Sky Crawlers - Instead of getting the awesome flight based action anime I was hoping to get, I got a boring psychological movie about eternally youthful children/teenagers fighting a war that exists for no reason other than to perpetuate itself. This wouldn't be so bad if they actually went into that aspect more, but it just fell flat after awhile and they switched back to some other focus (mainly said children/teenagers having sex, drinking alcohol and acting emo) up until the main character decides to fight the enemy ace and get shot down as an act of suicide. By that point I wanted to join him.
If you like action and flight based combat, go see the Area 88 OVAs. If you want to see a psychological anime that goes somewhere and is consistent with itself, go see Perfect Blue. If you want a boring movie that the company releasing it decided to mislead people about by promoting the sparse action scenes and nothing else, go see Sky Crawlers.