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I scored a 239 on my shooting certification today. Which makes me the second best shot in town...copwise anyway. It's also not bad because my certification comes up in the middle of fucking winter too. It's a hell of a lot harder to shoot when it's fucking cold.
I imagine your best shooting thug does not stand up well against your worst shooting Mountie at a competition.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, but like 1/2 of this town hunts regularly. I'm sure one or two of them are fantastic shots.
yeah, I am a chubby network admin, and I've out shot the several cops I was with in a training session. Granted, I was using a gun I've owned and shot for 15 years, and about half the guys were shooting their Glocks for the fist time.


Staff member

Seein' the fella tonight myself. I also hope to not get around to movies. :unibrow:
Planning on some "couch gardening", eh? Eh?[/QUOTE]

I'm actually hoping NOT to plant any seeds, but I still enjoyed that "nudge nudge" moment. ^_^ Man where's that comic so I can repost it....?[/QUOTE]

"But you do enjoy a good plowing?"

"Oh, so it's army style? Rehearse and repeat and secretly wish the real thing won't happen?"

Yeah, I got nothing.
*ahem* *cough*

TAKE THAT FINLAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!111!!!11!!111!1!1!!


That is all.

For those wondering, USA Men's Hockey defeated Finland to advance to the gold medal game on Sunday.
Hee. Second date was great. We watched Where the Wild Things Are. Although...there was about half an hour to hour of the movie paused for...intermission.

This could easily go in the Rant thread, but...DAMN my integrity and respect for women. She even admitted tonight that, had I wanted, I likely could've gotten some. But no, no. I want to take things slow to make sure I don't screw this up, etc.

Now, if you'll excuse me, there's a cold shower with my name on it.
I got a daa-aate, I got a daa-aate.

This girl is seriously from another planet, though. Sweet as anything, and we get along awesome, but I have no idea how to go about this.

I guess all there is to do is to charge blindly into the breach.

I got a daa-aate, I got a daa-aate.


Staff member
Pack it in, fellas. Our job is done.

---------- Post added at 11:30 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:30 PM ----------

*plays exiting music*
I love broccoli, so yeah. (Actually, I'm going to a vegetarian place for supper tomorrow ... the aforementioned date.)

I'll drop by the store on my way out. Doritos okay with everyone?
Bought my airline tickets for our vacation to Walt Disney World this summer! So that means that I have plane tickets, park tickets, hotel @ Disney, dining plan (meals @ Disney) and some spending monies. Just gotta save some more for spending while there and purchase some new clothing (shorts, shoes & shirts) and wait out the time until we go. I'm happy tonight.


I have to put my phone under epic win. The other night as part of, what I call, The Worst Trip to the Gym Ever I dropped my phone in the (flushed thank god) toilet. It was pretty yotzed. But thanks to good advice from the chat, It now works perfectly. The reason this is an epic win is my mom is taking me, along with her class, to Vegas this spring and the ONLY reason my sister isnt throwing a giant shit fit about not being able to go is she gets my mom's cell phone upgrade. If my phone had been broken I would have had to have the upgrade. I am really happy it worked out this way. I am so excited to go to Vegas.
Lose: I slept in past my pickup this morning.

Win: The guy who was on for the pickup next Saturday called me and apologized for misreading his schedule. He picked up today by accident. I told him it was fine. :D
Just about finished remodeling the kitchen today as we located a used refrigerator for $50 to replace the crappy green thing that came with the house. Now all the appliances are white (if old) and the kitchen looks amazing. The fridge is about 25% better than what I had in there already too. Next week: Dress the house to sell...
After three years, I stepped into a barbershop yesterday.

This is the aftermath:


Epic win because no more background itchiness, no more hair everywhere, and I can shower fifteen minutes before going to bed again!

Second epic win is: I graduate next Wednesday with my B.Sc. in cell/molecular biology!

Third epic win is my graduation present to myself. Will post pictures in about two weeks!
After three years, I stepped into a barbershop yesterday.

This is the aftermath:


Epic win because no more background itchiness, no more hair everywhere, and I can shower fifteen minutes before going to bed again!

Second epic win is: I graduate next Wednesday with my B.Sc. in cell/molecular biology!

Third epic win is my graduation present to myself. Will post pictures in about two weeks!
Wow, what a change. Guessing you lost about 10 pounds also?
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