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Staff member
Swine flu's so very overblown. It's not the freaking bubonic plague. The regular, standard flu kills way more people. I wonder how many cases of regular flu there were at pax this year.


Swine flu's so very overblown. It's not the freaking bubonic plague. The regular, standard flu kills way more people. I wonder how many cases of regular flu there were at pax this year.
Probably none. At the moment ANY flu is swine flu, or so they seem to decide over here at least!
Ha ha ha, all the gaming folk who went are talking about the brutal cases of "nerd" flu everyone's getting now.
The problem is deaths from H1N1 do tend to be more in the age range of people going to PAX, not the elderly like regular flu. However I seem to remember that many of the deaths (if not most) were in people who already had other health problems. (Hi.)
The issue of swine flu is its past. When it has crossed over into humans before it was killer. Also now that we all don't live on the farms like pre WWII, there is not the antibodies to it. So they see a swine flu strain that is virulent and freak out. It just happens to be a rather mild form of the flu. We just got off lucky this time around. But it is far from over.


Staff member
In Warhammer Online, they just wrapped up a week-long "live event" where an epic NPC would be running randomly through combat zones putting curses on players that turn them into pigs (during which time you can't fight, use magic or use items). It took 10 seconds after hitting you before you turn into a pig, and during that time you got a bonus "ability" added to your hotbar that let you pass the curse (like a hot potato) to another player, be it friend or foe, and then they have 10 seconds to pass it on or get turned into a pig.

There were some swine flu jokes going around in game last week, I can assure you.

Oh, and of course there was an achievement unlock for killing players in pig form.
Oh, and of course there was an achievement unlock for killing players in pig form.
That sounds like awesome fun. Did the community like it? I remember the ENDLESS whining during the zombie event in WoW, which was kind of similar and also a lot of fun if you didn't have a hardcore stick up your ass.


Staff member
Oh, and of course there was an achievement unlock for killing players in pig form.
That sounds like awesome fun. Did the community like it? I remember the ENDLESS whining during the zombie event in WoW, which was kind of similar and also a lot of fun if you didn't have a hardcore stick up your ass.[/QUOTE]

The pig thing was kinda cool, but the rest of the live event kinda sucked. Except for the pig thing, you see, it was all "we wish our game was WoW" PvE.

As much fun as this game can be, it's bleeding subscribers like a hemophiliac in a sharper image store. The devs are still focused on issues people stopped griping about 5 months ago because every patch breaks new things that they start griping about after patching.


I guess someone release the wrong virus at PAX. It was suppose to be a Zombie virtus.


Somebody tell Shego she got the vials mixed up.
It could be a zombie virus that takes a while to kick in and only seems like the swine flu.

Either that, or she didn't bribe Chaz enough.


Swine flu's so very overblown. It's not the freaking bubonic plague. The regular, standard flu kills way more people. I wonder how many cases of regular flu there were at pax this year.
As Zen said, swine flu is killing the younger people. As a young person myself, I see this as a problem, since it's supposed to be the old people who get really sick and die from things like the flu.

More problematically in the long term, though, is that this is a fairly new strain of flu in humans. With the normal types of flus that get around, we know most of the possible mutations they can get (E.G, what the different possible strains look like), and they're mostly fairly harmless as long as you're healthy. This new swine flu, though, is a freak combination of both a pig flu and a bird flu, and so we don't really know what mutations it's capable of. With any luck, it will blow over like bird flu did, because none of its possible mutations are all that nasty. However, there's always a very real chance that this one will turn out to be the flu that can develop the truly deadly strains. Hopefully, this new type of flu will also prove to be relatively harmless. One of these days, though, we are going to get a new type of flu that will have a possible mutation that transforms it into something as bad as the 1918 flu. Remember that the 1918 flu killed over 3% of the population of the entire world, making it worse than the bubonic plague, and that the swine flu is of the same sort of type.

Again, with any luck, this will be harmless. But every time we get a new type of flu, we run a risk of it mutating into something truly lethal. Definitely something worth washing your hands a little more over.
Kurz on h1n1 (which my doctor friend tells me his hospital has started pronouncing 'heiney'):

"If I count the number of hands I shook, and then number of hands those hands shook before shaking mine…it makes me want to throw up."

Maybe I'm remembering incorrectly, but didn't Kurz stop shaking hands at cons a few years back? I seem to recall a blog post apologizing for it, and explaining that it was to prevent just this sort of thing.


Swine flu's so very overblown. It's not the freaking bubonic plague. The regular, standard flu kills way more people. I wonder how many cases of regular flu there were at pax this year.
Well yes and no. H1N1 is a regular "standard" flu, just like every strain of flu is (otherwise it might as well be called something other than flu, right?). The danger with H1N1 is that it's expressing similar surface proteins to the 1918 Spanish flu strain (hemagglutinin 1 and neuraminidase 1) which caused death in young folks through a massive cytokine reaction. Pretty much the immune system overreacts to a these new proteins and short story, your lungs get destroyed. Flu strains mix and match their segmented genomes between species, and occasionally, you get a strain with just the right amount of new proteins expressed that the general population has no antibodies to, and you get a shitstorm of really, really sick people.

But yeah, the main hype over Swine Flu is it's H1N1 designation, which relates it to the 1918 flu pandemic. If medicine and hygiene practices were as good in 1918 as it is today, I doubt as many people would have died.

The media has done a wonderful job of terrifying the population into thinking H1N1 is a doomsday virus, but it is a serious thing if you experience symptoms like extreme tiredness, blue in the lips, unresponsiveness.

As far as killing fewer people than the regular seasonal "pandemic" of flu. I don't think you can say yes or no either way...

---------- Post added at 10:45 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:44 PM ----------

Swine flu's so very overblown. It's not the freaking bubonic plague. The regular, standard flu kills way more people. I wonder how many cases of regular flu there were at pax this year.
As Zen said, swine flu is killing the younger people. As a young person myself, I see this as a problem, since it's supposed to be the old people who get really sick and die from things like the flu.

More problematically in the long term, though, is that this is a fairly new strain of flu in humans. With the normal types of flus that get around, we know most of the possible mutations they can get (E.G, what the different possible strains look like), and they're mostly fairly harmless as long as you're healthy. This new swine flu, though, is a freak combination of both a pig flu and a bird flu, and so we don't really know what mutations it's capable of. With any luck, it will blow over like bird flu did, because none of its possible mutations are all that nasty. However, there's always a very real chance that this one will turn out to be the flu that can develop the truly deadly strains. Hopefully, this new type of flu will also prove to be relatively harmless. One of these days, though, we are going to get a new type of flu that will have a possible mutation that transforms it into something as bad as the 1918 flu. Remember that the 1918 flu killed over 3% of the population of the entire world, making it worse than the bubonic plague, and that the swine flu is of the same sort of type.

Again, with any luck, this will be harmless. But every time we get a new type of flu, we run a risk of it mutating into something truly lethal. Definitely something worth washing your hands a little more over.[/QUOTE]

This entire section needs a /facepalm.


Every time someone mentions the swine flu I get an urge to go play Pandemic 2
Everytime someone mentions the word "mutation" to describe flu strain differences (Zarvox), I want to choke a bitch.


Also didn't the bubonic plague wipe out a lot more than 3% I know it was about 35% of Europe, I am not sure how much of the world pop Europe made up back then but I am guessing the deaths were more than 3%. But I didn't bother googling so I could be totally wrong.
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