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Job happiness AND you get to sleep in a hot girl's bathtub?

CK's cup runneth over. ^_^
I know, and I love bathtubs.

I am currently celebrating this good fortune by making some mix CD's, and then the roommate and I are heading to the Mellow Mushroom for pizza and beer when he and his gf get home from work..[/QUOTE]

Mellow Mushroom? MELLOW MUSHROOM?! You've got excellent taste in pizza, sir.[/QUOTE]

I had it for the first time out here a month or so ago. It's amazing.
This is why my job is awesome:

Today, I'm going to go pick up a kid, and play arcade games for an hour. Then, we're going to go see Astro Boy. Not only will my arcade time and Astro Boy ticket be paid for by the government, I will be getting paid a wage for my time as well.


Woooo! We got a huge fucking blizzard, normally that would suck, but its bad enough that the government buildings closed. So I get a snow day! (paid too)


Staff member
Just finished putting together the ultimate outfit... something I usually never spend more than 30 seconds of thought on. The fella's going to FREAK. ^_^
This is why my job is awesome:

Today, I'm going to go pick up a kid, and play arcade games for an hour. Then, we're going to go see Astro Boy. Not only will my arcade time and Astro Boy ticket be paid for by the government, I will be getting paid a wage for my time as well.
What job do you have and are they hiring?
Younger brother just sent me a picture of the engagement ring he bought today. He's not sure when he's going to ask his girlfriend the big question, but I'm really happy for him 'cause I know she's been good for him and will continue to be.
This is why my job is awesome:

Today, I'm going to go pick up a kid, and play arcade games for an hour. Then, we're going to go see Astro Boy. Not only will my arcade time and Astro Boy ticket be paid for by the government, I will be getting paid a wage for my time as well.
What job do you have and are they hiring?[/QUOTE]

Damn... seconded.[/QUOTE]

Sounds like a "Big Brother" organization for kids in the foster system.
Yeah, basically this. I don't understand the bureaucracy involved that ends up having the government pay for it and everything, but I don't really understand much about the behind the secens of my job.

As far as I understand it:
I work for Homecare company, who is contracted out by Child Youth and Family Services. CYFS has some sort of reason to think that this family needs a break from their son (who has an intellectual disability), and gets tax dollars to do it. Not really judging. Like I said, I don't know the whole situation, so I'm content just to go to work, and hang out with a pretty decent kid. Besides, I've seen a lot worse. One case I was on involved over a hundred and twenty dollars worth of cab rides every day for just one kid.

Only thing is: this kid is going to get me in trouble. His mother said no gun games or fighting games at the arcade, so I avoided them, trying to get him to play racing games and whack-a-mole. Eventually we stumbled upon a battleship sort of game, which was not technically prohibited. In a moment of weakness, I let him play a single round of the game. For the rest of the three hours, all he would talk about was the 'blowing up submarines game'. It was at the point that during the movie, he kept trying to negotiate with me. "After the next part, can we go back to the submarine game?"


Got a new place to live! And with roommates that feel like I'll get along with better. Two bedroom, living with a gal and her boyfriend. She's a fourth year kineseology student, works at my school's gym and at a bar; he works two jobs, as well.

The room I'm getting is HUGE in comparison to the near-closet I have, now. There's a balcony long one side of the apartment, which includes these huge bay windows, which also translates into my room, as well, so HUGE amount of light in the afternoon.

Best of all? They have a PS3 and a Wii. :D Big screen TV, too.
Got a new place to live! And with roommates that feel like I'll get along with better. Two bedroom, living with a gal and her boyfriend. She's a fourth year kineseology student, works at my school's gym and at a bar; he works two jobs, as well.

The room I'm getting is HUGE in comparison to the near-closet I have, now. There's a balcony long one side of the apartment, which includes these huge bay windows, which also translates into my room, as well, so HUGE amount of light in the afternoon.

Best of all? They have a PS3 and a Wii. :D Big screen TV, too.
did you call that nice girl yet
Baked some pumpkin seeds with extra garlic seasoning and the landlord fixed the bathtub faucet that wouldn't turn off! On the plus side the cat isn't here because we had to hide him from the landlord!


Occasional Poster

I am having a very nice Saturday morning. One and a half hours walk to and from the local Gamestop to pick up my Left4Dead 2 demo code, a pot (kettle?) of tea, a newly baked batch of scones and an episode of Eureka (season 1, just got started with the series). Life is good.
I just slept in for the first time in months. It's almost 1pm here and I just got up, of course I also went to bed about 12 hours ago too.
Well, I finally had a chance to hang around with the redhead I mentioned. Here is how our Halloween night went down:

Chatting with her via Facebook, she tells me that she was feeling down due to sleeping the day away after having not slept for the past few days to do schoolwork. I offer to stop by her dorm to give her a little Halloween candy.

I swing by and we get to talking. We share our interests, passions and knowledge of film. From there, we get to watching Wolf. Now, her roommate and her roommate's boyfriend arrived and cuddled into their bed, but we at least ended the night agreeing on wanting to do this or something like it again sometime. That, and she called me sweet.

YES! It doesn't sound like much, but for me, this has been GREAT!
On a sort of win story. My work installed super nice back massage chairs. These are the nice ones that massage your legs,back neck, everything. You can also recline them back, change the type of massage it does (shiatsu,poke, etc) you can raise the heat and it has built in headphones and music. As soon as they installed them they started getting a line of people. I definitely will be spending as many of my breaks as I can in one :D
Today I got a FULL SIZED AEROGARDEN for $40 bucks!!!!!

They were all on sale for $99.99, but one was accidentally marked down to $39.99!!!!

Just got back from my weekend visiting the University of Michigan. Highlights of the weekend:

-Met a guy in Detroit who turned out to be my roommate at the hotel. We hit it off, joked laughed, realized we had the same interests, and spent the next few hours walking around Ann Arbor.
-Everything was paid for through the University, so we got to go to some GOOD restaurants during the weekend. Got to meet and chat with graduate students for dinner the first night, and made some fast friends.
-Got to meet several professors I want to do research rotations with, even though there was a miscommunication in the school and I missed a meeting with one of them. She tracked me down the next day, though, which was awesome of her.
-Realized I'd fallen in love with the city and the people, and everybody--professors, faculty, students, and just people in general--took the time to ask how we were doing and get to know us.

Great weekend. I really hope I'm accepted.
Today I got a FULL SIZED AEROGARDEN for $40 bucks!!!!!

They were all on sale for $99.99, but one was accidentally marked down to $39.99!!!!

freaking awesome :)

I'll tell ya what Droll told me (and it was good advice)..check the water every couple days. The thing works better full, even if the indicator is still green.

---------- Post added at 07:04 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:03 AM ----------

congrats ravage!
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