The Cure For Cancer Found: In Tick Spit?

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Someone get this some smurfing funding ASAP!!!

.... oh wait, that's the problem. Big medicine wants to treat, not cure, because it's so much more profitable.



Someone get this some smurfing funding ASAP!!!

.... oh wait, that's the problem. Big medicine wants to treat, not cure, because it's so much more profitable.


And for some actual truth and not made up conspiracy bullshit pulled out of one's ass:



Just to put things in perspective for the non-scientists, specifically the non-molecular biologists around here. I've been hearing of miracle cures for cancer and AIDS since I began undergrad back in 1999. In fact, when I started at my company the HR lady doing the orientation bullshit- selling the company to us- was blubbering about how in two years we're expected to develop the first HIV vaccine. I couldn't help but to raise my hand and inform her that she was more than likely grossly ill informed.
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