The Wisdom of Halforums

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Staff member
I find that the best way to get through a hard day is to step inside, look at the monitor/tv screen, and take a long, deep breath.

Then drink a glass of vodka and go back to whatever game you were playing.
Which brings me to what no one in my family ever said but always implied:

"It takes all kinds."
I just finished Guards, Guards! a few days ago. :D
I just re-read The Fifth Elephant recently. Reaper Man is still my favorite, thanks to this quote:

What can the Harvest hope for, if not the care of the Reaper Man?"

Also, Soul Music's Music With Rocks In always makes me giggle.
not really, cause I've sorta substituted with some other substance that was also clichedly pinned on mexicans for quite a while :D
Wisdom eh?

Always tell your loved ones that you love them.
The person most responsible for your safety is you.
Always be courteous.
Woman and children first.
Choose to do things not because they are easy, but because they are hard.

Listening to extremists is like debating a midget. Even if they make some good arguments, their viewpoint is still nuts.


The problem is the media and society are now accepting extreme leftist views as "truth" and "sound judgment" instead of the nutjob batshit insanity they rightfully are.

Thread hijack over, carry on. :D


Staff member
When you're sad and tired, have a tiny spoonful of peanut butter. It'll make you feel better unless you're allergic to peanuts, in which case...disregard..
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