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2x6x10' treated lumber is only $8.13.


Awesome. I'm building me a shed. This sort of thing costs twice as much in a normal building economy, but the fall construction drop-off and the generally lousy economy makes for dirt cheap wood.

We've disassembled most of our deck to turn into some of the shed, and we'll buy the other parts. We were estimating about $1k for a 12'x16' shed with a kids playplace 2nd story, but it looks like it's going to be much cheaper than expected.

Win, win, win, win, win.

Oh, it also means I'm likely to add a framing nail gun to my arsenal of tools. MMMMMMMM, more power...

Adam, your wife is so lucky!!!!! :)
She's thrilled. We were planning on doing a shed over the summer, but finances weren't working out. Some time ago we were out on the deck, bemoaning how poor a condition it was in, and I mused, "You know... There's a lot of good lumber in this crummy deck (it's about a 14' x 30' deck)" And she decided that if we could afford a shed she'd be willing to give up the deck. In the end we left a very small bit of deck (flipping the boards over) so we had room for a table and the grill, and a nice step down into the yard.

But yeah, we should be able to fit both cars in the garage for the bad part of winter if I can get this done soon enough...

Adam, your wife is so lucky!!!!! :)
No joke. He's been giving her dirt cheap wood for years.[/quote]

I couldn't afford dirt cheap wood before. All I could give her was whatever wood happened to pop up randomly.



Staff member
*victory dance*

Finally! Fuckin' finally!

If I seem to be posting a LOT lately it's because, after 2 weeks of being completely shut off, my apartment complex has fixed the crappy internet, and now it's way faster.... which means I was finally able to upload videos!

Nine out of ten grad school applications completed! And I don't have to finish the next one til next week when I return from my expenses-paid-for trip to University of Michigan! :D
Baby was christened yesterday. He now has a soul!

Also had a great after party. The food was delish!
Awww, I could have come to see it![/QUOTE]

Dude! I don't even know what you look like! :p[/QUOTE]

Would have been a perfect opportunity to find out :p

Besides, I could have found you. It's not often a church baptizes an infant ender-of-existence.[/QUOTE]

That's why we has the baptism on a Saturday.

On Sundays he reverts to his true form and kills a small country.
Baby was christened yesterday. He now has a soul!

Also had a great after party. The food was delish!
Awww, I could have come to see it![/QUOTE]

Dude! I don't even know what you look like! :p[/QUOTE]

Would have been a perfect opportunity to find out :p

Besides, I could have found you. It's not often a church baptizes an infant ender-of-existence.[/QUOTE]

That's why we has the baptism on a Saturday.

On Sundays he reverts to his true form and kills a small country.[/QUOTE]

Ooh. Save up the next few Sundays and take care of France for me, would you?
Baby was christened yesterday. He now has a soul!

Also had a great after party. The food was delish!
Awww, I could have come to see it![/QUOTE]

Dude! I don't even know what you look like! :p[/QUOTE]

Would have been a perfect opportunity to find out :p

Besides, I could have found you. It's not often a church baptizes an infant ender-of-existence.[/QUOTE]

That's why we has the baptism on a Saturday.

On Sundays he reverts to his true form and kills a small country.[/QUOTE]

Ooh. Save up the next few Sundays and take care of France for me, would you?[/QUOTE]

We could take care of France in one day. They'd all surrender before he could revert to his true form.

How about Quebec? They're feisty!
Baby was christened yesterday. He now has a soul!

Also had a great after party. The food was delish!
Awww, I could have come to see it![/QUOTE]

Dude! I don't even know what you look like! :p[/QUOTE]

Would have been a perfect opportunity to find out :p

Besides, I could have found you. It's not often a church baptizes an infant ender-of-existence.[/QUOTE]

That's why we has the baptism on a Saturday.

On Sundays he reverts to his true form and kills a small country.[/QUOTE]

Ooh. Save up the next few Sundays and take care of France for me, would you?[/QUOTE]

We could take care of France in one day. They'd all surrender before he could revert to his true form.

How about Quebec? They're feisty![/QUOTE]

Very well. They've given us Poutine already. There probably isn't any more good left in them.

Much like Mustard. I only put up with it's existence because it's served as an intermediary state from which we derived Honey-Mustard.
Ummm...Some small countries are sort of nice. Could you sort of skip over Belgium and the Netherlands? It'd be much appreciated. Go right ahead with Luxemburg, though. Nobody'll miss them.

In my news, spent €240 on board games today, including 5 or 6 belated birthday presents for various friends, so that's good, and a bunch of games for myself i really wanted. 11 games in all :-D Whoo!
-> Sultan (supposedly not very good, but a friend wanted it, and it pretty much came free with two others)
-> DarWinci (Carwin/Davinci/archaeology game...kinda fun)
-> Le Havre (awesomegame, spiritual successor to Agricola)
-> Opera (my brother's an opera fanatic, and a board game nerd, so;...Guess who's getting this for his birthday?)
-> Dominion: the Intrigue (stand-alone expansion to an awesome game)
-> Ticket to Ride Märklin collector's Edition (awesome version of an awesome game)
-> San Fransisco Cable Car + expansion
-> Montego Bay (birthday present)
-> Micro Mutants (birthday present)
-> Adel Verplflichtet (in german, birthday gift for a German-speaking friend)
-> Collector's Editon Complete edition of Heroes of Might & Magic (all 5 games, art book, all expansions, tarot game set, t-shirt, strategy guide, ...)

Ooohh yeah.
This weekend I got to spend time with my nephew and niece individually. I love them so much and was really happy to play with them!!!


Cut/pasted from the "Rant about Positive Things" thread which I'll now request to be changed or deleted. ;)

So late last night, it was turning into a thing I was going to come on here and rant about negatively. I was biking home from work and my back tire just went "POP!". Frick.

I'm walking home and just starting to cross through this small parking lot in my neightborhood when a voice says "Excuse me!" from behind. I stop, turn around and this cute Japanese girl comse up. Her English isn't fantastic, but I've heard worse. She asks if I'm walking the same way (toward my street). I say yep, that I just live up the street. She asks if she could walk with me because she was scared.

Me being a strong believer in chivalry, of course I say yes. And I wind up walking her all the way home, as well, which was a bit further up the street (about a block away). We chat the time. 28 years old and she had just moved here from Japan about four months ago to learn English. A class assignment was to approach people in the city and start talking to them to hear different ways people speak English.

Assignment or no, I thought she was darn cute. So, I walk her home and start walking my flat-tire'd bike and smack myself in the forehead: I didn't give her my number. I walk back home, lock my bike up, go in and tell my roommate about it. I decide "Screw it! What are the odds that I'd run into her again in this city?" I walk back to her house, knock on the door and tell her if she'd like to hang out sometimes, here's my cell # and hand her a piece of paper with my name and number.

I get home and she texted me shortly after to thank me for walking her home and hopes to see me again soon. :D


Holy crap, this day just gets better.

So, does anyone remember a few weeks back, when I was getting depressed about this stupid assignment for my Literary Non-Fiction course? I was stressing over it so much that I was considering dropping out of school or at least the course.

The assingment was to take a Non-Fiction article, analyze it and then write my own short (250 word) essay in that same style. I had a horrible time trying to analyze it, so the professor suggested just taking each sentence of the essay and re-writing it into my own.

Just got an e-mail from the professor today.

The mark was 8.3/10.

I got an A!

Wasabi Poptart

I walk back to her house, knock on the door and tell her if she'd like to hang out sometimes, here's my cell # and hand her a piece of paper with my name and number.

I get home and she texted me shortly after to thank me for walking her home and hopes to see me again soon. :D

That's great, Nick!
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