[Movies] Talk about the last movie you saw 2: Electric Threadaloo

I saw PREDATORS and came out pretty content. I felt the movie catered to old fans of the series and to those seeing this film without seeing the others. Sure there were some homages, but if anything it was nice to see that the characters were clued in quickly about what the predators were and how they hunted. Adrien Brody makes a decent action star despite speculation people had when the film was being released. He plays a pretty good merc character and i totally believed him in the action role. Many of the other characters were great fun too. Especially the Russian and the Yakuza characters.

The theater applauded when the Yakuza guy took down that Predator by himself. It reminded me of that scene in the original Predators where the Indian guy stays behind to go mano a mano with the predator, except the Yakuza guy doesn't go out like a punk.

A very worthy sequel.
I felt Predators was a good action flick. It was far superior to the other sequels. The only reason I like the original better, is that it was more quotable...
Can anyone tell me what was happening/being said in Topher Grace's
final monologue? I literally could not tell what he was saying. I have no idea what his deal was or why he did anything.
Can anyone tell me what was happening/being said in Topher Grace's
final monologue? I literally could not tell what he was saying. I have no idea what his deal was or why he did anything.
He was rambling about being a monster, because he was a wacked out serial killer doctor. Also how he belonged on the planet with the rest of the monsters. And that he was going to torture the sniper.

He was hard to understand because of the drug he gave her from the knife.
Watched Law Abiding Citizen. Not happy with the outcome, it really felt unsuited to the entire build up of the film. The good guys got a magical gift of information that revealed everything the bad guy was doing and how he did it, then they turned the tables on him in a ridiculous final scene.


Staff member
Yeah one fat guy clapped during that very same scene.

Saw both Predators and A-Team last night. I thought both were good movies on their own merits. I was surprised at how well Predators held up. I actually enjoyed it un-ironically, and the plot, as ridiculous as it is, worked well. I wish they set up Topher Grace's character more; I hated that final bit of monologue, and most of that just came out of knowhere (except for the metaphorical gun in the first act bla bla bla). The movie needed more Danny Trejo too (but what movie doesn't)?

A-Team was just funny. It's an action movie distilled into what an action movie should be: fun characters with clean-shot action and a self-aware sense of ridiculousness. The acting was hammy, the plot stupid and the execution fun, like all the boys and all the girls were playing around. I hope this one becomes a franchise.
That's what I thought it was. But I was just kind of confused how much of it was poor writing and how much was I couldn't understand the words being said.

and A-Team ruled. So hard. Best "summer" movie of the year.


Staff member
The ending of Predators was probably the worst part of the movie. It became paint by numbers and the very end ripped me out of my suspended disbelief. But overall, meh, it's still a solid entertainment fare.

Yeah, A-Team rocked my socks. The best thing I've seen this summer.


Let's see, in the last week:

Jaws - Great classic horror movie. Written and directed just right. Stands well the test of time, sans some clothing and hairstyles. Schieder and Dreyfus are fantastic. If you haven't seen it, you should.

Jaws 2 - An acceptable sequel to such a great film. Schieder reprises his role and it's like the movie was made back to back with original because he doesn't lose his drive and momentum from one film to the next. Sadly one of the things the film misses is the chemistry with Dreyfus as he's woefully absent. They lead you to believe it's the shark from the first film, though never really explain how it survived. Movie moves away from the suspense as they tend to show the "monster" more than before, and moves toward the gore aspect with a higher body count. Still, good film.

Jaws 3 - This movie suffers alot. Nostalgia Critic nailed this movie a short while back pretty accurately. It has none of the cast that made the film great, though the addition of Dennis Quaid is good if you're a fan. The movie was made during the 80s attempt at 3-D films and it does not translate well today. Things like the shark not being animated in it's movements at all, some things being "thrown" at the viewer etc. They obviously focused too much on trying to find ways to incorporate the 3-D and forgot the plot, the pacing, the horror elements etc. It even seemed to have a lower body count than the 2nd, and that's a major DO NOT in horror sequels.

Jaws 4 - Well this movie is universally panned and I can understand why, though I do not agree. I think this is when Jaws finally became a Movie Monster instead of a Realistic Thriller/Horror. The Shark is on a blood vengeance quest to eat the members of the family, of the man who first stopped him. It's campy, the Shark actually roars at times, but the body count is higher and the acting is actually pretty decent. Plotwise the story falls apart pretty fast with some ridiculous scenes and pointless actions on some of the characters part, but as a Monster Movie I liked it.

Meat Market - In an attempt to find something on Netflix Instant Watch that I HAVEN'T seen yet, I gave this amateur film a try. I mean it had a sequel right next to it, it was about the Zombie Apocolypse, how could it be that bad? Oh it was bad. I don't even know how to describe how bad it is, but I'll try: It's got a High School Theatre Project on a $300 budget feel. The acting is drowned out by passing cars in the backround of most scenes. 25% into the movie, the two main characters run into 3 latex bound vampire girls who help them escape. 40% into the movie there are multiple sex scenes between the all of them. The entire film is just "Scenes from Horror Movie Cliches" mostly. It's just bad bad. I got 45mins into 1hr 31mins and couldn't go further.

Batteries Not Included - To make up for that horrendous previous film, I decided to watch a movie from my childhood that forever remains in my heart. This film by Speilberg still remains a strong film of heart and imagination. The effects surprisingly hold up well over the years, though mostly due to their simplicity, and the acting is top notch. Grandma especially, you don't see heartfelt emotional acting like that much these days. This is the kind of movie you can watch with your kids, a date who likes cute films, or even alone. I highly recommend it and it's available on Instant Watch.
My brother forced me to sit down and watch Caddyshack this weekend and while it was not as bad as I feared it was going to be I must admit I felt a bit bored through out most of the movie. Probably won't bother watching it ever again.
It just so predictable and on top of that the humor overly relied on slapstick humor. I am not saying it was a horrible movie but I am saying I don't plan on watching it again .


Yeah, I wasn't a big fan of Caddyshack either. Then again, I'm not a big Comedy fan -- I think my mind wants a movie to have more reason to exist than simply being funny. I do enjoy some comedies, but they mostly tend to be of the British variety.
So last night I saw Toy Story 3 and I fucking loved it. I'm not sure whether it edged out How to Train Your Dragon for my favourite animated movie this year so far, I'll have to see. All I know is that Dreamworks and Pixar keep getting better.

I got home from the movie and decided to LEGALLY OBTAIN Toy Story 2, and just finished rewatching it. It leads so beautifully into TS3 that I think Pixar probably had it planned for the last 11 years. This is probably the greatest execution on a movie sequel that I can think of.

To quote a recent tweet of mine, "Rewatching Toy Story 2 and realizing there's 11 years in between makes me appreciate Toy Story 3 MORE. Pixar must've planned it all along."

Then again, I'm not a big Comedy fan -- I think my mind wants a movie to have more reason to exist than simply being funny.
God that makes me sad.[/QUOTE]

Me too. God DAMN.


Missed out on the horror, girlfriend wanted to watch something a bit on the tame side:

Karate Kid (Jackie Chan) - Not sure what to say here other than: Predictable, boring, done nearly scene by scene by a million other films and done better, not worth your time. The only reason I even agreed was to see some Jackie action and he had one fight scene. The original had much more heart, much more character and much more at stake. This film could have been called anything, they used the name to draw in the nostalgic few that would fall for it.
I never thought seeing Amanda Seyfried naked would be so "meh" to me.

Anyway, a sort of interesting movie, I guess, though the premise is just a bit too hard to swallow for me.

Philosopher B.

White Heat

Fucking fantastic. Loved Cagney's performance, plus the mother angle was very well-done. Favorite scene: the lunch freakout.
Just watched Shutter Island. It was ok but I figured out the reveal about 5 minutes into the film. Not Scorsese's best. DiCaprio, who I don't generally care for wasn't too bad though.


House of the Devil - An early 80s themed horror film, that while been done before has an excellent tension build up from beginning to end. It's not a gore fest, it's not a body count movie, it's a film that the early 80s maybe even late 70s horror film do so well.

Wait.... this was made in 2009? :wtf: That was some AMAZING directing work then cause I would have NEVER guessed that this wasn't straight out of the older style of horror movie. Bravo to them, simply bravo.
House of the Devil - An early 80s themed horror film, that while been done before has an excellent tension build up from beginning to end. It's not a gore fest, it's not a body count movie, it's a film that the early 80s maybe even late 70s horror film do so well.

Wait.... this was made in 2009? :wtf: That was some AMAZING directing work then cause I would have NEVER guessed that this wasn't straight out of the older style of horror movie. Bravo to them, simply bravo.
No kidding right? It was really impressive.
Unfortunately he's the same guy who made "Cabin Fever 2: Cabin Boogaloo" which was pretty forgettable. Hopefully he will do better with his next flick.
I was satisfied with Predators. It was going very well, building things up and getting into its story throughout. I kept waiting for it to screw up and it never did. It came very close when the scene throwing back to the guy cutting himself on the chest on a log scene from the original, but then did its own cool thing with it, and made up for it.

I was happy to see no arm-bomb, no "Predator dramatically removes armor" scene, no "you ugly mother fucker" wanna-be line, and a few other bits of the original movie that were referenced needlessly in the AvP films.
Inception was incredible. My friends and I all knew it was going to be pretty great, since it was at 97% on Rottentomatoes when we walked in there, but it actually lived up to it's incredible score.

A friend of mine reviewed it poorly here, but I have no idea how to take that. His reviews have already become something of a joke to some friends of mine, but after giving Inception only 2/5, there has been some serious talk going on about whether he's putting on an act of some sort. I truly fear that he isn't.

Anyhow, that's really neither here nor there. Inception is incredible. Go see it at your earliest opportunity. As I said on my friend's blog, Inception is Science Fiction of the highest order, which is quite a delight to see (especially so soon after District 9 and Moon).
Inception was incredible. My friends and I all knew it was going to be pretty great, since it was at 97% on Rottentomatoes when we walked in there, but it actually lived up to it's incredible score.

A friend of mine reviewed it poorly here, but I have no idea how to take that. His reviews have already become something of a joke to some friends of mine, but after giving Inception only 2/5, there has been some serious talk going on about whether he's putting on an act of some sort. I truly fear that he isn't.

Anyhow, that's really neither here nor there. Inception is incredible. Go see it at your earliest opportunity. As I said on my friend's blog, Inception is Science Fiction of the highest order, which is quite a delight to see (especially so soon after District 9 and Moon).
Sweet, I am excited to see this and hope to hit it this weekend.
I'm seeing it Sunday, I'm trying to temper my expectations.

Also want to see Sorcerer's Apprentice out of morbid curiosity.
I'll be interested to hear what you think about Inception.

And I am also feeling drawn to the Sorcerer's Apprentice in that same moth-to-the-flame sense. Maybe if I'm not doing anything tomorrow evening ...
Inception was incredible. My friends and I all knew it was going to be pretty great, since it was at 97% on Rottentomatoes when we walked in there, but it actually lived up to it's incredible score.

A friend of mine reviewed it poorly here, but I have no idea how to take that. His reviews have already become something of a joke to some friends of mine, but after giving Inception only 2/5, there has been some serious talk going on about whether he's putting on an act of some sort. I truly fear that he isn't.

Anyhow, that's really neither here nor there. Inception is incredible. Go see it at your earliest opportunity. As I said on my friend's blog, Inception is Science Fiction of the highest order, which is quite a delight to see (especially so soon after District 9 and Moon).
Is your friend Armond White?
The Monster Squad: I loved the hell out of this movie as a kid, and much to my amazement, it held up really well. They don't make kids' movies like this anymore, sadly. The kind kids love, with swearing and gore, and it was okay as far as the ratings board was concerned. I got the 2-disc edition, so I'm eager to dive into all the extras they didn't have when I was asking my grandparents to rent the VHS a fifth time from Blockbuster. So many great lines too.

The People Under the Stairs: Very good. Not at all what I was expecting, but a great suspense film. The opening with the Tarot cards is a real stunner in simplicity and narrative, and the movie just keeps things tense all the way through. Fool's big decision midway through was so underplayed in dialogue, and so grandiose in cinematography, it focused on a point where the movie had nothing to do with horror and everything to do with character. Honestly, the movie stops being scary at a certain point, but it's still really tense and worth watching.
Cop Out
Or should I say, the first 30 minutes of Cop Out, because I turned that piece of crap off. And then I put on...

Paranormal Activity
And you know, I was digging most of it. The special effects were not in your face and only heightened the drama. And the acting was believable enough that I was really getting into it. Though, I started checking to see when it was ending around the last half hour or so. It tended to drag at some points, but I had to see how it ended and...

...what a bunch of crap. Soon as I saw her looming over him by the bed, I knew what was going to happen. And then, after the whole movie was very lowkey and no fancy special effects, we get two fucking "Hollywood" jump scares and a CGI goddamn fucking final shot. What a joke. I wound up laughing instead of being frightened.

Then I watched the alternate ending that was on the BluRay. Goddamnit, why didn't they go with that?! It made more sense within the realm of everything they'd set up and was the same low key stuff that we'd seen before. (Note: It was the "throat" ending to give a hint without spoiling it.)

Turns out, the theatrical ending was a suggestion of Steven motherfucking Spielburg. Because of that alone, I have officially lost every single ounce of respect I had for the man.
Seven Samurai

Like many of the "classics", this is one that I'd always wanted to see but had never gotten around to it.

And...I really enjoyed it. The acting especially from the main seven was fantastic and the length of the movie actually helped give you a feeling of a passage of time, rather than just padding it out like many of today's long movies.

That said, as much as I enjoyed it, I'm not a film student. Like Shakespeare, this is the sort of thing that would be much more enjoyed - and certainly appreciated - if I were to study it.