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This weekend, I discovered Field Roast Veggie Chorizo sausages. Sweet Zombie Jesus but these things are tasty. I haven't had a decent sausage on a bun since I gave up meat. I've missed it terribly.


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GOOD LORD, I had a fun Mardi Gras, but I'm sooooo glad mom's not the queen anymore. This has been such a fucking demanding season just because of that. I was so happy that she got chosen, and it was really fun, but life is simple again finally! I just have to go to a luncheon this Saturday and sing "What a Wonderful World" for her and dad, THEN I'm through. And there's so much to look forward to in the next few days to kick off my new, simpler semester:

-Catching up with an old friend Friday night, eating take-out and talkin' books and movies. Also probably watching cheesy horror. Nice.

-Saturday night, after the luncheon, fella's takin me to play pool and drink margaritas, then I get to hear my brother lay down some funk, then we're going to get some wings and play trivia.

-Then on Sunday I do laundry, like usual.... not epic, but relaxing.

Now all I gotta do is power through 2 busy class days.


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Awww, I've always wanted to experience Mardi Gras :)

Also, took my thesis to the bookbinder's today. In thirty-one hours and counting, I'll be holding four bound issues. Two for the university, one for me, one for the folks.

The fact that I can go to a public lecture on Global Warming with my friends at all make me happy. Add to it that we managed to stay out until 3 am afterward, and I think I'm one of the luckiest men alive.

This is not the first time it's happened. We went to a seminar to celebrate the anniversary of the publication of The Origin of Species as well. That ended in five hours at a bar until the wee hours of the morning.



Staff member
Awww, I've always wanted to experience Mardi Gras :)

Also, took my thesis to the bookbinder's today. In thirty-one hours and counting, I'll be holding four bound issues. Two for the university, one for me, one for the folks.

We must have a picture once it's all bound! Congrats! :D

And yes, Mardi Gras is great. Granted, I've only been the the tamer, family-friendly Mardi Gras in my town, but that's what I like about it. The Independent Parade is a little wilder... that's where you can see women booty dancing on floats and throwing beads with tits on them. Jake wants to take me to New Orleans after I graduate so we can see a wild and crazy Mardi Gras. Frankly, I'd like to go out in the country and see an old-time Mardi Gras with guys in weird suits stealing women and livestock.


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No offense Cajun, but I think Mardi Gras is BORING. At least here in Lafayette. It basically boils down to a bunch of nearly identical parades where people jump around for plastic beads. Snooze.


Staff member
Frankly, I'd like to go out in the country and see an old-time Mardi Gras with guys in weird suits stealing women and livestock.
This sounds like the kind of thing I would love to witness/participate in.[/QUOTE]

The men in the city dress up in colorful costumes and go around "kidnapping" people. In order to get your loved ones back, you have to donate some rice, meat, or some other ingredient. Then you use the ingredients to make a big gumbo for the whole town. They chase the chickens around, it's a good time.
The men in the city dress up in colorful costumes and go around "kidnapping" people. In order to get your loved ones back, you have to donate some rice, meat, or some other ingredient. Then you use the ingredients to make a big gumbo for the whole town. They chase the chickens around, it's a good time.
That's awesome! It's just been added to my long list of things I wish to witness/participate in before I die.


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I have no idea who still does this. Gueydan MIGHT do it... that's a super-small farm town. There MUST be live chickens chillin' somewhere out there.
General Specific coming to you live from Charlotte, NC just one day after seeing Flogging Molly in concert. It was absolutely awesome. Met up with some friends up here and we met some more out at the concert itself. The 2 opening bands were good. First was The Architects and they had a solid rock bent. Next up was Frank Turner and his band. They had a similar flavor to Flogging Molly, punk and rock mixed with some folk guitar. They put on a really good show and I fully expect to be hearing more from him in the future. Then was Flogging Molly. It was quite easily the best show I have ever seen. From the word go, they had the house rocking and it did not let up until the encore was done. I don't even remember how long their set was. It was all a blur. They performed songs from all of their albums and got in all of their hits, of course. Usually belting them out at a frenetic pace. I've never been a part of a concert where the entire place was jumping from the front of the stage to the back wall, I have now. If Flogging Molly is coming to your town and you have an even passing interest in them, you owe it to yourself to go. :D


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Holy damn, excellent timing. I won't give details. Let's just say that "Flamenco Sketches" by Miles Davis came on the radio at the absolute perfect time during some wholesome weekend activities.
Vacation. Talking to my dad and he says "Your mother and I are going to Costa Rica; would you like to come?" and I knew the correct answer was "Hell. Yes. Comma. Dad."
My karate teacher sprung a suprise on me 4 days ago, He has to go to the big city with his daughter and is leaving me in charge of the dojo while he is gone. This shall be my second time looking after the class, but the first time when he isnt around. Last time he just had to go to his daughters graduation and was back in time to watch the last 30 mins of our final class for the night.

This is going to be scary as shit for me, but I guess I need the experience if I ever want to open up my own dojo when I'm good enough. Let's hope enough helpers turn out tonight because I dont think I can handle 40 kids on my own. Oh and I kinda forgot to get a lesson plan made up so I shall be winging it tonight. If I survive I shall post in 4 hours with how it goes.

But still epicness that I get trusted to run the place on my own, even if it is only for a day.


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Finally, the hurt locker is coming to an end. *knocking on wood*

My wife gets her first full paycheck tomorrow. It's going to be enough every two weeks to get caught up on bills and get back on our feet. Man these last few months have sucked.
I survived my lesson, that is epic win. But one of the kids ran home and told his dad I am meaner than our sensei because I made them do extra pushups. This I am pleased about.

Now lets hope it's a long time before that happens again. So hard to check names and payment off when they step in the dor drop money in a container and run away in the space of 0.3 seconds.
I picked up a pretty good deal a few days ago. I was at my local Goodwill and I saw a Dreamcast bagged up with some games and stuff. I went over and looked at the price it was $40. At first I was thinking that it was pretty over priced (A Dreamcast by itself is only worth about $20) but I decided to look at what games came with it. The first 2 were nothing special they were Jet Grind Radio (only worth about $8) the second one was GTA 2 (only worth about $6) the third game was a bit better it was Spawn: In the Demon Hands (worth about $20) but it wasn't until I saw the fourth game that I decided to buy it. It had Marvel vs. Capcom 2 (which is worth about $33 itself) So I quickly checked to make sure the discs where what they said they were and bought it. So I got some good games to add to my collection for a great price :)


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Hemingway short stories go on sale in a week and a half. Cannot cannot wait! Also, I get to eat Indian food this weekend. Woop woop.
Tiny win: Put off reading my reviews for my Cognition class that I taught last semester until today, when I was forced report on the course reviews for my self evaluation. I was shocked (SHOCKED!) that it was rated so highly. I seriously thought I had pushed them too hard or expected a bit too much. Quite the opposite, it seems!

My courses are normally rated well (though the talk about my courses is that they are quite hard). I thought this particular course would dip down a bit (but hopefully be above average, still). WELL above average. I guess I needed a good self-evaluation!


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The best teachers I ever had were the toughest graders. I took one class with a guy named Dr. David Anstey in Management. Hardest class I've taken before or since. I found out later that it's called The Widowmaker and is the highest dropped class in the University. In fact, this class is widely considered the one that says whether you graduate or drop out altogether. Out of 200+ students that took it the year I did there were 10 A's. I was one.

I rated that teacher high as hell and would do so again because I still remember everything he taught! It was not just regurgitation of facts and figures, but was instead a deeper understanding of the subject. Which is why I loved it and a great number hated it.


Staff member
Tiny win: Put off reading my reviews for my Cognition class that I taught last semester until today, when I was forced report on the course reviews for my self evaluation. I was shocked (SHOCKED!) that it was rated so highly. I seriously thought I had pushed them too hard or expected a bit too much. Quite the opposite, it seems!

My courses are normally rated well (though the talk about my courses is that they are quite hard). I thought this particular course would dip down a bit (but hopefully be above average, still). WELL above average. I guess I needed a good self-evaluation!
Great! It's better to push a little hard than to expect too little! It creates a positive atmosphere if you do it right--I guess you did. I'm happy for you. :)
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