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People of Walmart (site of the day)




What a great collection of..... people?

all joking aside I really need to take a camera with me next time I go. The train wrecks in there almost make the trip to get to the store worth it.





Whenever I venture into Wal-Mart, I concentrate on what I'm getting, so I don't see the true wretchedness that is other people in Wal-Mart.




Just the other day I saw this very large woman in white stretch pants. That would have been fine (or at least not noteworthy) except that her shirt was so short and her pants were stretched so tight across her ass that you could see her hot pink thong underneath.





So the other day my wife and I were in Walmart and this chick kept staring at my wife's ass. I think it was because of the thong. I should have asked if she wanted to join us. :unibrow:




Oh, you and that shtick... :p

Those moments are so awkward. On one hand... does she not know? Should someone tell her? On the other... does she KNOW? I mean, I've told a girl before that her crack was showing. This kind of thing is in the same vein... God, why can't people just cover their asses?! :facepalm:








Yes. The old man has implants.





Listen, I'm just gonna throw this out there, and try not to take it the wrong way okay?

The only Walmarts where I've seen weird people that made me deeply uncomfortable were in the States.




I prefer not to look at/make eye contact with anyone in Walmart




Wal-Mart at 3am was always fun when I used to go "out all night". You think the MORNING/AFTERNOON crowd is weird/strange? Pfft, 3am is where it's at.


Chad Sexington



Listen, I'm just gonna throw this out there, and try not to take it the wrong way okay?

The only Walmarts where I've seen weird people that made me deeply uncomfortable were in the States.
Come to Edmonton. We've got... deeply uncomforting people in our Wal-Mart.




Wal-Mart at 3am was always fun when I used to go "out all night". You think the MORNING/AFTERNOON crowd is weird/strange? Pfft, 3am is where it's at.
I've never seen more wifebeaters, cheap tattoos, and sad/tired babies.




Oh good, they upgraded. Wait, Wait Don't Tell Me managed to slashdot them a few weeks back.




Walmart is prime country for mullet hunting.



Frankie Williamson


Listen, I'm just gonna throw this out there, and try not to take it the wrong way okay?

The only Walmarts where I've seen weird people that made me deeply uncomfortable were in the States.
Come to Edmonton. We've got... deeply uncomforting people in our Wal-Mart.[/QUOTE]

Definitely, especially on Family Allowance or Welfare cheque days.





Oh good, they upgraded. Wait, Wait Don't Tell Me managed to slashdot them a few weeks back.
CNN did it to them today. Slow as smurf this morning.




I think that old dude is Colonel Hunter Gatherers...




Makes me wish I took pictures at the Dominatrix convention that was held at the hotel a few years ago.

Though one of these days I might try to sneak a picture of one of the Trannies that come by. The same ones that have an absolute fit if you call them "Sir" and not "Ma'am". As I refuse to call something "Ma'am" that sounds like a man and is probably still "packing", no matter what they are wearing, I just compromise by not using any kind of descriptive title when I address them. I'd rather stoop to "Hey, you!" than get an earful from an ugly-ass man in drag.




I think that old dude is Colonel Hunter Gatherers...



Just the other day I saw this very large woman in white stretch pants. That would have been fine (or at least not noteworthy) except that her shirt was so short and her pants were stretched so tight across her ass that you could see her hot pink thong underneath.

Don't you live in the heart of "fat ass country"? Why the hell is it the fatter the woman, the more revealing her clothing and underwear? Especially thongs! Fat women wear thongs all the time! Are they just easier to buy in larger sizes or what?








Database Error when I try to go to the site.

Yeah I don't shop at Walmart much anymore. I get groceries at our local chain of stored Hy-Vee or sometimes at Aldi's or Farewy but mostly Hy-Vee.

But when I do go, it's usually at like 3 in the morning when everything is closed and there are some weird ass people at those times.




The one Wal-mart vision that I can not mind-bleach even after 15 years...

This huge (I'm 6' 300lb, and this guy dwarfed me) white dude with really dark skin (yeah, I know) wearing a wife beater. The guy was amazingly hairy, so hairy that his back hair stood 3 inches long. So his wife beater just kind of held part of his body hair down, so there were these noticeable gaps of no hair on his shoulders. and he was bald too. what a curse, ape level of body hair and a bald head.



Just the other day I saw this very large woman in white stretch pants. That would have been fine (or at least not noteworthy) except that her shirt was so short and her pants were stretched so tight across her ass that you could see her hot pink thong underneath.

Don't you live in the heart of "fat ass country"? Why the hell is it the fatter the woman, the more revealing her clothing and underwear? Especially thongs! Fat women wear thongs all the time! Are they just easier to buy in larger sizes or what?[/QUOTE]

If I had to guess, I'd say that fat chicks have more sex than regular chicks because from what I've witnessed, they are easy marks for dudes trying to get laid. Since they have so many guys that want to sleep with them, they figure they should dress sexy.

PS: Odie, what xbox game are you playing that we're not allowed to know about yet? :-P




If I had to guess, I'd say that fat chicks have more sex than regular chicks because from what I've witnessed, they are easy marks for dudes trying to get laid. Since they have so many guys that want to sleep with them, they figure they should dress sexy.
I'm gonna go with "no way". Simply by what I've personally witnessed. Now this might not be "correct" in the larger scale of things, but the bigger girls in my work and previous jobs could never get laid on a consistant basis, where the hotter ones were laid out at least 2-3x a week.




Hooray for oversimplifications!




Hooray for oversimplifications!
It is not oversimple, they were just easy.



If I had to guess, I'd say that fat chicks have more sex than regular chicks because from what I've witnessed, they are easy marks for dudes trying to get laid. Since they have so many guys that want to sleep with them, they figure they should dress sexy.
I'm gonna go with "no way". Simply by what I've personally witnessed. Now this might not be "correct" in the larger scale of things, but the bigger girls in my work and previous jobs could never get laid on a consistant basis, where the hotter ones were laid out at least 2-3x a week.[/QUOTE]

By you.



If I had to guess, I'd say that fat chicks have more sex than regular chicks because from what I've witnessed, they are easy marks for dudes trying to get laid. Since they have so many guys that want to sleep with them, they figure they should dress sexy.
I'm gonna go with "no way". Simply by what I've personally witnessed. Now this might not be "correct" in the larger scale of things, but the bigger girls in my work and previous jobs could never get laid on a consistant basis, where the hotter ones were laid out at least 2-3x a week.[/QUOTE]

You may be right, but I've been on enough blind dates with rancors to learn they get way way waaaaay more action then they should. It's kind of depressing, actually.

Also, rancor is NOT an exaggeration.




This website is awesome. So many skanks, so little time.




Don't get me wrong, Wal Mart is bad around here, but the local Kmarts are where the real ugly happens. And the staff ain't exactly beauty pageant winners or Rhodes scholars either.




Now there needs to be a 'People of Dollar Palace' website. The famous newspaper blurb, where the interviewee said, "I like going to Dollar Palace because you don't have to get dressed up like you are going to Walmart."


Rob King

Rob King

Don't get me wrong, Wal Mart is bad around here, but the local Kmarts are where the real ugly happens. And the staff ain't exactly beauty pageant winners or Rhodes scholars either.
K-Mart?! MAAAN, that sure reminds me of my childhood. I used to think K-Mart was awesome when I was like ... 6, and all I cared about was Legos. We used to have a K-Mart and a Zeller's. Then Zellers took over where K-Mart used to be, and the old Zellers became a Dominion, and then five years later we got a Wal*Mart, and everything else just went to hell.




When I worked at wal-mart overnight I only had two moments when I didn't know what I was looking at.

The first was when this chick was walking around in a holloween costume. An extra slutty kind I might add. I was not expecting to see that at 2am.

The other was when I heard someone behind me ask me where the shampoo was. It was a light voice, and sounded like a woman in her 40s perhaps. It actually was a large transvestite. S/he was nice though, and a turned out to be a regular.



Oh man, that website is gold.

I haven't been to Wal Mart in years. I live in this area of the city where there are few big box stores and even fewer Walmarts.

But the area where I grew up had a Wal Mart and a K Mart right next to each other. A small wash was all that seperated them.

It was also close to two Native American reservations. One of them has the highest per capita rate of type 2 diabetes and something like 60-70% obese (full on obese not just overweight). Normally they are fairly modest people in dress so I haven't had to bleach my eyes that much, but it is still Wal Mart so it's going to happen no matter how much you wish it wouldn't.



Somehow, I manage to miss the 0300 Wal-Mart 9-1-1's. I work in a relatively low income/education city and we have a good sized Wal-Mart in our area. I'm really surprised I'm only there during regular hours. Only late nighter I had was like 3 years ago, and that was in the parking lot. She was spitting crazy though. It was entertaining to watch as she went from somewhat rational to head-spinning-wacko-bolting-out-our-door only to be tackled by the police. I love a good police tackling.




I was once in Wal Mart and there was a woman there with long, black, thinning hair and a hairy upper lip. She had a lazy eye that shot off to the left at disconcerting angle. She was wearing a white tank top and jean shorts...which barely contained her 400 pound body. Her only form of locomotion was a scooter that moved very slowly, as if strained by her weight.

It beeped like a transport truck when she had to back up.

My husband openly laughed at her. She screamed at him in an accent that told us she was from deep in the 'Bay'.

Still, I hate Wal Mart...my husband, however, loves it.



My eyes! My eyes!

The goggles! They do nothing!



Rob King

Rob King

I was once in Wal Mart and there was a woman there with long, black, thinning hair and a hairy upper lip. She had a lazy eye that shot off to the left at disconcerting angle. She was wearing a white tank top and jean shorts...which barely contained her 400 pound body. Her only form of locomotion was a scooter that moved very slowly, as if strained by her weight.

It beeped like a transport truck when she had to back up.

My husband openly laughed at her. She screamed at him in an accent that told us she was from deep in the 'Bay'.

Still, I hate Wal Mart...my husband, however, loves it.

I hate Wal*Mart for reasons entirely separate the clientele. I actually quite enjoy people watching, so Wal*Mart is as good a place as any.

I just don't like the effect it has on local businesses. Or the sweatshop thing.




Just the other day I saw this very large woman in white stretch pants. That would have been fine (or at least not noteworthy) except that her shirt was so short and her pants were stretched so tight across her ass that you could see her hot pink thong underneath.

Don't you live in the heart of "fat ass country"? Why the hell is it the fatter the woman, the more revealing her clothing and underwear? Especially thongs! Fat women wear thongs all the time! Are they just easier to buy in larger sizes or what?[/QUOTE]

There ARE a lot of fat people down here. There are more festivals here (mostly food-based) than there are weeks in the year, as I'm often said. So there's plenty to eat and lot a lot of exercising going on.

To be honest, I don't care if a fat woman wears revealing clothing. That's her right, and if it makes her feel good, more power to her. I don't have the balls to show any skin, and I'm half their size. But I disapprove of any size woman whose underwear/crack is in full view for all to see. I just think a little class at any dress size goes a very long way.

There are a lot of those women here that Chris Rock talk about in one of his acts. They're 300 pounds but they strut their stuff like they're... well to stick with a forum favorite... Scarlett Johanssen. I only fear for their health.




I was once in Wal Mart and there was a woman there with long, black, thinning hair and a hairy upper lip. She had a lazy eye that shot off to the left at disconcerting angle. She was wearing a white tank top and jean shorts...which barely contained her 400 pound body. Her only form of locomotion was a scooter that moved very slowly, as if strained by her weight.

It beeped like a transport truck when she had to back up.

My husband openly laughed at her. She screamed at him in an accent that told us she was from deep in the 'Bay'.

Still, I hate Wal Mart...my husband, however, loves it.

I hate Wal*Mart for reasons entirely separate the clientele. I actually quite enjoy people watching, so Wal*Mart is as good a place as any.

I just don't like the effect it has on local businesses. Or the sweatshop thing.[/QUOTE]

I used to work there. I didn't last long. It's actually a very stressful job for the low amount of money you get and no one ever shows up for weekend shifts so the lines would gt crazy and customers would complain about it.

It was about the time that a lady started throwing her purchases at me cuz I scanned something wrong that I knew I had to get out. I apologized, I was totally sincere too...I felt really bad...but she didn't have to start thowing shit at me. :waah:



I've spent roughly 60 hours a week (or more) in various Walmarts for about 4 of the last 6 years.

One major regret is not having a camera and/or video camera at hand at all times to document the sights I've seen.




Sarah Palin?!?




Sarah Palin?!?
Obviously. :D



Well that's awkward.

I'm going to go out on a limb and say this is a really friendly community. There's probably block parties every weekend. Pot lucks, neighborhood watches, the works.




Well that's awkward.

I'm going to go out on a limb and say this is a really friendly community. There's probably block parties every weekend. Pot lucks, neighborhood watches, the works.
Oh yes! And on Wednesdays we wear pink!


Rob King

Rob King

Well that's awkward.

I'm going to go out on a limb and say this is a really friendly community. There's probably block parties every weekend. Pot lucks, neighborhood watches, the works.
Oh yes! And on Wednesdays we wear pink![/QUOTE]

Yeah, totally. It's so fetch.



Just so there's no confusion I meant to say 'that community' referring to Nazi lady.

I'm well aware that this place is filled with pink shirted teddy bears.


Rob King

Rob King

Just so there's no confusion I meant to say 'that community' referring to Nazi lady.

I'm well aware that this place is filled with pink shirted teddy bears.
I understood, but I thought the joke would be more fun to run with.


Bonhomme Richard

Bonhomme Richard

Can't say I've ever had as memorable specimens at our local WalMart, but then again I hardly ever go anymore. WalMart just annoys me. It's not the "evil capitalist" company or even what it does to local businesses. It's the fact that they sell junk...cheap. If I need something I can go to WalMart and get it very cheap and it breaks or falls apart in short order. I'd rather spend the money up front and have it last than have to keep buying the same thing over and over. And if I can support a local business in the process, all the better.



Rob King - Oh of course. Your avatar really helps with the whole thing.



Just so there's no confusion I meant to say 'that community' referring to Nazi lady.

I'm well aware that this place is filled with pink shirted teddy bears.
It is.



Awww, he's in a little wheelchair. Little guy must be tired. Or paraplegic. Either way.




Just so there's no confusion I meant to say 'that community' referring to Nazi lady.

I'm well aware that this place is filled with pink shirted teddy bears.
I understood, but I thought the joke would be more fun to run with.[/QUOTE]
Yea... I didn't misunderstand that at all..... :paranoid:




In the Wal-Mart parking lot there were these 2 really short guys attempting to fight. They kept throwing air punches & air kicking but never actually touching eachother. Hilarious

The parking is also were I always get accosted by people selling perfume or selling Jesus.




This is why I'm an elitist and get my groceries from Whole Foods.



I go to Dollar General, that way I don't have to get all dressed up and fancy like I'm going to Wal-mart.




I've only grabbed a few things from Walmart over the last few years, and probably 80% or so got returned broken.

Also, if I get a gift that I want to exchange and I don't have any idea where it came from I'll look it up on Walmart's website and if they sell it I'll just take it there.




This is why I'm an elitist and get my groceries from Whole Foods.
A lot of the hippies that hang out in there look a lot like the speed freaks that hang out in Walmart.




I go to wal-mart. It's cheap, and all in one place. For every one of those freaks, there are a thousand normal people in Wal-Mart.




Some sell groceries and discount pharmaceuticals, so don't think that people only go there to buy cheap imported material goods.



Frankie Williamson

What would drive someone to wear that outside, the nazi sweater? It just baffles me that someone would be so bereft of attention that they would seek the kind of negative response she's probably getting from everyone around her, black or white.




What would drive someone to wear that outside, the nazi sweater? It just baffles me that someone would be so bereft of attention that they would seek the kind of negative response she's probably getting from everyone around her, black or white.
Some company manufactured that shirt!!




What would drive someone to wear that outside, the nazi sweater? It just baffles me that someone would be so bereft of attention that they would seek the kind of negative response she's probably getting from everyone around her, black or white.
I had an attention whore student that would wear Nazi crap to school. One day she came up to my desk while wearing a crochet swastika, and I told her that people that wore that symbol tried to kill my uncles. That was the last time she wore that to my class.


Rob King

Rob King

I think the Swastika is actually a pretty cool symbol, but at this point our culture just cannot divorce it from Nazism. And for all my socially retarded ideas, not even I'm stupid enough to walk around wearing one. Much less a sweater covering my entire torso which is obviously colored to mimic the Nazi flag.




Yeah my buddy Grant has a holocaust denier in his American Government class and I just thought what the fuck... Like you hear about them existing but this is the only one that I have heard of from a real life friend and hes at my college... in Iowa. Who the fuck in Iowa is a damn Nazi?

Most everyone just ignores him or stares at him dumbfounded on how he could believe it never happened. When the teacher showed pictures of concentration camps to him he said they were doctored, but if the holocaust were to ever happen it would be good because the Jews are oh so bad...

Like honestly I want to meet this kid so I can punch him in the face.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

It's Photoshopped! From the 40's!



Got my free entertainment value for the weekend, witnessed a potential thief get flat out tackled and subsequently pinned down for 5-10 minutes while a crowd stood around watching/smoking/laughing as they waited for the cops.

Completely overzealous on the part of the guy doing the tackling, sure. But the scene was worth a laugh or three.




a) it's not because you're negationist that you're a nazi. It's theoretically possible to believe the Holocaust never took place, yet not be a national-socialist or fascist
b) theoretically, there's nothing really wrong with national-socialism as a political ideology; much like communism, it's just forever paired with a certain way it was put into practise in reality
c) I'm neither negationist or nazi, to be sure :-P
d) I did manage to shock some people quite horribly though...About a year ago, at my grandfather's funeral, I wore my balck leather trenchcoat. Some of his resistance friends and such were there as well. They said it was in bloody bad taste to wear an SS coat to a resistance figter's funeral. Oops.



Walmart is where God sends the people natural selection should've killed off.

That way, when the Second Coming happens, it'll be easy to pick out the defective ones.




I think the Swastika is actually a pretty cool symbol, but at this point our culture just cannot divorce it from Nazism. And for all my socially retarded ideas, not even I'm stupid enough to walk around wearing one. Much less a sweater covering my entire torso which is obviously colored to mimic the Nazi flag.
True dat. Between the wars, the Finnish Air Force (read: a few old bi-planes and a handful of other military aircraft) sported a swastika as part of their insignia. It had nothing to do with national socialism; it had merely been the good-luck symbol of a Swedish count who had donated several planes to the 'Force following WWI.

They took those out after WWII, nonetheless...


Ouch on the perceived SS symbolism... I guess it would have been the same if someone had worn a red star insignia to my maternal grandfather's funeral (I wouldn't know, of course... He died 15 years before I was born).




I think the Swastika is actually a pretty cool symbol, but at this point our culture just cannot divorce it from Nazism. And for all my socially retarded ideas, not even I'm stupid enough to walk around wearing one. Much less a sweater covering my entire torso which is obviously colored to mimic the Nazi flag.
I hear ya. The Swastika itself is really neat. Some people have really gotten rather obsessed [NSFW, Weird] with it. Others have transferred their hate for the regime over to the symbol itself. I suppose there are others who have the same sort of hatred for the golden arches, the Ford logo, the Nike swoosh, etc., but not to quite the same degree.

Back on topic, I spent 2+ years working the overnight shift at a convenience store. I'm familiar with the caliber of visitor you get at that hour. For one thing, none of them laugh at jokes.





This reminds me of when I was a supervisor for Six Flags. I saw some people that really shouldn't have been allowed to live, like a woman so fat that her cellulite was literally overflowing and enveloping her shoes.

The worst though? The obviously drunk rednecks that picked a fight with me over the fact that they couldn't get a stuffed red snake or other random animal


Rob King

Rob King


Ouch on the perceived SS symbolism... I guess it would have been the same if someone had worn a red star insignia to my maternal grandfather's funeral (I wouldn't know, of course... He died 15 years before I was born).
The Salvation Army in Germany has a similar problem. They generally have a hard time because the Salvation Army uses a lot of military jargon, and structures itself like an army, and in a post-fascist nation that can look bad. But you just reminded me of another issue: The Salvation Army uniform in most countries have an 'S' on each lapel. They're supposed to stand for 'Saved to Serve.' But in Germany, it's far too close to 'SS' so they get some stylized symbol instead.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

This thread's title makes me think it's a declarative, like trying to address a group. "Hear ye, hear ye, people of Walmart!"



Some interesting/nutso goings on at some of the Walmarts I've visited just recently.

About two weeks ago now it was the angry old bastard who literally slapped someone else's 2 year old child. I'm sure some actually have heard about that one, it made some news rounds. I had only left the store a couple hours before that happened actually.

Just last night here in Bredenton, I go outside for something. On the way back in a middle aged guy brushes past me walking really quickly with an odd expression on his face and a big wet spot on his shirt. Turned out one of the employees caught him attempting to steal a live lobster by sneaking it out under his shirt. Astounding.




I know this is a thread necro but I saw this one and HAD to post it!

The Valvaline and Depends do it for me!


General Specific

General Specific

While I was in Charlotte, visiting the now friend up there, we went to Wally World. There was an ultra-skinny girl walking in just in front of us dressed in a zebra-striped tank top, solid black short-shorts, pink & lime green polka-dotted leg warmers, and sandals.

I was too busy stifling my laughter to take a photo.




I know this is a thread necro but I saw this one and HAD to post it!

The Valvaline and Depends do it for me!
I just love the bald man's Mohawk he is sporting there.



I know this is a thread necro but I saw this one and HAD to post it!

The Valvaline and Depends do it for me!
What do you think he has planned for that night?




My guess, Stone Cold told him to lube up Grandma.




Even grandma needs some lovin every now and then.




I had to pick up some stuff from Lowes this weekend and my wife sent me a grocery list. Since the only grocery nearby was Walmart, I girded my loins and went in. I kept a sharp eye out for people to photograph and post, but it was pretty disappointing. I saw a couple of interesting outfits, but they looked like nice folks, so I just couldn't pull the trigger.




W . . . T . . . F?!




I girded my loins and went in.
Am I to assume that prior to entering Walmart, your loins were un-girded?

I suggest, sir, that you found none of the shoppers too funny because your standards were lower than their prices. In fact, do not be surprised to see yourself on that website, loins girded or not.


I was disappointed to find that the past tense of gird wasn't girt.

