Ask me anything: Super Fun Size Smart-Ass Edition

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What is your favourite dinosaur?

what would you rather lose, hand or foot?

Favourite dead president?

If you had to chose one person to come back from the dead to terrorize the living as an undead super villian, who would it be and why?
What is your favourite dinosaur?
T-rex. I love the idea of all of that sheer killing power being fronted by those foofy little arms. I'm sure I would feel differently seeing one in person, but as it is, I cannot look at one without picturing it waving and saying "Hello, sailor".

what would you rather lose, hand or foot?
Foot. I'm not much of a runner, but I type for a living and play video games for fun. Plus, I could totally get a peg leg with exchangeable attachments and hidden compartments. Best USB drive ever.

Favourite dead president?
I do it all for the Benjamins.

If you had to chose one person to come back from the dead to terrorize the living as an undead super villian, who would it be and why?
While the obvious answer is Hitler, just to fulfill my Wolfenstein fantasies, I think a more practical answer is Micheal Jackson. We'd get new music (and really, what's more disorienting that a villain who stops to sing before smiting out his victims), and he could play on the ultimate fear of having to protect our children. Bonus: Thriller 2.


That is a frightening idea.

Favourite way to commit murder?

Most likely food option you would like in gigantic quantities?
Favourite way to commit murder?
Firstly, I should point out that I do not commit murder. Murder is a crime, and should be avoided by decent people everywhere. Stay and school, and say no to drugs.

That said, I've always been a fan of the situation specific murder. You know, the candy maker drowned in a vat of boiling chocolate - that sort of thing. If I had to go with a generic murder, it would be dousing an individual with Taco Bell hot sauce and unleashing a pack of wild chihuahuas on them. It's horrific, vaguely comical, and there's really very little cleanup involved.

In theory of course.

Most likely food option you would like in gigantic quantities?
Toss up between coffee and whiskey, so I'm going to go with Irish Coffee.


Food you wish you could swim in?

Biggest crime you have considered committing?
What are your plans for your birthday today? 35?!? You're fucking OLD!!
Once freed from work, I will go home where my family will surprise me with an pineapple upside down cake (my daughter sucks at keeping secrets). After my son goes to bed, I will watch the Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince with my wife and daughter because we've been working through the Harry Potter movies each Friday evening. I kind of regret this, as this is the one night of the year I could insist on renting Zombieland and not meet any kind of protests, but what are you gonna do?

In a related matter, my wife, who has never in her life read Achewood, was discussing my impending age last night (she's about a month younger than me, so it's relevant to her as well). I was saying how 30 didn't phase me, but for some reason 35 does. She pointed out that I will now have to answer age bracket polls differently, saying, "Yeah, so 35 is really kind of a thing", which made me laugh hard.


Staff member
I always equate my age with speed limits. Up until now I've been basically residential. This October I will move into in-town highways.

As long as I'm not Autobahn I guess I'm okay.

Kitty Sinatra

my family will surprise me with an pineapple upside down cake
I knew about my surprise party,
I was tired and depressed
But I acted surprised
And I told lots of lies
Yes, I did my best.

You a fan of Soul Asylum?
my family will surprise me with an pineapple upside down cake
I knew about my surprise party,
I was tired and depressed
But I acted surprised
And I told lots of lies
Yes, I did my best.

You a fan of Soul Asylum?[/QUOTE]

Haven't heard them in a really long time, but I liked all of the stuff I heard. Particularly liked Runaway Train and Somebody To Shove. Takes me back to a time (WARNING: IMPENDING OLD PERSON SPEAK) when I would watch 120 Minutes on MTV. Now I'm pretty sure that the full amount of time they dedicate to music videos in a given week.

Kitty Sinatra

I still listen to them regularly, although about a decade ago I lost the disc (Grave Dancer's Union) that had those songs on it and couldn't find another copy until just last year. It's a freaking masterpiece.

The song that the album title comes from starts with the line "I fell in love with a hooker." You ever fall in love with a hooker?
You ever fall in love with a hooker?
Not that I am aware of. Like many men, I have professed love on several occasions, and each time I meant it. I was only right once though, and I'm pretty sure she was never a hooker. Reminds me of when I donate blood a few years ago, and they made me answer the questionnaire beforehand. One of the questions is "Have you ever slept with someone who has exchanged sex for money or drugs". I turned in my questionnaire and then said to the nurse, "I checked off no, but I have to be honest, I've been married like ten years now, and I never thought to ask.".
One of the questions is "Have you ever slept with someone who has exchanged sex for money or drugs". I turned in my questionnaire and then said to the nurse, "I checked off no, but I have to be honest, I've been married like ten years now, and I never thought to ask.".
Seems like it would be safe if it was your drugs and they exchanged sex with you for them.
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