some stuff with my lil bro. ^_^ Yay me, and yay Leon!
You should do a pillow with the :Leyla:
I have a number of projects ahead of me but by the time I finish them, if this place hasn't imploded or been shut down by the authorities, that was definitely on my mind as a project.

Got some good win for my blog today. It was mentioned on another that I'm a big fan of, Skepchick (, in "Quickies" for Sept. 1), and I've been invited to be on the Skeptically Speaking podcast in October to talk about chronic illness and skepticism.

I'm kinda excited right now. :)
DragonCon in a few days!


Look for me if you go, Chris is the name and I'd be happy to shake a Halforumite's hand.

Also, awesome Zen! :D
Aw, thanks, you guys! The blog got a really nice boost in hits today, with a concurrent swelling of my head of course. They should both go back to normal shortly.

You know, I wasn't jealous of Blizzcon because I've been, or Comic-Con because of the logistics, but DragonCon sounds like lots of fun and there are all these people going or presenting who I'd love to meet.
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