This is the future? Bah

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This is the future? Bah where are the flying cars, where is the renewable energy, moon coloies, space exploration, floating cities, everything.

This is 2009 and we're coming up on 2010 this is the future? Bah this is stupid and pathetic.

We'd rather be stuck in the same rut then explore the uttermost of human potential.


Staff member
We've got more processing powers in our cellphones than we had at NASA during the moon landing.

We've got instant connection all over the globe. Information, entertainment, personal contact.

We've got ovens where we can warm food in minutes.

And so on and so on...

So quit your bitching, mate ;)


Staff member
We will never get to the future. Once we reach it, it turns into the present... and then it's the past.

All we have is the present.


Staff member
You can never tell what era you are living, because an era's name is always a moniker given by historians and scholars about their past. "The Dark Ages" or the "Middle Age", for instance, were given by Renaissance scholars who wanted to distinguish their supposedly enlightened selves from the "barbaric" and "superstitious" times that followed the ancient times they emulated.

My propositions for our current age:
"The Brainless Age"
"The 'Oh my God, oh my God, we're so fuckin' screwed!' Age"
"The InterTubes Age"
You can never tell what era you are living, because an era's name is always a moniker given by historians and scholars about their past. "The Dark Ages" or the "Middle Age", for instance, were given by Renaissance scholars who wanted to distinguish their supposedly enlightened selves from the "barbaric" and "superstitious" times that followed the ancient times they emulated.

My propositions for our current age:
"The Brainless Age"
"The 'Oh my God, oh my God, we're so fuckin' screwed!' Age"
"The InterTubes Age"
sorry, your post went in one era and out the other


This is the future? Bah where are the flying cars, where is the renewable energy, moon coloies, space exploration, floating cities, everything.

This is 2009 and we're coming up on 2010 this is the future? Bah this is stupid and pathetic.

We'd rather be stuck in the same rut then explore the uttermost of human potential.
The general public is too retarded to drive ground vehicles without causing fatal accidents.

Renewable energy has to follow the laws of thermodynamics.

Moon colonies are a waste of money and resources.

Space exploration is limited by the laws of thermodynamics.

Floating cities are limited by the laws of thermodynamics.

Live it up mang, 30 years ago a cell phone required a briefcase, there was no internet, a computer had less processing power than a cheap 10 dollar grocery store calculator today, there were no ipods, microwaves were still considered dangerous, cars weren't nearly as powerful and efficent as they are today. Space exploration was limited to testing the space shuttle systems.

Moral of the story is that technology tends to lean towards that which is more practical for modern living rather than what sounds cool.

You wanna fly? By a 2009 Honda CRB and crank that bitch out to 150 mph. If you're too scared to do that, don't bitch to me about not having a flying car ;-)


I guess they weren't joking, she really does know where we all live. What I do on my weekends is personal thank you very much, and needn't be posted about.


Staff member
This is the future? Bah where are the flying cars, where is the renewable energy, moon coloies, space exploration, floating cities, everything.

This is 2009 and we're coming up on 2010 this is the future? Bah this is stupid and pathetic.

We'd rather be stuck in the same rut then explore the uttermost of human potential.
The general public is too retarded to drive ground vehicles without causing fatal accidents.

Renewable energy has to follow the laws of thermodynamics.

Moon colonies are a waste of money and resources.

Space exploration is limited by the laws of thermodynamics.

Floating cities are limited by the laws of thermodynamics.

Live it up mang, 30 years ago a cell phone required a briefcase, there was no internet, a computer had less processing power than a cheap 10 dollar grocery store calculator today, there were no ipods, microwaves were still considered dangerous, cars weren't nearly as powerful and efficent as they are today. Space exploration was limited to testing the space shuttle systems.

Moral of the story is that technology tends to lean towards that which is more practical for modern living rather than what sounds cool.

You wanna fly? By a 2009 Honda CRB and crank that bitch out to 150 mph. If you're too scared to do that, don't bitch to me about not having a flying car ;-)[/QUOTE]

There are tons of people who still firmly believe this. I have a friend---very granola---who refuses to own one. She will not listen when I try to explain resonance and water, and how much microwave radiation your food is exposed to in simple sunlight.


I dunno I don't mind the current techonology we have and are developing but I still think it would be cool if manned exploration of the solar system were mainstream looking for valuable and exotic minerals.
I dunno I don't mind the current techonology we have and are developing but I still think it would be cool if manned exploration of the solar system were mainstream looking for valuable and exotic minerals.
You don't mind the current level of technology?! Alright then, try to go about your daily life without using the phone, internet, showers, oven, microwave, or any form of technology. That "I don't mind this level of technology" will to change to "HALLELUJAH!, praise mankind's inventiveness in all it's forms" pretty fucking quick.
You can never tell what era you are living, because an era's name is always a moniker given by historians and scholars about their past. "The Dark Ages" or the "Middle Age", for instance, were given by Renaissance scholars who wanted to distinguish their supposedly enlightened selves from the "barbaric" and "superstitious" times that followed the ancient times they emulated.

My propositions for our current age:
"The Brainless Age"
"The 'Oh my God, oh my God, we're so fuckin' screwed!' Age"
"The InterTubes Age"
Actually, we've already been christened "The Information Age".


Staff member
You can never tell what era you are living, because an era's name is always a moniker given by historians and scholars about their past. "The Dark Ages" or the "Middle Age", for instance, were given by Renaissance scholars who wanted to distinguish their supposedly enlightened selves from the "barbaric" and "superstitious" times that followed the ancient times they emulated.

My propositions for our current age:
"The Brainless Age"
"The 'Oh my God, oh my God, we're so fuckin' screwed!' Age"
"The InterTubes Age"
Actually, we've already been christened "The Information Age".[/QUOTE]

Really? Huh. I was once under the impression that some people have started using "The Postmodern Age" when talking about post-WWII.
You can never tell what era you are living, because an era's name is always a moniker given by historians and scholars about their past. "The Dark Ages" or the "Middle Age", for instance, were given by Renaissance scholars who wanted to distinguish their supposedly enlightened selves from the "barbaric" and "superstitious" times that followed the ancient times they emulated.

My propositions for our current age:
"The Brainless Age"
"The 'Oh my God, oh my God, we're so fuckin' screwed!' Age"
"The InterTubes Age"
Actually, we've already been christened "The Information Age".[/QUOTE]

Really? Huh. I was once under the impression that some people have started using "The Postmodern Age" when talking about post-WWII.[/QUOTE]

I submit for consideration "the Power-leveling Age" because we're leveling up so fast, we're not taking the time to learn how to use our new abilities.
Postmodern goes up until the proliferation of the Internet. Anything past that (lets say... mid-to-late 1990's) is considered the Information Age.
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