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8.3/10 is an A?

I'm guessing that was supposed to be 9.3. If so, congrats! If not... more schooling for you!
8.3 = 83%

I dunno about elsewhere, but here, I was always told it works out like this:
100-80% = A
80-65% = B
65-55% = C
55-50% = D
0-50% = F
Apparently the faculty select who they meet with at the visit I'm going to at Michigan. One of the professors does research with friggin' robotic exoskeletons. I can't wait!
All this grade translation is actually pretty cool.

While we're on the subject of academia, something cool happened to me today. Maybe not an epic win, but ...

I called my friend who works at the university to see if he wanted to go see a movie tonight. The local theater was showing Ghostbusters, and it had already been far too long since I last saw it. While he was trying to work out if he could make it or not, he mentioned that he was attending a lecture at 5. Through conversation, it turned out that it was a talk being given by Elizabeth Blackburn, one of the three recipients of the Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine this year.

I am not a biology-minded person, but I expressed my interest in tagging along. You never know what you might pick up, and I'm glad I went.

Afterwords though, there was a bit of a meet-and-greet in the lobby of the building, where there were finger foods. My friend and I stuck around for a bit, because ... free food! We saw people we recognized, chatted a bit, and whatever, and then suddenly I was struck with a strange thought. Dr. Blackburn was about eight feet away, with her back turned, having a conversation with some academics or something. I looked down at my glass of water, and realized that if I was fully capable in that moment, of hurling that glass at the recipient of a Nobel prize.

Later, while I was examining the spread of food, she appeared, reaching in to grab something very close to me. Again, I was struck by the fact that I was fully capable of punching her.

Actually ... when I first thought this, and again when I started to type it, I thought that was kind of funny. But now that I re-read what I just wrote out, I'm actually a little concerned for myself.
Oh also, I am going to another party this weekend, and staying at the girl who I was flirting with's place again. She mentioned she won't be putting out blankets and sheets for the futon or couch.

Got vaccinated for H1N1 today. Both my jobs were offering vaccinations. The only thing is that neither place was prepared for such a turnout, which I think is funny. The government spends all this time telling people they should get vaccinated, and then is unprepared when they get huge turnout.

Anyhow, this is something overheard in the line:
Woman 1: The line hasn't moved since I got here. One person's gone in.
Woman 2: Has anyone come out?
Woman 1: No.
Man 1: Maybe they died...
Woman 1: Well, there haven't been any sirens, so probably not.
Man 2: There aren't any sirens on a hearse ...
Why must you all be the screen door on my submarine?
At least you can use her bath sponge as a pillow. That's almost as good as sexual intimacy.[/QUOTE]


Seriously, though, way to go bud. ^_^[/QUOTE]

Thanks. Now if I could get this job thing sorted out, life would be right as rain.[/QUOTE]

So a funny thing happened.

Work just called me and will be loading me up with 35-40+ hours a week, AND still give me this weekend off PLUS the week I wanted off to go home for Thanksgiving.

This plus everything else going on makes me happier than I have been in a really long time. Things are definitely looking up!
Job happiness AND you get to sleep in a hot girl's bathtub?

CK's cup runneth over. ^_^
I know, and I love bathtubs.

I am currently celebrating this good fortune by making some mix CD's, and then the roommate and I are heading to the Mellow Mushroom for pizza and beer when he and his gf get home from work..


Staff member
Job happiness AND you get to sleep in a hot girl's bathtub?

CK's cup runneth over. ^_^
I know, and I love bathtubs.

I am currently celebrating this good fortune by making some mix CD's, and then the roommate and I are heading to the Mellow Mushroom for pizza and beer when he and his gf get home from work..[/QUOTE]

Mellow Mushroom? MELLOW MUSHROOM?! You've got excellent taste in pizza, sir.
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