Diagnosed severe depression, however it's much much better in the last year or so.
I feel happier that my life is going somewhere, I suppose, but every once in a while I can feel myself slip backwards. It really poisons everything in my life when it creeps up: I don't want to work, I don't want to study, I don't want to see friends or go out on dates...
Interestingly, my depression is rarely brought on by outside events. Several months ago my girlfriend and I split up, and yeah, it sucked and I was upset but it didn't bring on a depression in me. More often it's my depression that drives people away, and I just don't know what causes it to creep up in my mind and turn everything to hell.
It's definitely nowhere as severe as it was even a year ago. I can remember never... Never really sure if there was merit in being alive, and feeling rather unliked and unlikable. Those feelings are largely gone.
I would largely thank one specific friend for that, I think. Having even one person who will tolerate me for six years is a bit of hint that I must at least a LITTLE worthwhile.
So I guess I'm depressed, technically, but cautiously optimistic that I can be more and more emotionally 'normalized' in the coming years. I'd certainly say that at this moment right now, I am a content person.