Waiting for the praise.

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thanks for being vague. it really helps the sleep deprivation-charged I cant give a damn. :p

---------- Post added at 03:05 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:04 PM ----------

oooo pretty!


Staff member
New mod automatically updates new posts in active threads. So if you are posting and someone ninjas you it appears magically before you submit.


Staff member
Everyone was clamoring for the mod where you could see if someone ninja'd you. This was the closest I could find.

Glad/hope you all like it.
I like it. It was was kinda weird and surprising when a post by Fade appeared before my eyes.

Here I thought he had magic powers.


Staff member
someone's been busy... unlike myself (as my homework is still sitting open next to me)
You'll get no praises from this contribuer until he can search his name on these forums of hell!
Dave, let me ask you a question:
Do you actually have something similar to a life next to halforums?

Edit: And by the way, thanks for all the work. Unwillingly, I have to admit, but this is simply one of the best forums I ever surfed.

A great community has found a great admin!

Btw... why haven't I been ninja'd yet? I keep on typing and still, no ninja-post yet...

Looks like this thread's allready dying... The posting rate has fallen bellow 24 posts/minute...


Ninja? Anyone?


oh well, let's post this garbble...

Edit 2: Well, what's cool is that you can see in the thread title whether someone is writing in the thread or not.

Cool Job dave, never seen that in a forum.
Well, what else could I do? :-P

Hmm... let's look how long it takes until someboy ninja's me...

I like this word, actually... "ninja"... Has a mystical sound to it.

Yeah.... NINJA'D!!!

Thx Zen!!!

Btw... took about 20 secs to be ninja'd... ^^
ok, so I need to be seeing what this is all about.
.... nothing.
..... still nothing.
..... nothing to see here people, move along.
...... nope.
This is like the mysterious woman farting right, we are supposed to think it never happens....
ok, I'm tired of this rambling all ready. I suppose I should eaither submit or hit page back and pretend it never happened.

Hey that's another thing, it's like all those times people go to post and then it doesn't happen because they realize it's just not worth saying... I know I can't be the only one.

.... can I?

..... maybe....

.... still no ninja.

.... but would I know if there was a ninja if the ninja didn't want me to know?

..... yup, nothing. guess I'll have to find a different thread to check up on.
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