[Movies] Talk about the last movie you saw 2: Electric Threadaloo


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Saw The Sorcerer's Apprentice out of curiosity. There were things I liked and things I didn't like.


Nicholas Cage and... shoot... I can't remember the other guy's name at the moment but... the bad guy. They both did a good job.
They took a jab at cheesy modern magicians
The scenes with magic were kind of neat... not great CG, but neat.


The dopey little guy and his love interest were both kind of dull and uninteresting
There were parts that moved crazy-fast, especially the beginning where they revealed the back story.

Philosopher B.

The Invention of Lying

It wasn't quite as bad as I expected it to be from some reviews I read back when it came out. As expected, though, the concept made my brain unravel trying to think about it. Also, when you got right down to it, it wasn't really a world in which lying simply didn't exist, but one in which telling the truth was super-compulsory, especially when someone walked by random strangers who otherwise normally wouldn't have said anything.

Plus, it was weird how lying didn't exist, but some jokes seemed to revolve around open deception, for instance, what the woman said at the casino. Why would anyone frequent casinos if they said that to your face? Again, it was more about compulsiveness than lying. Who the heck would go on dates in which people insulted each other? Actually, it seems that it would simplify things more, because people's inability to lie for politeness' sake would insure a speedy realization of whether or not the other party wanted to get jiggy all up in the bedroom.

I dunno, it just came off as awkward to me.

Highlights: Edward Norton's cameo as a crazed cop, and the invention of religion.

Another thing that bothered me a little was the repeated use of montages set to music. It began to seem as though Gervais and Robinson were lost without that particular device. I did like the soundtrack in the main, though.

I kinda started biting myself during the climax when

Gervais gave his speech at the church. I guess I shoudn't have expected anything different, but I just started thinking, 'Man, why doesn't that chick just tell the creep in the glasses and the fat man to bugger off so she can go back to pleasing herself?!'

Overall, it was *okay*, but not something I have to see again any time soon.
Finally got around to watching District 9 and I must say it was a really good movie and I can't believe I waited so long to watch it.
Saw Inception again. Loved it a little bit more. To put my feelings about all the controversy back and forth and such into a really spoilery way:
I am Cobb at the end of the movie. I don't give a fuck if the top is still spinning
I really, really, really enjoyed Inception.

I don't know what else to say about it. Now, I must hunt down the score.
I finally saw 2001:Space Odyssey in the cinema thanks to the BFI having a special showing :D They even had a special half an hour presentation before the film by one of the people in charge of effects on the film, Douglas Trumbull. He had loads of slides, photos, production images, Storyboards and stuff on the film, which was even better :D. And the film itself? watching it on DVD doesn't even come close to how it is in theaters. i mean, DAMN. i've seen the film loads of times, but this time? it felt like I was watching it for the first time.

Also, Inception is awesome.
I don't mean to compare it to 2001 A Space Oddesy, because they're very different movies, but I felt similarly when I managed to catch Independence Day at my theater. Last summer they did midnight movies where they showed old films once a week. I kicked myself for missing Jurassic Park (one of my favorite movies of all time), but I managed to catch Independence Day, Terminator, Terminator 2, and a few others which I can't quite recall right now.


I don't mean to compare it to 2001 A Space Oddesy, because they're very different movies, but I felt similarly when I managed to catch Independence Day at my theater. Last summer they did midnight movies where they showed old films once a week. I kicked myself for missing Jurassic Park (one of my favorite movies of all time), but I managed to catch Independence Day, Terminator, Terminator 2, and a few others which I can't quite recall right now.
More theaters need to show old films. I still desperately want to see Star Wars on the silver screen.
I don't mean to compare it to 2001 A Space Oddesy, because they're very different movies, but I felt similarly when I managed to catch Independence Day at my theater. Last summer they did midnight movies where they showed old films once a week. I kicked myself for missing Jurassic Park (one of my favorite movies of all time), but I managed to catch Independence Day, Terminator, Terminator 2, and a few others which I can't quite recall right now.
More theaters need to show old films. I still desperately want to see Star Wars on the silver screen.[/QUOTE]

They did that once, but it was the special editions, ie: Star Wars: NOWWITHTONSOFEXTRACRAP
The Alamo Drafthouse here in Austin does a lot of cool in-theater showings of old movies. I saw The Godfather in 35mm down here, as well as Big Trouble in Little China. They have a really good Big Screen Classics series with all kinds of awesome shit.


A few of the Drafthouses' around will do old movie night. Just got to get the theatre's program and see what days and times.
Holy crap, Inception was about five (six?) different levels of awesome.

Although, I made the theatre laugh heartily when, as soon as the credits started, I went "AW!" - as in "Aw! You're gonna leave us with that!? Bastards!"

So, with said ending in mind: yes or no?

To put it in super secretive spoilery stuff to further this question:

Do you think it's gonna keep spinning? They gave us a bastard of a hope with it wobbling just before the credits.

Personally, I thought the whole thing was going to be Cobb being under therapy or something. Whatsherface was his therapist, his sidekick was actually his subconscious security, etc. Goes to show how often I expect those kind of shock surprises in movies these days.

It doesn't matter if it's still spinning or not. Whether it's reality or not is up to you. What matters is that he doesn't care, he's reunited with his kids, and he has let go of his guilt for Mal's death.