This is the future? Bah

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Regarding the age ... however we define things today is quite likely to change in the next decades/centuries. We talk about the modern age, post-modern age, information age, etc ... but in one hundred years, scholarship might agree that they are all subsequent phases in the same arc, and call it all ... I dunno ... the post-renaissance age, or something.
Of course. It's a very clear and obvious thing - just look at any historical time line. We start out with these eras 5000 years long, and as they get closer by, they get progressively shorter and shorter. It's odd, in a way - historians ought to be aware of the phallacy inherent: just because we perceive greater differences doesn't mean they're there. Sure, technologically and culturally, we've been going faster and faster, but still. For my €0.02, this is still the same era as at least the industrial revolution; probably even earlier. We'll see what historians say in a couple of hundred years.

Also: assholes and your TVTropeslinking -_-

I'm just not getting the "draw" of TVtropes, am I doing it wrong? I'm on there for 20seconds before I get bored and close the site.
Are you the kind of person who can pick up a psychology or sociology book and look at how it applies to the people you know?
:confused: It's 12:30 PM here. I admit, I'm sleep deprived (insomnia hurray) and I should go and do a nap so I can go to work later today,'re watching the wrong guy if you think you're spying on me at 5:30 am :-P


I have work with computers for a long time (since 88) and I have notice a huge change from working/gaming back in 88 till today.

Sure we don't have the "science fiction" of flying car or AI, but we are getting there. You can even see the special effects from 1980s movies vs 2009 movies.

I personally believe many of us can't quite live without the technology we have today. I know I personally can't. there are so much technology from the car I drive (Scion which has like what? 3-4 computer in it?) the PC I type this thread with, the microwave I nuke my food, the electricity for my house, the TV I watch etc etc.
I personally believe many of us can't quite live without the technology we have today. I know I personally can't. there are so much technology from the car I drive (Scion which has like what? 3-4 computer in it?) the PC I type this thread with, the microwave I nuke my food, the electricity for my house, the TV I watch etc etc.
Horse and buggy, typewritter, fire, fire again, a hut, campfire stories passing legends down from one generation to the next.

Mind you, I prefer the technology too, I'm just saying. Survival is possible.


I personally believe many of us can't quite live without the technology we have today. I know I personally can't. there are so much technology from the car I drive (Scion which has like what? 3-4 computer in it?) the PC I type this thread with, the microwave I nuke my food, the electricity for my house, the TV I watch etc etc.
Horse and buggy, typewritter, fire, fire again, a hut, campfire stories passing legends down from one generation to the next.

Mind you, I prefer the technology too, I'm just saying. Survival is possible.[/QUOTE]

Yes it is possible, but you can't live in your own home, you have to live on the land, raise a farm and well....... disconnect yourself from the world (like those Amish country)

Are you willing to do that?
I don't

Kitty Sinatra

I have work with computers for a long time (since 88) and I have notice a huge change from working/gaming back in 88 till today.

Sure we don't have the "science fiction" of flying car or AI, but we are getting there. You can even see the special effects from 1980s movies vs 2009 movies.

I personally believe many of us can't quite live without the technology we have today. I know I personally can't. there are so much technology from the car I drive (Scion which has like what? 3-4 computer in it?) the PC I type this thread with, the microwave I nuke my food, the electricity for my house, the TV I watch etc etc.
Daring to cross threads here, but this is actually one of the "messages" in the Day of The Triffids, the book I suggested to Crone, and that was written in the 50s.

Of course it'd be hard to live without our technology; we developed it specifically so that we can depend upon it.
Shakespeare is considered a part of the Modern Age.

These terms get thrown about too much. What many of you consider the Modern Age is the Industrial Age, which started about 150 years ago. Post Industrial was roughly the 20th century. The Information Age began with Eniac or even some of the tabulating machines that IBM produced before WWII.


I have work with computers for a long time (since 88) and I have notice a huge change from working/gaming back in 88 till today.

Sure we don't have the "science fiction" of flying car or AI, but we are getting there. You can even see the special effects from 1980s movies vs 2009 movies.

I personally believe many of us can't quite live without the technology we have today. I know I personally can't. there are so much technology from the car I drive (Scion which has like what? 3-4 computer in it?) the PC I type this thread with, the microwave I nuke my food, the electricity for my house, the TV I watch etc etc.
Daring to cross threads here, but this is actually one of the "messages" in the Day of The Triffids, the book I suggested to Crone, and that was written in the 50s.

Of course it'd be hard to live without our technology; we developed it specifically so that we can depend upon it.[/QUOTE]

sometimes I wonder if we can ever live without it.

The main problem for me is money. In order for me to get money (to do anything really) is that I need a job. Most job relate to technology.

I don't have the skills or the time to learn none technology skill stuff (i.e. I could learn farming skill, blacksmith or something) of course I would need money to buy land and pay taxes and such.

I am not sure if we could do anything like that on a whim in short of moving into a community (like amish) but I don' follow their religious belief so that is not going to work either is it?


I have work with computers for a long time (since 88) and I have notice a huge change from working/gaming back in 88 till today.

Sure we don't have the "science fiction" of flying car or AI, but we are getting there. You can even see the special effects from 1980s movies vs 2009 movies.

I personally believe many of us can't quite live without the technology we have today. I know I personally can't. there are so much technology from the car I drive (Scion which has like what? 3-4 computer in it?) the PC I type this thread with, the microwave I nuke my food, the electricity for my house, the TV I watch etc etc.
Pretty much this.

I grew up with the middle ages of the internet, from a Tandy pc with a shitty usenet program to netscape to today's net, and while we dont have flying cars, we're watching videos and playing games on our iPhone that were impossible less than a decade ago.

Advancement is huge, to the point where processor speed jumps and console bits are irrelevant and no longer known by most nerds, so I'll take an iphone, microwave, blu-ray player and washing machine any day over a flying car.
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