Logo Ticker Suggestions

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can be pasted here. Winners will get their answers inserted into the halforums logo png

there is no guarantee anyone will USE them, but hey. Also, this offer ends in 80 minutes.


Would be cool if every halforumite submitted one line and you setup a script to scroll through them randomly so everytime the banner displayed it would be a different one.

'Puting the Tent in Internet'


---------- Post added at 04:36 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:35 PM ----------

Home of the craziness

You will be eaten by a Grue

I am sorry but I can't do that

pass the rum

You fail. Now please go die

join the insanity

what sanity?

That's no moon!

Are you in yet?

Does my opinion matter?

Insulting you since you joined

Dwelling place for the insane

Good news it's a suppository

Home of the infection

Choose your weapon

Resistance is futile

You will be assimilated

You insanity shall be added to our own

First Place Losers

Were a trap!

Pass the drama llama

Death to the world!

Go commit seppuku

You shall not pass!

My precious...

Where losers are made

F*** you it's funny!

Staying immature since the day we were born

Losing sleep for the greater stupidity

Make it so number one!

Earl Grey tea. Hot

Masters of the Intertubes

Destroyers of psyches

Ahead warp factor 6!

There's no mute button for text

All you time are belong to us

Double posters shall be hung

Questioning your parenthood just for laughs

Join the Dork Side

Confusing the sh*t out of logic

No you can't come

Like a pain-stick to the groin


Using "teh" every chance we get

D*** you Madagascar!

You are now infected

We are the terror that lurks in the night
Where is your god now?

Like /b/ but no one admits it

Where the unstoppable force meets the immovable object

You can't take the sky from me

abandon all hope

an alternative to porn (porn available upon request)
I'm terrible at following directions, so I made a logo instead of giving you a tagline...

I believe you should put the logos in a rotation, as suggested by pojo.

Right size:

Doesn't sound too bad. I'll try to stay awake.
You can die too for all I care.
I hate for people to die embarrassed.
Do you always begin conversations this way?
We'll never succeed. We may as well die here.
they're so perky, I love that.

Never thought about it, but TPB is a downer...



Staff member
Jar-Jar shot first.

Beware the pantsless Finn.

Yub Yub!

More addictive than heroine and TvTropes.

Zombie Farm

Who's this Turbo fellow?

Daily Dose of Dorkitude.

I cannot do that, Dave.

Leave your brain at the door.

Home of the Baby and the Mex.

Frosty Susan was here.

Dave is watching you.

Face Pubes A-Plenty.
I'd love to see the scroll of different things that users suggest. For my contribution:

Nothing of value to add
Your opinion is wrong, and stupid
May drunkeness prevail
Two Necros are walking past a morgue.....


---------- Post added at 05:58 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:51 PM ----------

and the last one:



Staff member
The only thing I wonder if it comes across as a little... I dunno, negative? I mean, there's an insult to your opinion, and even a hint about bestiality involving llamas ;)


Staff member
Now if I can convince Amy to make me a shitload of them we'll be set. She can zip them up and PM them to me or send them to David@Nihsen.com. If she wants to do it, that is.
The only thing I wonder if it comes across as a little... I dunno, negative? I mean, there's an insult to your opinion, and even a hint about bestiality involving llamas ;)
I think that the people who fit in here pretty much thrive on abuse of some sort and/or can understand that its in humor.

At least, I hope people can.
The only thing I wonder if it comes across as a little... I dunno, negative? I mean, there's an insult to your opinion, and even a hint about bestiality involving llamas ;)
I think that the people who fit in here pretty much thrive on abuse of some sort and/or can understand that its in humor.

At least, I hope people can.[/QUOTE]

Just playin' the devil's advocate, that's all.[/QUOTE]

That's usually my job. Heh, no I completely understand NR.
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