Marijuana And You

How often do you smoke pot?

  • Never have.

    Votes: 41 50.0%
  • Have tried it one or two times

    Votes: 20 24.4%
  • Every once in a long while

    Votes: 13 15.9%
  • Every once in a short while

    Votes: 2 2.4%
  • Once or twice a week

    Votes: 1 1.2%
  • Regularly

    Votes: 5 6.1%

  • Total voters
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No, I'm sorry but your saying so isn't enough. I've researched this, there are NO conclusive studies that say Marijuana has damaging effects to the brain. None. Can you produce any that weren't sponsored during the Reefer Madness and killed monkeys by suffocating them with smoking machines? Can you link me to a pot-induced death? A study in the adverse reaction of neurons to THC?

Or is your first-hand experience all you have? Just because you see stoners acting like they have brain damage, it doesn't mean they have brain damage.
Everything when it comes to pot is observational. It has been outlawed for generations in most industrialized nations. It is a little difficult to test a Schedule I narcotic.

They don't do controlled tests with ANY illegal to the public substance? Really? Is that what you're saying? EVERYTHING when it comes to illegal substances is observational? Please say yes so I can crit you with a wall of links 2 pages long proving you wrong.


i can't stand smoke anymore. But unlike NickGuyver, I just exit the immediate area.
Tobacco smoke makes me a bit nauseous and I LOATHE having my clothes/hair (well, beard now) reek of cigarettes after a night out. So no, I never, ever, ever add tobacco to my joints.

I also just exit the immediate area of heavy smokers, although the few friends I have that still smoke are quite considerate and blow the smoke away from where we are.


i can't stand smoke anymore. But unlike NickGuyver, I just exit the immediate area.
Sometimes, it's unavoidable, though. Ex.: Restaurants before the by-law was passed. Or when I'm walking into a building and a number of people are outside smoking. Or just passing someone on the street and I see a big whaff of smoke in front of me. I pretty much have to hold my breath until I pass by.

---------- Post added at 05:40 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:39 PM ----------

Also...NickGuyver? *scratches his head*
And is holding your breath for a few seconds more important than all those pros legalization has, dude? Really?
I think the main problem with the idea that there are NO pot induced deaths is because the most likely cause (Cancer of the Lung or mouth) can happen naturally in humans or be mistakenly linked to tobacco. It would be next to impossible to tell if it was caused by marijuana unless the person came in with a sky high THC count, and even then you couldn't rule out the possibility of the victim simply ingesting it instead of smoking it. The reason people think pot doesn't kill is because you could attribute anything it causes to much more common sources.

I think you manipulating statistics to make it sound safer than it actually is, Calleja. Any drug is going to have lasting, long term side effects if you use enough of it. This is indisputable: There is no such thing as a drug without side effects.
I never said it DOESN'T have side effects, any combusted material you inhale is gonna be unhealthy for your lungs, reduce their capacity, a risk for cancer, etc. But that's not an inherent risk of Marijuana itself... it's not the plant's properties that are damaging to the lungs, you would get the same effects from smoking earl grey tea or grass (real, actual grass) or whatever.

And, again, it's impossible to overdose on THC. The same can not be said of alcohol, tobacco or even caffeine.

People, I'm not there trying to "promote" pot, I'm not saying it's GOOD for you... it's a drug, you have to realize this before taking the rational decision to partake. What I'm saying is that, given our society's "accepted" and legal drugs, pot is very minor in comparison in ill effects.

After I did my research on the effects of pot the biggest decision I had was to reduce to almost nil my alcohol consumption. Booze is whack, yo. Pot.. not as much.
Not as much as you guys apparently think I do, though. I only smoke on weekends and the occasional insomnia emergency. I'm not high everyday like you people keep implying I am.
Everything has side effects. Breathing undetectable smog, drinking mass amounts of water, riding a bicycle, taunting a bobcat with licorice... almost everything can kill you in some way, shape, or form.

Just use your best judgment and try not to harm others in the process. And if you can't even accomplish that, at least you won't pass on your genes!

*this lighthearted post brought to you by the letter Splunge*

Cuyval Dar

Not as much as you guys apparently think I do, though. I only smoke on weekends and the occasional insomnia emergency. I'm not high everyday like you people keep implying I am.
Dude, every time I've been on Vent with you, you've been high.
all of both times? Wow.

That was also during vacation, though, when I had parties at my house almost everyday. Joints and baggies were left over almost every time, so I partook a few days and watched a movie or something. Not during school/work days, though.
Really? Most? You showed me NONE.

I'm sorry if "because I say so" is not enough of an argument for me, Ame.

---------- Post added at 01:52 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:51 PM ----------

but does he like tacos?
I looooove tacos
I was prepared to open my saved research firefox session and post the links I have saved up there.... but before I go all JCM on you, which I'd rather not do.. let's get something out of the way.

You said: "marijuana DOES cause brain damage". As a matter of fact. Fair enough.. can you cite any sources for that?

And please have in mind that saying "just because it hasn't happened doesn't mean it CAN'T happen" like you did in your previous to last post is logical fallacy that doesn't help the argument.
Oh.. so you were saying the HAIRSPRAY and other shit some coffee houses include can cause brain damage?

I read that wrong, then, I apologize, the sentence structure confused me a bit. So yes, we agree pot has detrimental effects on your health, even if these DON'T include brain damage. Do you also agree these are LESS than those of alcohol which was MY original point?
Yeah... when you stand side by side to each substance and realize that the less harmful is the illegal one, you start questioning everything a bit.

There are three big "accepted" substances that are not colloquially considered "drugs" even though they ARE, in every negative definition of the word: Alcohol, Tobacco and Caffeine. I wonder how many people have actually sat down and researched how harmful each of the three are and not just gotten used to it cause everyone else uses them and it's "no big deal".


Sorry i've been asleep and couldn't back you up calleja :p

I smoke daily and life is a blast.


Senior in high school, summer work.

Although I do free-lance writing during the school year, made quite a few pretty penny last year.


How about a reader's digest version, then? Because we've discussed (and even Calleja admits) that it's not exactly good for your health.
How about a reader's digest version, then? Because we've discussed (and even Calleja admits) that it's not exactly good for your health.
Sorry, I'm not putting forth the effort for someone whose mind is made up. Too much effort and I have other things to do.


Sorry, I'm not putting forth the effort for someone whose mind is made up. Too much effort and I have other things to do.
You likely won't convince me, but I'm curious as to your side of the argument about it. Seriously, enlighten me. No sarcasm at all, here.
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