I haven't play F.E.A.R 1Steam weekend deal for Sept 24-27th
50% off F.E.A.R.2roject Origin and F.E.A.R.2: Reborn DLC
That's $25 for the game, and $5 for the DLC here in the US. (Do these weekend deals on Steam apply outside the US? I've been assuming they do, but I never checked.)
I just finished playing, and it was damn good. Ran into 4 tanks in the two levels, before even reaching the finale, and we were playing on Normal. It feels a lot more open than any of the other campaigns, and it's rarely obvious where to go next, but that may just be on account of it being a first playthrough.Ooooh! New campaign? I know what I'm firing up the moment I get home! Fear my Zoey sniper rifle skills you zombie bastards!
What "they" are you referring to? Amazon has recently had some sort of buy 2 get one free sale to match Toys R Us doing a similar deal. I didn't pay attention to either since I like digital downloads. I started this thread for anyone to post any sort of gaming deals, I just post what catches my eye. Others should post what they see.They need to start announcing some Amazon sales, or other sales that will ship a disc to your door.
Lousy lack of broadband...
Ooh! The Witcher! I've always passed on this but now I think it's time.For those looking to expand their console library, Amazon has a deal. Buy $80 worth of eligible games (before Oct 31st), and get a $40 credit towards future game purchases (credit expires Dec 31, 2009). There are hundreds of eligible games for PS3, 360 and Wii (and 2 DS games).
For the digital download crowd, Steam is offering 50% Off The Witcher - making it $20
I'd like to give a big FU to you...but you're right. At least I've admitted why I stopped. I sucked at the game. Hell, I got called out by Gusto.You should start a thread on your playthrough of it, then quit after 3 days. :slywink:
Ooooh, I went there.