Ask Cajungal Anything

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Kitty Sinatra

What's the coolest gizmo/gadget/vehicle you can imagine that you would want to see in the future (near or distant)?


Staff member
is that a no?

---------- Post added at 07:20 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:18 PM ----------

What's the coolest gizmo/gadget/vehicle you can imagine that you would want to see in the future (near or distant)?
Hmm, wow, I'm not good at technology stuff, but lemme see... maybe an mp3 player that's just a pair of bluetooth folding headphones.

---------- Post added at 07:20 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:20 PM ----------

Have you ever wanted to taste human flesh to see what it tastes like?
Actually yeah. Both morbid and professional curiosity. :p
Does it bother you that the most public perception of Cajuns is a poorly written cartoon character? Who would you consider the BEST popular conception of a Cajun?


Staff member
Ohhhh man. Good question. Hang on, I'll get back to you!

---------- Post added at 07:37 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:32 PM ----------

To answer the first part, it doesn't really bother me. I'm sure other people feel this way too--when they see their cultural/ethnic group depicted, they get kind of picky and don't think anyone can capture the true essence of their people. You really have to come here to a festival or a local restaurant or a family's house for dinner to really feel it.


Staff member
Part 2, Adammon, I REALLY can't think of anything truly good and not just a funny/silly stereotype. Maybe the Cajun inmate from The Green Mile. The accent was spot-on, and he had the weird, playful warmth that a lot of old people down here have. (I forget what crime he committed... I only saw the movie. But I connected with him right away.) I especially love the line, "I thank you, Mr. Jingles thanks you, my mamma'd thank you but she daid."

---------- Post added at 07:42 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:40 PM ----------

And phil, I'm not worried. I'm half expecting it, but I don't get shocked or offended easily. All in good fun. :)
I am expecting it too, and am almost disappointed it's been so G rated thus far. Maybe once bubble gets here, or shego.

I suppose I shall get this out of the way though, just to steal someone's thunder.

When can I tap that?



Staff member
why you even got to do a thing?
I know this is from something.

---------- Post added at 07:48 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:48 PM ----------

I am expecting it too, and am almost disappointed it's been so G rated thus far. Maybe once bubble gets here, or shego.

I suppose I shall get this out of the way though, just to steal someone's thunder.

When can I tap that?

When Darkaudit joins the ranks of the Grand Old Party.

Kitty Sinatra

Creepy question time!

What was the creepiest stalker moment you've experienced (as stalker or stalked)?


Staff member
Sad story, actually, Gruebeard

Years ago, my sister starting dating this guy who we didn't know was a complete monster, and she kept it from us. <Many awful details left out>

Months after the breakup, he still drove by our home, left her screaming messages about bombing bars (die-hard anti-alcohol "Christian"), and followed her to night classes. My father and brother finally approached him one day when he was waiting for her outside of school. He never bothered her after that. He's the one person I don't think I'll ever forgive.

Months later, my mom say him with a girl and she asked her: "Has he hit you yet?" He pulled her away and they walked off.

---------- Post added at 07:55 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:54 PM ----------

What is best in life?

2 Things:

*Knowing the people around you could live without you but would never want to--and feeling the same for them.

*The surprising burst of courage I feel when things are at their worst.

---------- Post added at 07:56 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:55 PM ----------

Can I call you crazy, since I surely cannot call you guilty with millions of hands on the blade?
Call me anything but the C-word... unless I really, really deserve it.


Staff member
If you're in a good mood, check out John Ellis' album Dance Like There's No Tomorrow. It captures a lot of different moods, genres, and parts of our lives. I highly recommend it.

Miles Davis is a must. I've been listening to Kind of Blue. My brother's the authority on him, really.

I like Coltrane a lot, and if you're into mellow vocals, his album of love songs with Johnny Hartman is gorgeous.

Shirley Horn's tribute album to Ray Charles and You Won't Forget Me are great. You can also find her gorgeous rendition of "A Time for Love" on youtube. It's better to watch her face when you hear her music.

Count Basie's always enjoyable, and he did good work with Sinatra.

I love Ella and Billie of course. People always ask me if I like Louis Armstrong, and I absolutely do, but he isn't my favorite. Still, I never thought of him the same when I heard "Black and Blue."

After seeing them live, I'd recommend Wynton Marsalis (and his whole family, really) and Ron Carter's solo work.

There are so many.. and I'm not really familiar with them all. I've heard a lot of Herbie Hancock, Dave Brubeck, and Wayne Shorter too, although again, my brother knows more about jazz than me.

But yes, any of those. :D

---------- Post added at 09:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:11 PM ----------

I also think that Jane Monheit is a beautiful newer female vocalist. I saw her live as an assignment back when I majored in music. She's tremendously talented... does a lot of great Portuguese numbers that made me feel connected to my family down there.


Crawfish or shrimp?

Les Miles: Good coach or bad coach? Or do you not care about college football? :p


Staff member
Are you a fan of Pinky & the Brain
I am! Love it. :D

---------- Post added at 11:11 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:08 AM ----------

if you could abuse your mod powers without losing them, how would you abuse them?
Hmm... well... there was this one time that two people were in a fight (way past just debating) and one of them made it super personal. I don't remember who, I just remember how angry the comment made me. If I had gone with the snap decision I wanted to make based on the insult, I probably would have banned that person for a week. But in the end I don't think that would have been right, because like always, the air was cleared. People are going to fight and say things they maybe they regret or don't think about; it doesn't mean they don't have a right to be here.

Other than that, I've sometimes wanted to screw with people's posts/avatars just to be goofy.

---------- Post added at 11:14 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:11 AM ----------

Crawfish or shrimp?

Les Miles: Good coach or bad coach? Or do you not care about college football? :p
Ohhh, crawfish. Always crawfish. I like shrimp in etouffee or fried in a poboy, but I could live without it. I MUST have my crawfish boils every season. It's a fun day; you even play with the poor little crawfish before boiling them... put them against each other in cage (cooler) matches and watch them try to escape in the grass. Sadistic, delectable fun for the whole family.

I'm not too hardcore about it, though. You're supposed to suck the fat out of the head after you peel off the tail, but it looks too nasty. I stick with the meat.

---------- Post added at 11:17 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:14 AM ----------

As for Les Miles, I just don't care at all about football. Part of it is that watching sports bothers me, and part of it is a little bitterness from living in a place where it's so revered. Up until high school you could get extra points in class for going to a game to cheer. I thought it was so stupid. Plus, I never had much say in what schools I went to before college, so I never really had school spirit.

I was a little annoyed at how he left people dangling like that. "Oh, I'm going to leave probably..." Days and days later: "I'm staying with LSU, have a nice day." And then they worshiped him, as if a football coach down here needs an excuse for people to kiss his ass.

...Sorry. Like I said... so not a sports fan.
Hehe, the linoleum joke really made me laugh. But I had to think it through a couple of times.

Now... What makes me really wonder, after reading through the posts in this thread... I've been pondering about this question for quite some time now. Like, really thinking about it. Even thinking so hard about it, that I forget to ask google... I always wanted to know:

What does cajun mean?


Staff member
Andi--Cajun is short for Acadian. Long story short, Acadians were French settlers in Eastern Canada who were exiled. Some remained there, hiding around Quebec. I have many distant cousins there, actually. I met some of them at the Leblanc family reunion in Erath, LA many years ago.


Staff member
Other than that, I've sometimes wanted to screw with people's posts/avatars just to be goofy.
This is why I'm not a mod.


Favorite stage/broadway/theatre play (even if you've only seen it on video)?


That's hard; I love plays.

I very much enjoyed Fiddler on the Roof. The music has always moved me, and it was a memorable night, too. My dad took me, and we had a blast. Music and literature are two things we DON'T fight about!

I've read a lot but seen so little--mostly musicals. So yeah, I think that one. I could watch it over and over.

---------- Post added at 11:32 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:30 AM ----------

Thank you CG... :)

Do you have a funny accent? :smug:
Funny you should ask that. When I tell out-of-towners where I'm from, they ask me what happened to my accent. You don't get a lot of Cajuny accents in my hometown. Being a Cajun has more to do with volume. There are many different accents, but when we're together, we're all really loud, always laughing, and someone probably brought an instrument and food.
If you had the chance to change one thing about the world but in order to do that one change you would have to sacrifice your family. Would you make that one change?
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