[Movies] Talk about the last movie you saw 2: Electric Threadaloo


Steven Soderburgin

Holy shit, just watched Ti West's The House of the Devil with The Lovely Boner and it fucking ruled. It really felt a lot like Rosemary's Baby or Suspiria and similar horror films from that era. Very fun and creepy and effective, highly recommended.
I just rewatched Master and Commander. That's such a good movie. It makes me want to toss back some rum laced with citrus juice. Some lime juice for me grog! Quickly now! Quickly, I say!
Just watched Moon (Sam Rockwell) and totally dug it. It was a great sci-fi flick. Nothing was silly and over-the-top. Just a plain good movie.

If you like Sam Rockwell or good sci-fi, watch it!

Steven Soderburgin

Moon is probably the smartest sci-fi film of the last few years.
Hah! I actually bought Moon second hand a few days ago, and finally got around to watching it now. I was just about to post basically the same thing.

The thing I think I appreciated most about the movie was the part immediately preceding the end credits. The pod enters the atmosphere, and you get a few seconds of radio/television chatter about Sam Bell's (was that his name?) clone testifying somewhere, and a caller calling him a cook, and ... it was just great. Obviously things weren't going to be easy, and maybe some will call him a cook, but it becomes clear that things might become better. After such an engaging movie about a horrific concept, it leaves you with this five second burst of hope.

There were a dozen other brilliant things about the movie, but I really appreciated throwing that in there.

Incredible. Movies like Moon are why Science Fiction exists.
Hah! I actually bought Moon second hand a few days ago, and finally got around to watching it now. I was just about to post basically the same thing.

The thing I think I appreciated most about the movie was the part immediately preceding the end credits. The pod enters the atmosphere, and you get a few seconds of radio/television chatter about Sam Bell's (was that his name?) clone testifying somewhere, and a caller calling him a cook, and ... it was just great. Obviously things weren't going to be easy, and maybe some will call him a cook, but it becomes clear that things might become better. After such an engaging movie about a horrific concept, it leaves you with this five second burst of hope.

There were a dozen other brilliant things about the movie, but I really appreciated throwing that in there.

Incredible. Movies like Moon are why Science Fiction exists.
I'm almost certain the guy in that ending bit who you could hear shouting about him being an illegal alien was Tom Wilson.
Incredible. Movies like Moon are why Science Fiction exists.
Yeah, I think the last sci-fi movie that I enjoyed this much was Sunshine. Moon was better though.

What was great for me, was relating to the Sam about being away from home for 3 years, and then to have that flipped to the clone issue. Then, when Sam weeps (after making that call) about wanting to go home. Man, that was great stuff.

---------- Post added at 02:39 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:36 PM ----------

I'm almost certain the guy in that ending bit who you could hear shouting about him being an illegal alien was Tom Wilson.
I don't see that name listed in the credits, but that couldn't have been him.
Just watched Avatar tonight. Overall, I found myself rather bored, since I surmised the conclusion of the movie within the first few minutes. The story really doesn't have much substance to it, and could have had much more "meat" to it by really fleshing out the interaction and learning between the main characters. Visually, I saw it in 2d and really thought that it looked nice, but just didn't blow me away like I was expecting from all the "It looks amazing" comments that I heard.
I watched Bart Got a Room last night, and it was pretty good, up until the voice over at the end. Previously, there had been no voice over, but suddenly the protagonist is walking us through step-by-step the message of the movie, which kind of ruined it. I mean it wasn't like it was super-subtle anyways, but I just hate the way it felt like they were condescending to me.

But otherwise I feel like it was pretty good.

Steven Soderburgin

Last night I saw Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans with an original musical score by Austin-based group MY EDUCATION, which they performed live. It was an amazing, wonderful experience. If you ever get a chance to see a silent film with live music, go go go. Sunrise is one of my favorite movies, anyway, but last night was amazing.
What about Notorious?
Ah that's another great one! Love the great crane shot at the beginning of the party where it starts wide showing all the guests partying away and zooms down to the stolen key in her hand. Such a great use of camera to convey what is truly important to the story.


Staff member
Last night I saw Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans with an original musical score by Austin-based group MY EDUCATION, which they performed live. It was an amazing, wonderful experience. If you ever get a chance to see a silent film with live music, go go go. Sunrise is one of my favorite movies, anyway, but last night was amazing.
I have never seen a silent movie.

Ladies and Gentlemen, start your joking!

Steven Soderburgin

Last night I saw Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans with an original musical score by Austin-based group MY EDUCATION, which they performed live. It was an amazing, wonderful experience. If you ever get a chance to see a silent film with live music, go go go. Sunrise is one of my favorite movies, anyway, but last night was amazing.
I have never seen a silent movie.

Ladies and Gentlemen, start your joking![/QUOTE]Any particular reason?

If you're looking for a gateway into silent film, any of the Buster Keaton comedies are fantastic. The General is an amazing film. Metropolis and Sunrise are both classics, of course. Any of the Charlie Chaplin films are great, too. But seriously start off with Buster Keaton.
Visually, I saw it in 2d and really thought that it looked nice, but just didn't blow me away like I was expecting from all the "It looks amazing" comments that I heard.
Um, that's cause it was FILMED with the INTENTION of being seing soley in 3-D. Fault that if you will, but that's why you hear the "it looks amazing" comments.


Staff member
House of the Dead. Frickin' House of the Dead. By Uwe Boll. I thought I'd watch it to see just how bad it really is. I mean, it's not like it would be a complete waste of time...

It was a complete waste of time. And the first time I've ever watched an action scene with high-powered weaponry and kick-ass moves that made me go "Oh for the love of God, please stop already!".
House of the Dead. Frickin' House of the Dead. By Uwe Boll. I thought I'd watch it to see just how bad it really is. I mean, it's not like it would be a complete waste of time...

It was a complete waste of time. And the first time I've ever watched an action scene with high-powered weaponry and kick-ass moves that made me go "Oh for the love of God, please stop already!".
Gotta love the use of the 360 degree camera though.


Staff member
House of the Dead. Frickin' House of the Dead. By Uwe Boll. I thought I'd watch it to see just how bad it really is. I mean, it's not like it would be a complete waste of time...

It was a complete waste of time. And the first time I've ever watched an action scene with high-powered weaponry and kick-ass moves that made me go "Oh for the love of God, please stop already!".
Gotta love the use of the 360 degree camera though.[/QUOTE]

And hate the crappy music.
And the game footage inserts.
And the fact that everyone is apparently an expert marksman kung fu master.
And the plot that was apparently written by blind Bohemian bong-sniffers.


went and saw the losers last weekend. it was an entertaining action flick. the main bad guy seemed a little over done though.
Seen over 100 films since I last posted a review, so all I'm going to say is, if you have Netflix. Go instant watch "Triangle". That is all. The "overview" does not do it justice. It's worth the watch.
Saw the new version of Clash of the Titans.

Absolute garbage. So many scenes that take up way too much time and do nothing for the story, each side of the conflict are unlikable douchebags and Perseus just isn't charismatic enough for me to root for.