Hey mister, turn off the old people music

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Wow, there was this line of jokes, and then other posters made the same line of jokes beneath it. It was like a rhythm of some sort...

Anyway, Zeppelin was done years and years before I was born and they're one of my favorite bands. Floyd too, but they were still making new music after I was born.

Come to think of it, I believe my dad played Zeppelin, but he never encouraged it on us. I can tell... I inherited the rock from my dad, my sister got my mom's shitty country music.
I was told, earnestly, to put on Fallout Boy instead, since they're 'sooooo much better'.

I gotta be honest folks, today is the first time I felt old and had the urge to beat a teenager with a pool cue.
That person deserves to be smacked for making my entire generation look fucking stupid. Personally, when I got my car, I tuned in to the local classic rock station and ripped the knob off (figuratively).
Why yes, I also condone physical violence when someone has a different music opinion than mine.
When one says seriously that Whiny White Boy is better than Zep, it's ceased being a matter of opinion and entered into the realm of too dumb to live. :p How you can fail to see such a thing is......
Sidebar: Fall Out Boy owns
Oh, your taste is bad too. That clarifies it some.


This devolved just right into new music is bad and poorly made etc etc. I like fall out boy, I wouldn't force it on someone or say their music sucks. That kid just seems like an ass anywho. But i certainly wouldn't murder someone for a choice in music :D.


Staff member
Yikes. :( "Damn kids."

O well, every age has had both terrible and great music (<--or any other art/entertainment medium). And just because something is better technique-wise doesn't mean that people aren't allowed to prefer it.


Staff member
You guys have got it all wrong. Ed is so old, all he had to play with was raw chaos, and he was happy! He didn't have any of those new fangled rocks or gasses that came with pre-made mollecular structure! He had be creative and come up with his own games to play with pure nothingness. Us young whipper-snappers don't know how good we have it. Walking to school in a blizzard, uphill both ways? Ha! Try walking when there's no ground to stand on, and temperature hasn't been invented yet!
Some music is just timeless. And you generally have to be an adult to appreciate it, or even comprehend it's timeless quality. Come back to that kid in 20 years and see if you get a different reaction.

How many people were metal heads and steered clear of some of the best music on earth for half their life? Steely Dan, Fleetwood Mac, Billy Joel, etc. I even considered RUSH to be poseurs when I was a kid. We are very narrow minded when we are young.

Gill Kaiser

Don't think all young people today have terrible taste in music. Lots do, but me and some of my friends have been into all the old classics for a decade. The vast majority of my music collection is from the seventies and earlier, and runs the gamut from blues, swing, rock in many of its forms and guises, rock and roll, bluegrass, classical, jazz, funk, soul, rhythm & blues, singer/songwriters, pre-war stuff, crooners, certain film, anime and video game soundtracks, and whatever else.

I know that taste is subjective, but not totally subjective. We all know that tonnes of modern music is utter garbage. There is some good music out there today, but you really have to dig through the crap to find it. Radio stations nowadays are a joke. Thank god for the internet, or I might be similarly unenlightened. There, but for the grace of the web, would go I.


Staff member
I'll just go ahead and extrapolate that to Michael Ian Black isn't funny ever. His lackluster jokes have all the laugh inducing power of a flu shot.
This is what was said to me at work today.

The song I was playing? Led Zepplin's When the Levee Breaks.

I was told, earnestly, to put on Fallout Boy instead, since they're 'sooooo much better'.

I gotta be honest folks, today is the first time I felt old and had the urge to beat a teenager with a pool cue.

I am only 20 and I actually do like FOB to an extent, their old stuff is pretty good... but Led is far superior.

Led Zepplin is in all ways one of the best bands ever.
There are two kinds of fools in the world: One who believes that it is new, and therefore better. The other is one who believes that it old, and therefore good.

I like oldies myself, because my father use to listen to them all the time as I was growing up. However, you have to acknowledge that styles then and now are quite different, and one can easily have preference over one than the other, without having a lack of 'taste'.
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