The Great Questions of Halforums

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Because every work of Dan Brown is a masterpiece. The words that flow from his pen are the arts of our age. As Michelangelo was to the brush, Brown is to the pen. With each cumulative page of his books he comes closer to the completion of his Sistine Chapel. The Agony and the Ecstasy tells a tale of a man who once we respected but pales before Brown's perfectly sculpted grasp of the English language.
Well... it could be THAT. OR... Dan Brown just sells more. It's up in the air, really.

Why don't you read them in English, anyway, N_R? I hate reading translations.


Well... it could be THAT. OR... Dan Brown just sells more. It's up in the air, really.

Why don't you read them in English, anyway, N_R? I hate reading translations.
He sells more because he's the best around. Nothing's ever going to keep him down. He tries to be the best because he's only a man and a mans gotta take it. Throughout his life when the going got tough he hung tough to make it. History repeats itself...


Staff member
Well... it could be THAT. OR... Dan Brown just sells more. It's up in the air, really.

Why don't you read them in English, anyway, N_R? I hate reading translations.
I've been going that way ever more and more. I'm actually thinking of getting League of Extraordinary Gentlemen: Century in English rather than wait for the Finnish translation. There's always something missing in those...


I've managed to eat too much chocolate, but it ure as hell isn't a measily 300 grams :-P

How many roads must a man walk down? And what about women? And how do you determine which is which?
ummm..if you look in your lap...right at this will have a positive determination of which is which. :p;)

Back to the chocolate! I've gotten sick from it too but as they sayyyyy

Mrs Tin-to-be, it was in reference to the thread about the African athlete who won in the female competition, but is now being tested to see whether or not she's actually biologically female ;-)
Also, watch out in naming gender and sex as one, or you'll get AmE after you :-P

And, and chocolate and (the right) beer is an awesome combo. Yumyum.


I remember those, but I didn't know the lucky girl in question was a board member!

Huzzah! Welcome!
Why thank you, Calleja! I've been reading over Tin's shoulder for a long time now. He says I've been stalking him but he knew and likes it so I don't think that could actually be considered STALKING. :moon:

HOWEVER.....It would seem to sting true for the rest of you. mwahahahahah.

*girlie giggle*

---------- Post added at 08:17 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:14 PM ----------

She's been stalking me a while here..she just decided to make it official recently ;)

Heeeeeeeeey! At least I didn't show up after dark at your back door with a cheesecake.......gah.:eek:

Cuyval Dar

Speaking of stalking, could you clean house a little more frequently?
The dust really plays havoc with my nose.


Speaking of stalking, could you clean house a little more frequently?
The dust really plays havoc with my nose.

Have you ever felt those little hairs on the back of your neck stand up on end....when you're sitting at your the dark? shhhhhhhh.....
don't turn around.....seriously!!

Tin! Get the rope!

teheheh :tongue:

Cuyval Dar

No, see, I duct taped my neck so that those hairs can't rise.

BTW, if you look out the window, Shego is waving.

---------- Post added at 07:40 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:40 PM ----------

Ok, why does this forum attract only psychopaths and murderers?!
Great minds think alike?


No, see, I duct taped my neck so that those hairs can't rise.

BTW, if you look out the window, Shego is waving.

---------- Post added at 07:40 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:40 PM ----------

Great minds think alike?
Holy smokes, Batman!

Does this mean.... *sniff* ..... that I fit in? Let's celebrate! :hump:

Shego wanna plaaaaay?


Yup, Crone and Shego are going to literally :hump: you to death.

Really? ooooo sounds like fun. I like a little fire in my pets.


OH MY GOSH! Did I say that out loud? I meant umm...ummm..oh shit..

oh oh oh wait.... I am your slave and I bow to the oh mighty Crone and Shego.

GET SOME!!!!!:unibrow:
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