The New Picture Thread!

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I say we take some donations for Ame, she needs food. Damn girl, we can see ribs! Eat a sammich! lol..
I say we take some donations for Ame, she needs food. Damn girl, we can see ribs! Eat a sammich! lol..
You might've just made a really stupid comment.[/QUOTE]

Or you know, a joke?[/QUOTE]

I'm not putting you down, so don't get the wrong impression. From my experience, many woman are sensitive about their weight. To the point that even making a joke about it can be very offensive to them.

I won't presume too much on Ame's reaction. I'm just saying, joking about a woman's weight can be risky, unless you are very close.
I say we take some donations for Ame, she needs food. Damn girl, we can see ribs! Eat a sammich! lol..
You might've just made a really stupid comment.[/QUOTE]

Or you know, a joke?[/QUOTE]

I'm not putting you down, so don't get the wrong impression. From my experience, many woman are sensitive about their weight. To the point that even making a joke about it can be very offensive to them.

I won't presume too much on Ame's reaction. I'm just saying, joking about a woman's weight can be risky, unless you are very close.[/QUOTE]

You took the words right out of my mouth.


Hmm whatever, any further comments about it are just going to get me digging the hole even deeper.
I assure you I am 100% not sensitive about my weight.

I have been the same weight for at least 2 decades, which is roughly 80lbs.

Yes, I'm somewhat underweight. I have been all my life; doctors say I'm perfectly healthy regardless.
I just have a ridiculously fast metabolism.

Right now the plan is to add about 10lbs, which we are hoping will happen within the next 2 years or so.
There are people who would pay millions of dollars to have the metabolism that you do. Ten pounds in two years? :shocked:

What's the diet plan you're using? High carbs, low fat, moderate protein? < Just a guess.


Staff member
Bump to the bump.

Me last night at Metallica, waiting for them to start (right after Lamb of God finished...which is also why I am not wearing my glasses. i really need to get lasik). A bit drunk, since beer sales stopped early and we stocked up...then drank it all quick anyways. Good times had by all though! Cellphone pic

Bump to the bump.

Me last night at Metallica, waiting for them to start (right after Lamb of God finished...which is also why I am not wearing my glasses. i really need to get lasik). A bit drunk, since beer sales stopped early and we stocked up...then drank it all quick anyways. Good times had by all though! Cellphone pic

That's a cool penis tattoo on your arm!
Bump to the bump.

Me last night at Metallica, waiting for them to start (right after Lamb of God finished...which is also why I am not wearing my glasses. i really need to get lasik). A bit drunk, since beer sales stopped early and we stocked up...then drank it all quick anyways. Good times had by all though! Cellphone pic

That's a cool penis tattoo on your arm![/QUOTE]
Shannow, I don't think you've ever posted a picture of yourself where your head wasn't tilted back and to the side.
ImpureVyxen said:
For as long as I can remember I had been cutting even the thinnest pieces of fat out of the meats that I ate or given to me for dinner.
Damn, my illusions of being unique are shattered...


Staff member
Bump to the bump.

Me last night at Metallica, waiting for them to start (right after Lamb of God finished...which is also why I am not wearing my glasses. i really need to get lasik). A bit drunk, since beer sales stopped early and we stocked up...then drank it all quick anyways. Good times had by all though! Cellphone pic

That's a cool penis tattoo on your arm!
Shannow, I don't think you've ever posted a picture of yourself where your head wasn't tilted back and to the side.[/quote]

Huh, didnt mean to. just looked to the right to where my friend was taking the photo from his phone next to me. I think its more the angle of the camera though. Then again, I am hammered and chilling in my seat there.

Side note, i dont think I was doing that in my last pic that was my profile

---------- Post added at 03:29 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:25 PM ----------

That's a cool penis tattoo on your arm!

Huh, I just dont see it. Guess my mind isn't just putting penii into everything I see. good luck with that subconscious love and need of the cock. :cool:
Huh, I just dont see it. Guess my mind isn't just putting penii into everything I see. good luck with that subconscious love and need of the cock. :cool:
Really? My mind is into putting my penis into everything I see.

You and your damn eunuchs!
Shannow you look like a guy I know who once got excessively drunk at a party, yelled about how skinny I am, then picked me up and threw me at a wall.
Having already had my eyes Lasiked, I can only tell you people wanting to do it... DO IT!

OMG so awesome.

Well, I guess I should temper that a bit with choose PRK or LASIK and make a good decision. I have the full video of my surgery and my wife's surgery. Cool stuff.
Having already had my eyes Lasiked, I can only tell you people wanting to do it... DO IT!

OMG so awesome.

Well, I guess I should temper that a bit with choose PRK or LASIK and make a good decision. I have the full video of my surgery and my wife's surgery. Cool stuff.
I can't have surgery because of the shape of my cornea. There's a high risk i'd go almost blind without glasses as a result of the intervention...

And I can't even wear contact lenses because I can't keep my eyes open while trying to put something on them...
Having already had my eyes Lasiked, I can only tell you people wanting to do it... DO IT!

OMG so awesome.

Well, I guess I should temper that a bit with choose PRK or LASIK and make a good decision. I have the full video of my surgery and my wife's surgery. Cool stuff.
I can't have surgery because of the shape of my cornea. There's a high risk i'd go almost blind without glasses as a result of the intervention...

And I can't even wear contact lenses because I can't keep my eyes open while trying to put something on them...

I feel your pain bro. I couldn't have lasik because my left eye was so freaking terrible, lasik would only correct it to 20/80 (it was 20/220). The doc said he wasn't willing to do it because if something went wrong on the good eye, i wouldn't have another eye to fall back on.

I can't wear contacts because they won't stay seated due to the shape of my eye. Even glass ones. Even weighted ones.

But now that I've had cataract surgery, and had the 20/220 eye's lens replaced by an artificial lens that brings me to 20/60, I think I might be lasik compatible now! :)
Well, happy LASIK story I was 20/120 in both eyes, and I'm now post-surgery 20/15 in both eyes. The opthalm...opta..optomethol....eye doctor was amazed.
Bump to the bump.

Me last night at Metallica, waiting for them to start (right after Lamb of God finished...which is also why I am not wearing my glasses. i really need to get lasik). A bit drunk, since beer sales stopped early and we stocked up...then drank it all quick anyways. Good times had by all though! Cellphone pic

That's a cool penis tattoo on your arm![/quote]
Shannow, I don't think you've ever posted a picture of yourself where your head wasn't tilted back and to the side.[/QUOTE]
He's always dodging the laser bolts. Back, and to the left.
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