People of Walmart (site of the day)

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Staff member
I think the Swastika is actually a pretty cool symbol, but at this point our culture just cannot divorce it from Nazism. And for all my socially retarded ideas, not even I'm stupid enough to walk around wearing one. Much less a sweater covering my entire torso which is obviously colored to mimic the Nazi flag.
True dat. Between the wars, the Finnish Air Force (read: a few old bi-planes and a handful of other military aircraft) sported a swastika as part of their insignia. It had nothing to do with national socialism; it had merely been the good-luck symbol of a Swedish count who had donated several planes to the 'Force following WWI.

They took those out after WWII, nonetheless...


Ouch on the perceived SS symbolism... I guess it would have been the same if someone had worn a red star insignia to my maternal grandfather's funeral (I wouldn't know, of course... He died 15 years before I was born).
I think the Swastika is actually a pretty cool symbol, but at this point our culture just cannot divorce it from Nazism. And for all my socially retarded ideas, not even I'm stupid enough to walk around wearing one. Much less a sweater covering my entire torso which is obviously colored to mimic the Nazi flag.
I hear ya. The Swastika itself is really neat. Some people have really gotten rather obsessed [NSFW, Weird] with it. Others have transferred their hate for the regime over to the symbol itself. I suppose there are others who have the same sort of hatred for the golden arches, the Ford logo, the Nike swoosh, etc., but not to quite the same degree.

Back on topic, I spent 2+ years working the overnight shift at a convenience store. I'm familiar with the caliber of visitor you get at that hour. For one thing, none of them laugh at jokes.




This reminds me of when I was a supervisor for Six Flags. I saw some people that really shouldn't have been allowed to live, like a woman so fat that her cellulite was literally overflowing and enveloping her shoes.

The worst though? The obviously drunk rednecks that picked a fight with me over the fact that they couldn't get a stuffed red snake or other random animal

Ouch on the perceived SS symbolism... I guess it would have been the same if someone had worn a red star insignia to my maternal grandfather's funeral (I wouldn't know, of course... He died 15 years before I was born).
The Salvation Army in Germany has a similar problem. They generally have a hard time because the Salvation Army uses a lot of military jargon, and structures itself like an army, and in a post-fascist nation that can look bad. But you just reminded me of another issue: The Salvation Army uniform in most countries have an 'S' on each lapel. They're supposed to stand for 'Saved to Serve.' But in Germany, it's far too close to 'SS' so they get some stylized symbol instead.


Some interesting/nutso goings on at some of the Walmarts I've visited just recently.

About two weeks ago now it was the angry old bastard who literally slapped someone else's 2 year old child. I'm sure some actually have heard about that one, it made some news rounds. I had only left the store a couple hours before that happened actually.

Just last night here in Bredenton, I go outside for something. On the way back in a middle aged guy brushes past me walking really quickly with an odd expression on his face and a big wet spot on his shirt. Turned out one of the employees caught him attempting to steal a live lobster by sneaking it out under his shirt. Astounding.


Staff member
I know this is a thread necro but I saw this one and HAD to post it!

The Valvaline and Depends do it for me!
While I was in Charlotte, visiting the now friend up there, we went to Wally World. There was an ultra-skinny girl walking in just in front of us dressed in a zebra-striped tank top, solid black short-shorts, pink & lime green polka-dotted leg warmers, and sandals.

I was too busy stifling my laughter to take a photo.
I had to pick up some stuff from Lowes this weekend and my wife sent me a grocery list. Since the only grocery nearby was Walmart, I girded my loins and went in. I kept a sharp eye out for people to photograph and post, but it was pretty disappointing. I saw a couple of interesting outfits, but they looked like nice folks, so I just couldn't pull the trigger.
I girded my loins and went in.
Am I to assume that prior to entering Walmart, your loins were un-girded?

I suggest, sir, that you found none of the shoppers too funny because your standards were lower than their prices. In fact, do not be surprised to see yourself on that website, loins girded or not.


I was disappointed to find that the past tense of gird wasn't girt.

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