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Ask Cajungal Anything

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Man, this would be a great replacement for Artist of the Month... user of the week--as many questions as you can stand.

So I'm gonna go visit everybody's and see what's up. :)


Kitty Sinatra

If you were me and I were you, What question would you ask me?




O jeez... well... I think if I were you I'd open with a joke. :p


Kitty Sinatra

I'd probably close with one, too :cool:

What was your favorite date?




What's your favourite Cajun joke?



whats your favorite band or artist?


What would you do in the event of a zombie attack?




I'd probably close with one, too :cool:

What was your favorite date?
Ooh, I know just the one. Jake and I had only been together for about a month, and we didn't have a lot of money to go out. So most of our dates consisted of playing video games, watching movies, and talking. He used to have this shitty old truck that was probably the FIRST love of his life, hehe. One night, he drove me home and we just started talking about everything we were interested in and didn't want to stop. I put my head in his lap, and he laughed and listened to music and went on and on until the sun came up. Important, because that was when I really started to take note of the things I love about him to this day.




Can you play the kazoo?




How long have you been playing and singing? Ever play with a group?


Kitty Sinatra

Ooh, I know just the one.

So romantic. So much so that even if Kanye lets me finish, I ain't gonna close with a joke.




Whats your favorite version of Animal Crossing?




What's your favourite Cajun joke?

Hmmm... I can't think of many at the moment, but this one's pretty cute. I'm gonna probably have to explain it though...

So Boudreaux comes home, and his wife is in a bad mood.

"I need you ta go to da sto' an' get me some tampons."

So he goes and stares at the feminine products section until a grocer comes up to him.

"How can I help you, sir?"

"Mais, I need some tampons for my wife."

"Well what kind of flow does she have?"


---------- Post added at 06:27 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:25 PM ----------

whats your favorite band or artist?


What would you do in the event of a zombie attack?
Tom Waits and a bunch of Jazz artists... my top 3 vocalists right now are Shirley Horn, Billie Holiday, and Johnny Hartman. But that changes around sometimes.

Hmm, I'd probably rely on someone much stronger. Or I'd die really really early in the attack.


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet


why haven't you told any cajun jokes before?




Can you play the kazoo?
I'm not a professional concert kazooist, but yeah. ;P

---------- Post added at 06:28 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:27 PM ----------

Whats your favorite version of Animal Crossing?
Never played.

And Allen, I guess I didn't think anyone would be interested. Glad you like it. :)

---------- Post added at 06:32 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:28 PM ----------

How long have you been playing and singing? Ever play with a group?
I've been singing almost as long as I could speak in sentences. Musical family. We all HAD to play piano for at least 5 years in order to gain a musical background. I learned theory performed at recitals. We can all carry a tune well, but I kind of had the best knack for it. That was my niche. My brother's the bass/flute guy, and my sister would probably rock the drums. My dad is a really wonderful flutist who helped get the Acadiana Symphony Association founded.

Then when I was 9 I joined a Children's Choir and performed in churches, nursing homes, and some venues in New Orleans. I've also performed in a local musical revue called "Basically Broadway" at age 14 and 2 high school musicals, _South Pacific_ and _Godspell_. I also sang "More than you Know" with my high school's jazz combo. I spent one year of college in voice, performing classic arias and things like that, mostly, plus some broadway stuff. We even did a madrigal. I stepped away from that and am performing in public again for the first time in a week. I'll try and get a video. :)

As for the uke? I'm a total novice. I started in June for fun, and I'm really enjoying it. I just wanted something portable that I could sing along with. I'll be playing it at the gig next week.




What Star Trek captain is your favorite?




Never watched much of it, but if I had to guess who I would like the most, I think it would be Picard. The air of that show suits me more than the old one, I think, and Patrick Stewart is just great.




Linoleum... Heee heee heee heee ^^

What is the most unusual animal/dish that you have eaten?




Would you eat head cheese?




Hmmm....unusual dishes...

On my senior trip to New York, we visited this gorgeous hole-in-the-wall restaurant where I had seared scallops with a sauce made of dark chocolate and squid ink. Unusual and delicious, strangely bittersweet.

I ate blood pudding on my trip in the UK last year. It was good. :)

There's gotta be something else too.. I'll think about it.

I mean, I've dunked 20 pounds of live, writhing crustaceans into a boiling pot filled with spicy seasonings and potatoes... maybe I don't know what's unusual.

Hylian, I have no desire to eat head cheese.




A glass of whisky. On the rocks or straight up?




Would you eat a seafood salad if it was made from the flesh off of Zoidberg?




Down the sink. Blech....

No, scratch that... I'd put ice in it and give it to my grandpa or sister. :) That's their drink.

---------- Post added at 06:45 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:44 PM ----------

Would you eat a seafood salad if it was made from the flesh off of Zoidberg?

:waah: No!




Is it a trap?


Kitty Sinatra

You might not eat head cheese, but would you eat a Cheesehead? ;)




Is it a trap?
Yes! RUN! :aaahhh:

---------- Post added at 06:51 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:50 PM ----------

You might not eat head cheese, but would you eat a Cheesehead? ;)
Only if he takes that stupid hat off first...

And to be PERFECTLY honest, I'm incapable of sexual intimacy with anyone I don't love.




Would you kill me if you had the chance?




Of course not!

And more to the point, I can't think of one person who I myself could kill. As much evil as there is in the world, I never want to power to take life away from anyone.


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

what kind of superpower do you want?




Would you HIRE someone to kill me given the chance?


Kitty Sinatra

Do you think you're hypnotizable? Have you been hypnotized?

*dangles medallion*

Are you getting sleepy?




what kind of superpower do you want?
Cliche, but I want to fly. I've had vivid dreams of flight since childhood, and if I sit and concentrate long enough, I can almost feel the wind all around me. It's one of those crazy dreams.


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

can I call you Clichegal?




Would you HIRE someone to kill me given the chance?
You're acting like you've done something wrong... it's making me suspect you.

But still no. I wouldn't even know how to go about that. Besides the obvious forum joke.

---------- Post added at 07:02 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:01 PM ----------

Do you think you're hypnotizable? Have you been hypnotized?

*dangles medallion*

Are you getting sleepy?

I actually am sleepy. It's bedtime soon.

I really don't think I would be. I'm way too aware. I have trouble letting go.

---------- Post added at 07:02 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:02 PM ----------

can I call you Clichegal?
:( Only if you want me to be a Sadgal.




If you could travel to any point in time where/when would you go?




If you could travel to any point in time where/when would you go?
Oh, easy. I'd have loved to be around for the Harlem Renaissance.


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

is that a no?


Kitty Sinatra

What's the coolest gizmo/gadget/vehicle you can imagine that you would want to see in the future (near or distant)?




Have you ever wanted to taste human flesh to see what it tastes like?




is that a no?

---------- Post added at 07:20 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:18 PM ----------

What's the coolest gizmo/gadget/vehicle you can imagine that you would want to see in the future (near or distant)?
Hmm, wow, I'm not good at technology stuff, but lemme see... maybe an mp3 player that's just a pair of bluetooth folding headphones.

---------- Post added at 07:20 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:20 PM ----------

Have you ever wanted to taste human flesh to see what it tastes like?
Actually yeah. Both morbid and professional curiosity. :p




Does it bother you that the most public perception of Cajuns is a poorly written cartoon character? Who would you consider the BEST popular conception of a Cajun?




Ohhhh man. Good question. Hang on, I'll get back to you!

---------- Post added at 07:37 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:32 PM ----------

To answer the first part, it doesn't really bother me. I'm sure other people feel this way too--when they see their cultural/ethnic group depicted, they get kind of picky and don't think anyone can capture the true essence of their people. You really have to come here to a festival or a local restaurant or a family's house for dinner to really feel it.




in b4 creeeeeeepy questions




Part 2, Adammon, I REALLY can't think of anything truly good and not just a funny/silly stereotype. Maybe the Cajun inmate from The Green Mile. The accent was spot-on, and he had the weird, playful warmth that a lot of old people down here have. (I forget what crime he committed... I only saw the movie. But I connected with him right away.) I especially love the line, "I thank you, Mr. Jingles thanks you, my mamma'd thank you but she daid."

---------- Post added at 07:42 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:40 PM ----------

And phil, I'm not worried. I'm half expecting it, but I don't get shocked or offended easily. All in good fun. :)


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

why you even got to do a thing?




I am expecting it too, and am almost disappointed it's been so G rated thus far. Maybe once bubble gets here, or shego.

I suppose I shall get this out of the way though, just to steal someone's thunder.

When can I tap that?





why you even got to do a thing?
I know this is from something.

---------- Post added at 07:48 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:48 PM ----------

I am expecting it too, and am almost disappointed it's been so G rated thus far. Maybe once bubble gets here, or shego.

I suppose I shall get this out of the way though, just to steal someone's thunder.

When can I tap that?

When Darkaudit joins the ranks of the Grand Old Party.


Kitty Sinatra

Creepy question time!

What was the creepiest stalker moment you've experienced (as stalker or stalked)?




What is best in life?


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

Can I call you crazy, since I surely cannot call you guilty with millions of hands on the blade?




Sad story, actually, Gruebeard

Years ago, my sister starting dating this guy who we didn't know was a complete monster, and she kept it from us. <Many awful details left out>

Months after the breakup, he still drove by our home, left her screaming messages about bombing bars (die-hard anti-alcohol "Christian"), and followed her to night classes. My father and brother finally approached him one day when he was waiting for her outside of school. He never bothered her after that. He's the one person I don't think I'll ever forgive.

Months later, my mom say him with a girl and she asked her: "Has he hit you yet?" He pulled her away and they walked off.

---------- Post added at 07:55 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:54 PM ----------

What is best in life?

2 Things:

*Knowing the people around you could live without you but would never want to--and feeling the same for them.

*The surprising burst of courage I feel when things are at their worst.

---------- Post added at 07:56 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:55 PM ----------

Can I call you crazy, since I surely cannot call you guilty with millions of hands on the blade?
Call me anything but the C-word... unless I really, really deserve it.




If you could talk to anyone past or present who would you talk to?




Hmmm....... tough one.

Top of my head?....probably Igor Stravinsky or Ralph Waldo Emerson.


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

other than Charles Mingus, what jazzy type people would you recommend listening to?




If you're in a good mood, check out John Ellis' album Dance Like There's No Tomorrow. It captures a lot of different moods, genres, and parts of our lives. I highly recommend it.

Miles Davis is a must. I've been listening to Kind of Blue. My brother's the authority on him, really.

I like Coltrane a lot, and if you're into mellow vocals, his album of love songs with Johnny Hartman is gorgeous.

Shirley Horn's tribute album to Ray Charles and You Won't Forget Me are great. You can also find her gorgeous rendition of "A Time for Love" on youtube. It's better to watch her face when you hear her music.

Count Basie's always enjoyable, and he did good work with Sinatra.

I love Ella and Billie of course. People always ask me if I like Louis Armstrong, and I absolutely do, but he isn't my favorite. Still, I never thought of him the same when I heard "Black and Blue."

After seeing them live, I'd recommend Wynton Marsalis (and his whole family, really) and Ron Carter's solo work.

There are so many.. and I'm not really familiar with them all. I've heard a lot of Herbie Hancock, Dave Brubeck, and Wayne Shorter too, although again, my brother knows more about jazz than me.

But yes, any of those. :D

---------- Post added at 09:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:11 PM ----------

I also think that Jane Monheit is a beautiful newer female vocalist. I saw her live as an assignment back when I majored in music. She's tremendously talented... does a lot of great Portuguese numbers that made me feel connected to my family down there.




If you had to pick your last meal what would you choose?




I'd request to cook my own leg of lamb with a spring green salad and potatoes.




Are you a fan of Pinky & the Brain


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

if you could abuse your mod powers without losing them, how would you abuse them?



Crawfish or shrimp?

Les Miles: Good coach or bad coach? Or do you not care about college football? :p




Are you a fan of Pinky & the Brain
I am! Love it. :D

---------- Post added at 11:11 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:08 AM ----------

if you could abuse your mod powers without losing them, how would you abuse them?
Hmm... well... there was this one time that two people were in a fight (way past just debating) and one of them made it super personal. I don't remember who, I just remember how angry the comment made me. If I had gone with the snap decision I wanted to make based on the insult, I probably would have banned that person for a week. But in the end I don't think that would have been right, because like always, the air was cleared. People are going to fight and say things they maybe they regret or don't think about; it doesn't mean they don't have a right to be here.

Other than that, I've sometimes wanted to screw with people's posts/avatars just to be goofy.

---------- Post added at 11:14 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:11 AM ----------

Crawfish or shrimp?

Les Miles: Good coach or bad coach? Or do you not care about college football? :p
Ohhh, crawfish. Always crawfish. I like shrimp in etouffee or fried in a poboy, but I could live without it. I MUST have my crawfish boils every season. It's a fun day; you even play with the poor little crawfish before boiling them... put them against each other in cage (cooler) matches and watch them try to escape in the grass. Sadistic, delectable fun for the whole family.

I'm not too hardcore about it, though. You're supposed to suck the fat out of the head after you peel off the tail, but it looks too nasty. I stick with the meat.

---------- Post added at 11:17 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:14 AM ----------

As for Les Miles, I just don't care at all about football. Part of it is that watching sports bothers me, and part of it is a little bitterness from living in a place where it's so revered. Up until high school you could get extra points in class for going to a game to cheer. I thought it was so stupid. Plus, I never had much say in what schools I went to before college, so I never really had school spirit.

I was a little annoyed at how he left people dangling like that. "Oh, I'm going to leave probably..." Days and days later: "I'm staying with LSU, have a nice day." And then they worshiped him, as if a football coach down here needs an excuse for people to kiss his ass.

...Sorry. Like I said... so not a sports fan.




Hehe, the linoleum joke really made me laugh. But I had to think it through a couple of times.

Now... What makes me really wonder, after reading through the posts in this thread... I've been pondering about this question for quite some time now. Like, really thinking about it. Even thinking so hard about it, that I forget to ask google... I always wanted to know:

What does cajun mean?




Other than that, I've sometimes wanted to screw with people's posts/avatars just to be goofy.
This is why I'm not a mod.


Favorite stage/broadway/theatre play (even if you've only seen it on video)?





Andi--Cajun is short for Acadian. Long story short, Acadians were French settlers in Eastern Canada who were exiled. Some remained there, hiding around Quebec. I have many distant cousins there, actually. I met some of them at the Leblanc family reunion in Erath, LA many years ago.




Thank you CG... :)

Do you have a funny accent? :smug:




Other than that, I've sometimes wanted to screw with people's posts/avatars just to be goofy.
This is why I'm not a mod.


Favorite stage/broadway/theatre play (even if you've only seen it on video)?


That's hard; I love plays.

I very much enjoyed Fiddler on the Roof. The music has always moved me, and it was a memorable night, too. My dad took me, and we had a blast. Music and literature are two things we DON'T fight about!

I've read a lot but seen so little--mostly musicals. So yeah, I think that one. I could watch it over and over.

---------- Post added at 11:32 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:30 AM ----------

Thank you CG... :)

Do you have a funny accent? :smug:
Funny you should ask that. When I tell out-of-towners where I'm from, they ask me what happened to my accent. You don't get a lot of Cajuny accents in my hometown. Being a Cajun has more to do with volume. There are many different accents, but when we're together, we're all really loud, always laughing, and someone probably brought an instrument and food.




If you could choose one TV show to have on DVD what would it be?




Just one?


Probably Mr. Show. I never get tired of it.




When can I tap dat?


Fun Size

Fun Size

Most embarrassing moment?




If you had the chance to change one thing about the world but in order to do that one change you would have to sacrifice your family. Would you make that one change?




Most embarrassing moment?
I haven't really had many... probably farting in my primary school's Cathedral just seconds before my name was announced for an award. I couldn't help it... my stomach hurt.




Most embarrassing moment?
I haven't really had many... probably farting in my primary school's Cathedral just seconds before my name was announced for an award. I couldn't help it... my stomach hurt.[/QUOTE]





What would you do with a fat, juicy 'possum? :p




Are you getting tired of all of use asking question?




If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
If you could change one thing about the world right now, what would it be?
If you could change one thing about me, what would it be?

If you could look like anyone you wanted, who would it be?
If you could be a guy for a day, would you?
If you could hug one forum member, who would it be?

What's your favourite colour?
What's your favourite mood for music to try and convey?
What's your favourite passtime?


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

if you were to make up a wikipedia entry about yourself, what details would you include?




What would you do with a fat, juicy 'possum? :p
Har har! Those things creep me out.

---------- Post added at 03:05 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:05 PM ----------

Are you getting tired of all of use asking question?
Nope. I'm spending a lot of time in this section this week getting to know all of you a little better. I'm happy to return the favor, even if some of these questions are weird. :p



Do Cajuns speak anything like Gambit in the first Xmen animated series?




1. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
2. If you could change one thing about the world right now, what would it be?
3. If you could change one thing about me, what would it be?

4. If you could look like anyone you wanted, who would it be?
5. If you could be a guy for a day, would you?
6. If you could hug one forum member, who would it be?

7. What's your favourite colour?
8. What's your favourite mood for music to try and convey?
9. What's your favourite passtime?
Numbered for convenience. :D

1. My obsession with clarifying things. People already get it, but I'm not done explaining something in as many ways as I can. Juuuust like my father. :facepalm:

2. I'm not that wise about things like that... make everyone a little bit kinder I guess? That couldn't hurt.

3. I don't know enough about you to know what I'd want to change. As it stands right now, I like you the way you are. You generally keep things light like many of the other users in here that I enjoy talking with.

4. Honestly?... probably that really beautiful redhead from the cosplay thread... the one with the insane curves. To me, that's a truly striking woman.

5. Absolutely! I'm so curious! So many things I wanna do---pee standing up, see what sex feels like from that perspective, experience all the different thoughts and feelings of a guy. Nice place to visit, but I wouldn't wanna live there. :p

6. Probably Gusto. He and I are the closest. But there are so many of you who just look so damn huggable I think it's a shame you're not here.

7. two: dark purple and red

8. I love a bluesy sound, because it's not always sad. It often sounds more like someone looking sadness in the face and saying 'I'm going to get through this', and that inspires me.

9. Argh, too many... Writing, cooking, playin my uke :). Those are the top 3.

---------- Post added at 03:16 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:15 PM ----------

if you were to make up a wikipedia entry about yourself, what details would you include?
It would look much like the halforums entry with a little more backstory put in there--where and how I grew up, education, etc etc.

---------- Post added at 03:18 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:16 PM ----------

Do Cajuns speak anything like Gambit in the first Xmen animated series?
I complained about him before, but I have to say it's not TOTALLY wrong. It's just... not quite right. There are a lot of "cher's" thrown around. Hell, I say that every day. Most Cajuns my age spell it "sha," and that makes me sad.

Anyway... no. The main thing that bugs me is that he spoke in 3rd person sometimes, and I have no idea where they picked that up.




If you were granted a superpower, what would it be?




Hee hee hee.

On the sixth day, in Eden... God had been handing out abilities to the animals, and Adam was feeling pissed off since it seemed all the cool abilities were being taken. He would have no prehensile tail, he could not climb up walls, he could not fly. And as God was giving more and more abilities away, he grew even more pissed.

Finally, God asked Adam and Eve to come to Him.

"I have two abilities left", God said. "First, I have the ability to pee standing up..."

"Ooh! Memememe! I want that! I want that!", Adam started yelling, jumping up and down to make sure he'd get the ability before Eve did.

"Fine", God said. "Adam, you get to pee standing up. Eve, you get multiple orgasms."




You clever Finnish person, you. :D




Hee hee hee.

On the sixth day, in Eden... God had been handing out abilities to the animals, and Adam was feeling pissed off since it seemed all the cool abilities were being taken. He would have no prehensile tail, he could not climb up walls, he could not fly. And as God was giving more and more abilities away, he grew even more pissed.

Finally, God asked Adam and Eve to come to Him.

"I have two abilities left", God said. "First, I have the ability to pee standing up..."

"Ooh! Memememe! I want that! I want that!", Adam started yelling, jumping up and down to make sure he'd get the ability before Eve did.

"Fine", God said. "Adam, you get to pee standing up. Eve, you get multiple orgasms."
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:




If you could change one thing about someone in your life what and who would you change?



Are you related to any of these families by marriage or otherwise?
Thibodeaux, Breau, Sonnier (Sonier)

Just checking the relations heheh




Why do you get asked the most questions?




If you could change one thing about someone in your life what and who would you change?
Hmmm... I'd probably undo my cousin's muscular disorder. I'm not sure exactly what it is, but it has him in a wheelchair for the rest of his life. He can't control himself enough to play piano, and that was his passion in life. I don't know how he's making it day to day without his love.

---------- Post added at 08:39 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:38 PM ----------

Are you related to any of these families by marriage or otherwise?
Thibodeaux, Breau, Sonnier (Sonier)

Just checking the relations heheh[/QUOTE

Nope, none of those that I know of.

---------- Post added at 08:40 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:39 PM ----------

Why do you get asked the most questions?
Maybe I just gave longer answers so an equal amount takes up more pages? I really don't know.




Would you splice animal DNA into you if it gave you cool abilities? ( seeing in the dark etc)




6. Probably Gusto. He and I are the closest. But there are so many of you who just look so damn huggable I think it's a shame you're not here.


I have no furter questions for you, good Lady Seej. Not at the moment.*

Furthermore, this whole "ask me anything" meme has kinda annoyed me, but just a bit...



are you bi-curious?





Would you splice animal DNA into you if it gave you cool abilities? ( seeing in the dark etc)
I don't think so.




Ever played strip poker?




are you bi-curious?

:rofl: No. I wondered about my sexuality when I was in middle school, but I guess that's common.

---------- Post added at 05:00 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:59 PM ----------

Ever played strip poker?
:facepalm: Oh, man, here's where I earn my nerd card back...

No. But I've played Strip Smash Brothers Melee.




Ever played strip poker?
:facepalm: Oh, man, here's where I earn my nerd card back...

No. But I've played Strip Smash Brothers Melee.
Oh excellent.


Kitty Sinatra

Who's that in your box?




Ever played strip poker?
:facepalm: Oh, man, here's where I earn my nerd card back...

No. But I've played Strip Smash Brothers Melee.
Oh excellent.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, it was funny... he won about 2-3 times and then, suddenly, I started winning. :p

---------- Post added at 08:40 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:39 PM ----------

Who's that in your box?

Not you.




would you rather live in the future with all the money you could ever need or in the past with no money?




In a post-apocalyptic world á la Fallout or Mad Max, what would you be?

In a high fantasy world á la Tolkien, what would you be?


Kitty Sinatra

Who's that in your box?

Not you.[/QUOTE]
Well, clearly. There's no way my furry little paws could fit in those gaudy army boots.




Who do you resemble more, your father or your mother? And how?




would you rather live in the future with all the money you could ever need or in the past with no money?
As my future and past self or as I am now living in one of those times? If that, then I guess I'd live in the future. It would be boring knowing what was going to happen all the time. :p

---------- Post added at 02:29 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:22 PM ----------

In a post-apocalyptic world á la Fallout or Mad Max, what would you be?

In a high fantasy world á la Tolkien, what would you be?
Not really familiar with either of those things.... but in a post-apocalyptic world I'd probably be a crazy pack rat or something. That's my guess.

In a Tolkeiny world, I'd probably be a Hobbit. They seem to enjoy eating and singing and being outdoors. Seems like a good life as long as you're not entrusted with some evil piece of jewelry.

---------- Post added at 02:31 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:29 PM ----------

Who do you resemble more, your father or your mother? And how?
Well, I have my mom's hips and a lot of her mannerisms, but I have my dad's face, mostly.

We're both olive-skinned, have really dark hair, our hands and feet are identical, and we both have trouble losing weight. We have the same cheeky eyes too, I am told.


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

how's it going?




When you hear the word "heinous", what comes to mind?




Have you ever used Rohto eye drops?




how's it going?
Better than last week. I'm really busy but organized. And this Friday I get to gig with my brother! Most exciting.

---------- Post added at 11:03 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:00 AM ----------

When you hear the word "heinous", what comes to mind?
Honestly? A really bad smell. And I have a specific one in mind too. Back when I was in culinary school, I frequented this Cafe/Antique shop that was a very quaint and relaxing spot.

One night on my way to the back (towards the bathrooms), I smelled something coming from the owner's office. It was some mixture of rotten meat and really awful-smelling spunk. I had to go home so I could use the restroom.

---------- Post added at 11:04 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:03 AM ----------

Have you ever used Rohto eye drops?
Noooo, NEVER after that one thread....




What, in your opinion, is the best regional cuisine?




Do you like sushi?




What, in your opinion, is the best regional cuisine?
Ours. :D

---------- Post added at 04:50 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:49 PM ----------

Do you like sushi?
Very much. I can make my own ugly little rolls, actually. But my favorite is straight-up sashimi.


Kitty Sinatra

What question have you been hoping someone would ask?




How would you want to be buried when you die?




What question have you been hoping someone would ask?
I hadn't really been hoping for any particular questions. They've pretty much all been fun to answer.

---------- Post added at 05:57 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:56 PM ----------

How would you want to be buried when you die?
I think sometimes about being cremated. But then it might be nice to be buried in the city where I was born.




You ever watch the live action Tick series?




Nope. I wasn't really interested.




What about the cartoon Tick series?




Yep, I watched that for a while.



Arthur or Die Flaedermaus?




What name would you prefer us to call you? Cajun? CG? Ceej? Something else entirely?




If somehow all your memories you have right now were transferred into your 6 year old past self. What would you do with those memories as you grow up?




Rice, pasta or potatoes?




Arthur or Die Flaedermaus?
Tough one... but I think Arthur.

---------- Post added at 06:10 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:09 PM ----------

What name would you prefer us to call you? Cajun? CG? Ceej? Something else entirely?
They're all fine. You can even call me Leslie. But I'll answer to any of those.




You're biting/misspelling my style, Bubs. :humph:




If somehow all your memories you have right now were transferred into your 6 year old past self. What would you do with those memories as you grow up?
Yeek, that's weird. I think I'd become a more open-minded person at a younger age, for one thing. I'd probably be tempted to go into education right away, too. Culinary school was fun, but living in Thibodaux was murder. I could have always bought some books and taught myself a lot of it.

---------- Post added at 06:15 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:14 PM ----------

Rice, pasta or potatoes?
Oh, dear Lord, I love them all. But in the end I gotta say rice. :D

---------- Post added at 06:16 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:15 PM ----------

You're biting/misspelling my style, Bubs. :humph:[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I'd say Seej is the most 'familiar' of them. ^_^




And after it took me so long to come up with a memorable nickname. :)




Have you ever had a blue cheese quesadilla?




Have you ever had a blue cheese quesadilla?
No. That sounds weird.




How did your teaching experience go? I didn't hear how things went!




So well! Thanks for asking.

I taught the kids about words that end in "all." I posted pictures of my materials--did you see them? I made little sentence strips that all had blanks in them--all missing "all" words. (Like I bounce the _____.)

My professor watched. She sent me an email the day after. She said that I was progressing a lot faster than her other students. :) That made me feel GREAT!




So well! Thanks for asking.

I taught the kids about words that end in "all." I posted pictures of my materials--did you see them? I made little sentence strips that all had blanks in them--all missing "all" words. (Like I bounce the _____.)

My professor watched. She sent me an email the day after. She said that I was progressing a lot faster than her other students. :) That made me feel GREAT!
Yeah, I saw the pic. Glad it went well! It's nice to hear that from a prof, I'm sure!


Is there a slow moral decay in society or is it just relative and all societies think their society is in a decline?

Fav. guilty fast food joint?

Do you believe in ghosts?

How many times did you blink whilst reading this post?




You are given a "free pass" to have a hitman kill your worst enemy. How would you like it done?





Is there a slow moral decay in society or is it just relative and all societies think their society is in a decline?

Fav. guilty fast food joint?

Do you believe in ghosts?

How many times did you blink whilst reading this post?
1. Moral decay or all relative? I'm tempted to say decay sometimes, but when I think about it, I honestly believe there's a bit of both going on. This might take me a bit to explain, so bear with me.

I'm glad that I meet so many people who want to move away from archaic, seemingly moral beliefs about some things and black-and-white thinking. But on the other hand, I think that it's dangerous to declare that there is no real right and wrong. I think that it can make people avoid taking responsibility. They didn't do wrong; they're just doing what's best 'the them' and taking part in their own personal value system. I was raised in a family that didn't pressure me to religious, but I was urged to remember that nothing we do is in a vacuum. We affect people with our decisions, no matter how careful we are, and no matter what it is. I think that "it's between me and God" or "me and __whoever else" is misleading, because the truth is we never know who we're affecting.

So, if anything is wrong, I'd say that people wrongly believe that much of what they do has consequences that affect only them, and that is bad.

2. Fast food? I love the Wendy's spicy chicken sandwich with a small Frosty. Or better yet Popeye's fried chicken. Really, most of my protein comes from eggs, beans, tuna, and insanely lean turkey, so a good piece of dark meat that's spicy and fried is a little piece of heaven that I treat myself to about once a year or once every 6 months.

3. I actually do, with all my heart. I don't have any proof, but something in me tells me that they're real. I'm a smart person, generally. I can come to rational, logical conclusions. But I can't shake the feeling that there are a lot more strange, supernatural things going on in our world that we really think. I WISH I had proof. But I do believe that there are people out there who have died and, for some reason or other, are living through a "snapshot" of their lives over and over... in other words, I don't believe in ghosts that can communicate with us or come into contact with us, for good or for evil. But I believe in the soul, and I believe it can get lost or "stuck."

4. My eyes are dry. It took me about 5 minutes to reply. If I assume that I blinked about 8 times each minute (which seems close to the correct number), then I could estimate about 40 times.

Thank you, that was fun. :D

---------- Post added at 03:50 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:44 PM ----------

You are given a "free pass" to have a hitman kill your worst enemy. How would you like it done?
Ok my other answer was no fun since I don't really have enemies. So I'll assume I have an enemy that I actually do want to kill instead! I'd want it to be in their sleep, a surprise, something like an injection. You probably still think that's no fun.




You are given the chance to own one mythical, legendary or imagined item of great power (think Holy Grail, the Excalibur, The One Ring or the like...). What shall it be?




Could you share a tasty lentil recipe or two?




Could you share a tasty lentil recipe or two?
I only really make one.

Lentils and rice:

First you boil about a cup of rice... make sure the water's as it would be if you were making pasta: salty as the sea. No one likes bland rice! Keep the rice aside. It's ok to cook for a little less time, because it will be simmering with the lentils eventually.

Next, take about a cup and a half of lentils, rinse and sort, etc. Put the amount of water indicated on the bag to boil. Season the water with:

-about 2 tablespoons of salt
-black and cayenne pepper to taste. I like about 3-4 healthy dashes of each
-about a tablespoon of paprika
-a crapload of cumin. like, a lot of it. Like, it looks like too much but really it's not. (That's how I describe it.. I've never measured the cumin :p)
-a nice big handful of chopped parsley

When the water is seasoned, throw the lentils in. When it comes to a boil, lower it to medium heat, cover, and let simmer for at least 30 minutes. Stir occasionally. You can throw the rice in at about 20 minutes. When the lentils start to get soft, make sure it's seasoned enough for you. I usually let it simmer about an hour before eating.

This is my favorite dish. If I'm REALLY hungry or my brother's been out running all afternoon, I'll throw some chicken in there, too. Saute it in similar spices and just throw it in with the rice. Delicious.

***I almost forgot the crucial bay leaf! Throw that in the water!***

---------- Post added at 08:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:08 PM ----------

You are given the chance to own one mythical, legendary or imagined item of great power (think Holy Grail, the Excalibur, The One Ring or the like...). What shall it be?
A magical item? Hmm, that's one I've never thought of. A long time ago my boyfriend made me read The Belgariad. It was ok, but I really thought it was neat how

the gem in Garion's sword spoke to him.

I guess, that... just to not name something obvious, hehe.




A magical item? Hmm, that's one I've never thought of. A long time ago my boyfriend made me read The Belgariad. It was ok, but I really thought it was neat how

the gem in Garion's sword spoke to him.

I guess, that... just to not name something obvious, hehe.
You must re-read, it was the prophecy speaking to him, not the Orb of Aldur.

---------- Post added at 09:24 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:23 AM ----------

Excluding Mardi Gras, what is your favorite local festival in Louisiana? Any particular "street vendor" food that you love that you can only really get at festivals?




I'll be honest. I'd rather change my answer than read that book again. It was entertaining, but that's all. I always figured it was speaking to him through that orb or something. O well.

Favorite Festival? Easy. Festival International de Louisiane. It's a 4-5 day celebration in Lafayette of international culture--music, clothing, jewelry, etc. There are all these awesome vendors from all over. One of my favorite things to do besides listen to the bands is watch people scoop fresh cocoa butter right into cans for sale.

Almost all of the food you can get there is available in Lafayette at any time; but it's fun to have it made fresh right there in front of you. My favorite foods at festival... There's a Greek booth with killer Moussaka and gyros, a great Alligator or Crawfish Poboy stand, and a jambalaya stand with a dutch oven full of it.... seriously, the size of a damn bathtub. So much good food...... it's hard to choose.

A tourist favorite is a creamy crawfish and spinach dish served inside of hollowed-out homemade bread. I actually think that's a festival exclusive.

Everyone should experience this at least once: http://www.festivalinternational.com/site.php




What do you do when you want to relax/soothe yourself?





To calm myself down and put things into perspective, I make myself a cold drink (nonalcoholic) and stand outside and look around. I take a few deep breaths, count my blessings, and think about how lucky I am to even have the time to think about the problems I have. Some people are so burdened by basic needs that they'd never even think to acknowledge my problems like mine.

Then I'll usually go to my favorite coffee shop, order an au lait, and listen to Shirley Horn or John Ellis while I either read, write, or chat with you people.

I also exercise. I try to do this every day, because it really improves my disposition.




Full beard, trimmed beard, Vandyck, goatee, moustache, sideburns, other? :p




Sounds weird, maybe, but I love hairy dudes. ^_^

Beards that are neatly trimmed and goatees are my weakness. I love love love them. I just wanna scratch the guy's chin until he falls asleep. :p I'm not a fan of loooong sideburns or moustaches by themselves. It's a special sort of man who can pull off JUST a moustache.

---------- Post added at 05:27 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:25 PM ----------

(Also, Wahad, about different kinds of cuisine... if I'm not eating Louisiana food I'm probably looking for Thai, Greek, or Indian. I love foods with lots of interesting spices. I also looooove Tex Mex. Yeah, the fakie Mexican food... love it.)




When are you coming to Canada? Liek srsly.





When are you coming to Canada? Liek srsly.

I want to travel after I graduate. Maybe before I go to Europe, I'll check out our neighbor to the north. :p

Honestly though, I have no clue. Someday..... :waah:


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

Beards that are neatly trimmed and goatees are my weakness. I love love love them. I just wanna scratch the guy's chin until he falls asleep. :p





*scratch scratch scratch*


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

posted a picture of myself

never have to again




Yeah, I was surprised. I like your goatee.


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

Ha ha, thanks.

I think it could be used as some kind of a meme though. for example:

A chiropractor is not a doctor


Fun Size

Fun Size

This is comedy gold, Allen. Comedy friggin' gold.




:rofl: yes!


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet








Allen, who is mildly surprised. :rofl:




Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet




Surprise, but curious, buttsex




I love that this has begun in my very own thread.
We must inform the masses.


Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly

Allen, who is AWESOME.

Not only I like your face, but you are a great meme!




insert picture of real vaginal birth (don't want NSFW for Cajun's thread)




Mighty neighborly of you, Spar.





Steven Soderburgin

Cajungal if you could ban 3 people of your choosing without any consequences, drama, or backlash, who would you ban?


Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly

Cajungal if you could ban 3 people of your choosing without any consequences, drama, or backlash, who would you ban?




Cajungal if you could ban 3 people of your choosing without any consequences, drama, or backlash, who would you ban?
Ban 3 people here? Jeez... I don't dislike anyone here enough for that. Well, almost no one.

I did not like the Messiah at all. I don't know if he's here anymore, but his pointless, childish arguments and constantly prodding people made me really upset. We'd be having our usual debates (sometimes heated) and in he'd come with YOU IDIOTS DON'T KNOW HOW THE GOVERNMENT WORKS! YOU HAVE TO PAY YOUR BILLS!!!! ...as if we were all stupid.

I don't think he contributed anything meaningful in the least, and I think it would have felt pretty good to snap my fingers and make him disappear.

I've gotten angry at members before for things they've said, usually getting way too personal. But those kinds of moments clear pretty fast. The people I disagree with (or flat-out dislike) have something special to bring to this place.

(I'm not trying to give an obnoxious answer... I can truly only think of one. But if I think of more, I'll update.)

---------- Post added at 09:49 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:48 AM ----------

I've changed my mind. I'd totally ban silver jelly. :p


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet


Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly

I've changed my mind. I'd totally ban silver jelly. :p
:mad::mad::mad::mad: OMGIHATEYOU!




I've changed my mind. I'd totally ban silver jelly. :p
:mad::mad::mad::mad: OMGIHATEYOU![/QUOTE]



Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly

I've changed my mind. I'd totally ban silver jelly. :p
:mad::mad::mad::mad: OMGIHATEYOU![/QUOTE]


Man, I have no girlfriend. I'd love to have one, but I can't speak to women, (I'm generally awkward around people in general) and also I'm bald and fat and...

of, you said bOw. Sorry, my bad.






Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly


I guess that was directed to Cajungal, wasn't it? Because, if not, I'll have to post again that image I posted earlier.





I guess that was directed to Cajungal, wasn't it? Because, if not, I'll have to post again that image I posted earlier.[/QUOTE]



Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly


I guess that was directed to Cajungal, wasn't it? Because, if not, I'll have to post again that image I posted earlier.[/QUOTE]


That sounds much more like your usual self.

I mean...





Man, I have no girlfriend. I'd love to have one, but I can't speak to women, (I'm generally awkward around people in general) and also I'm bald and fat and...

of, you said bOw. Sorry, my bad.
Honey, if you're compelled to talk while receiving one of those, you need to find someone who does it right.

Plus, don't forget, bald = more testosterone :unibrow:

As for the weight thing, may I refer you to this helpful video?

It gets me through my more bloated days... or mornings like this when my dorm is having a big, fattening Midterm breakfast that I cannot resist.














Soon... the madness will be complete!





Damn, I thought this was a question for me. I'm so bored right now... well honestly I have plenty to do. I'm just not at all motivated, and damnit, I'm drained.... and sad. :( Lonesome for people that I know. Anyway... I'd settle for more allen memes. :p




Dear Seej,

What's it like to be so awesome?

All my love,




Dear Seej,

What's it like to be so awesome?

All my love,
My Dear Gusto,

You tell me.

Hugs and kisses,



Kitty Sinatra

Would you be embarrassed to find out that our Troll is Messiah?

(I don't know that's true, but as I was reading your earlier post it struck me that it was possible)




Would you be embarrassed to find out that our Troll is Messiah?

(I don't know that's true, but as I was reading your earlier post it struck me that it was possible)
You mean "A Troll?" Yeah, probably. It would be funny if our worst and best troll were one and the same. And in that case I wouldn't want him gone.





Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet


are you ready to get up and do your thing? do you want to get into it, man?




Augh, that's a quote, isn't it? Well I'm not googling it... I'll just say yes. :p


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

like a sex machine, man?




OHHHHH. Duh. Actually, yes. I'm hoping to do my thing this Saturday, man.


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

can I count it off?




If you must.


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

1 2 3 4


Kitty Sinatra

5 6 7 8




1 2 3 4

who let shego in the door?

5 6 7 8

shut up man, she's gruebeard's date!



Kitty Sinatra

Man, why do I always wind up with lesbians?



Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

boy, I am glad nobody is trying to exploit me, a young, innocent, nubile japanese teenage girl by taking me on a date and showing me the time of my life.


Kitty Sinatra

We know you're just in cahoots with Frankie, Allen. I ain't fallin' for your trap.


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

is that a euphemism?


Kitty Sinatra

You're a phemism!!

(I was referring to our resident Mountie, suggesting that you were posing as a teenage Japanese slut in order to lure would be predators; I don't believe that's a euphemism, but ever since I started drinking I've forgotten the definition of many words.)


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

I was asking if
I ain't fallin' for your trap.
was a euphemism for you resisting my virgin opening.




Uh... guys?


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

sorry cg.

how are you?




:rofl: I'm amused, thanks.


Kitty Sinatra

That's a temptation I've never been able to resist, Allen. I am weak.

And horny.

And Icarus.


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

Allen said:
my virgin opening


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet


I am sorry I took over your thread with my shenanigans. Can you ever forgive me?


Kitty Sinatra





I am sorry I took over your thread with my shenanigans. Can you ever forgive me?
Of course, my dear. ^_^ It was all very funny.




This belongs in the confession thread, but... I miss answering questions!




Why haven't you been asking me questions, you silly little Southerner? :p




Because I'm silly and forgetful, you nutty Finn. *rushes off to the Finn's thread*




This belongs in the confession thread, but... I miss answering questions!
Do you really?

What color are your current undergarments and what brand/style are we talking here? :unibrow:




Wow. You couldn't have picked a better day to ask this. Usually I'm in regular cotton hipsters. Today I'm.... Oh man.... :eek:

red lace cheek thong




Why do you think I picked today? :slywink:

You look absolutely delectable in them my dear. :twisted:




Well... now I'm paranoid forever. It doesn't help that your avatar is Carmen Sandiego now, the sneakiest sneaker of all.




Where in the World is Shego KigoKigo?

*hums the song.... and Cajun can suddenly swear she hears it faintly*




Where in the World is Shego KigoKigo?

*hums the song.... and Cajun can suddenly swear she hears it faintly*
Are you the lady in the cafe who keeps trying to slip stuff into my latte?




Where in the World is Shego KigoKigo?

*hums the song.... and Cajun can suddenly swear she hears it faintly*
Are you the lady in the cafe who keeps trying to slip stuff into my latte?[/QUOTE]
No, she's the lady in the cafe who DID slip stuff into your latte.




O shi---





BTW, this wins so much.




Yes :rofl:




Is there something you don't want to know, about yourself or something else?




If you could know the time, place, and manner of your eventual death simply by asking, would you ask?

If you could pick the time, place, and manner of your death, what would you choose?





Is there something you don't want to know, about yourself or something else?
Surprisingly, yes. Normally, I'm happy just to know the truth, even if it doesn't really make a difference. This comes from being the youngest daughter and everyone being REALLY protective of me... including my baby brother. :eek:rly: But I found something out recently that I wish I hadn't. It's hard to think about, and there's absolutely nothing I can do about it. Life would be a little bit easier if I didn't know this one thing.




Is there something you don't want to know, about yourself or something else?
Surprisingly, yes. Normally, I'm happy just to know the truth, even if it doesn't really make a difference. This comes from being the youngest daughter and everyone being REALLY protective of me... including my baby brother. :eek:rly: But I found something out recently that I wish I hadn't. It's hard to think about, and there's absolutely nothing I can do about it. Life would be a little bit easier if I didn't know this one thing.[/QUOTE]

I'm sorry I told you that your cat gave my cat an STD. I meant well, I really did!





If you could know the time, place, and manner of your eventual death simply by asking, would you ask?

If you could pick the time, place, and manner of your death, what would you choose?

I wouldn't want to know any of the details of my death. I hate thinking about dying anyway. Knowing the real amount of time I have left might help me to plan, but it would also greatly depress me.

I want to die of old age with loved ones around. I'd like to die after my husband, because the thought leaving my significant other behind makes me too sad. I'd rather be the one to take that grief.

---------- Post added at 09:32 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:31 PM ----------

I'm sorry I told you that your cat gave my cat an STD. I meant well, I really did!

:( Poor Buttons is now a pariah in my neighborhood. I hope you're happy.

---------- Post added at 09:32 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:32 PM ----------

Also, why is my thread tagged "saucy armadillos?"


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

you are more surprised about "saucy armadillos" than "tap dat allen"?






Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

more surprised than if you were to wake up and the head of your prized racehorse would be next to you, under the covers?




I'd be more surprised about having a racehorse in the first place... after that it's all downhill. Better to have had a racehorse and then lost it to decapitation than to never experience racehorse ownership at all.




How do you beat the heat?


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

sack of oranges. let's it know who's boss and doesn't leave bruises




If you were forced to brutally murder someone who would you choose to kill?




How do you beat the heat?
Usually go home and put on boxers and a tank and make a smoothie... or go swimming.

---------- Post added at 10:51 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:51 PM ----------

If you were forced to brutally murder someone who would you choose to kill?
Someone very very very bad, I guess. I don't like these questions. :(


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet





Because the thought of killing and violence make me uncomfortable.




Even killing zombies?


Fun Size

Fun Size

Are you a zombie sympathizer?




Because the thought of killing and violence make me uncomfortable.
No worries Dahling, I'll be happy to do them for you. :twisted:




If you had the ability to change your shape into any animal of your choice but you could only choose one animal to change into what animal would you choose?




I'm gonna guess she's going to say some kind of bird, for flying.... I know I would.


Fun Size

Fun Size

I'm gonna guess she's going to say some kind of bird, for flying.... I know I would.
But she won't pick a raptor.




Even killing zombies?
I could kill a zombie, because they're already dead and they want to eat me. And I don't want to be eaten. I could get over the squeamishness in the case.

---------- Post added at 12:08 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:06 PM ----------

Are you a zombie sympathizer?
I feel sorry for them for being zombies. But in the end I feel sorrier for me, who is being chased by them.


Fun Size

Fun Size

Even killing zombies?
I could kill a zombie, because they're already dead and they want to eat me. And I don't want to be eaten. I could get over the squeamishness in the case.[/QUOTE]

In that case, do you think you have it in you to seriously wound Shego?




I don't want to be eaten. I could get over the squeamishness in the case..
Oh I dunno, I think I could convince you otherwise. :unibrow:

In that case, do you think you have it in you to seriously wound Shego?
Depends on how she answers the previous statement.




If you had the ability to change your shape into any animal of your choice but you could only choose one animal to change into what animal would you choose?
Shego's right... probably a kind of bird. But I'd want to be a big, cool bird... not some pissant cockatoo in a cage. Maybe some kind of hawk.

---------- Post added at 12:11 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:10 PM ----------

Even killing zombies?
I could kill a zombie, because they're already dead and they want to eat me. And I don't want to be eaten. I could get over the squeamishness in the case.[/QUOTE]

In that case, do you think you have it in you to seriously wound Shego?[/QUOTE]

Nooo... but I might have to mace her. :paranoid: Gotta protect my girl-on-girl cherry.




Is it just me or did this thread just get hot?

---------- Post added at 09:29 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:25 PM ----------

If you had the ability to change your shape into any animal of your choice but you could only choose one animal to change into what animal would you choose?
Shego's right... probably a kind of bird. But I'd want to be a big, cool bird... not some pissant cockatoo in a cage. Maybe some kind of hawk. [/QUOTE]

How about Harpagornis moorei, also known as Haast's eagle, a prehistoric eagle so big it ate emus.

No wimpy-ass cockatoo, no sir!




If you were given a chance to explore distant planets and solar systems but you could never return to earth would you do it?




NR, I think that's just the thing. :D

And Hylian, no I would not. I'm sure it's fascinating out there, but I'm fairly certain I could never find anything out there that would make me want to stay away from my loved ones forever.


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

You have been presented with an armadillo to cook. What kind of sauce do you use?




NO sauce. I get that diseased thing out of my house.


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

even if it has been properly prepared to avoid CROSS-CONTAMINATION?




Forget cross contamination. I'm worried about regular contamination. But yes... provided it was some manner of non-diseased armadillo I'd keep it away from any other meats and vegetables I was using.

Still, though. This is a gross scenario.


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

how much is one gross?






Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

do you believe that hunger is the best sauce?




What was the coolest thing about culinary school?

What was the worst?

What's the coolest thing about teaching?

What's the worst?




do you believe that hunger is the best sauce?
Actually, yeah. Despite my culinary arts background, I really enjoy making simple yet nourishing food. That lentil recipe I've mentioned a couple of times? I pretty much live on that, fruits, veggies, eggs and sardines on bagels. Oh, and cereal and milk.

I love to cook more complicated things, but I just don't have the time or money lately. So I live in very simple things, and they usually taste the best and give me a lot of pep.

---------- Post added at 10:28 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:13 PM ----------

What was the coolest thing about culinary school?
The coolest thing was all that stuff I had free reign over. Any time there wasn't a class, I could just go in there with my knives and practice chopping or some cooking technique. The labs were really expensive, because they expect you to take advantage of all the resources. I could literally go in there several times a day and use all the carrots and potatoes I wanted to practice doing a julienne or a perfect dice. Plus, after every class, we had a big meal. Of course, that's part of how I gained 50 damn pounds :eek:. But most of it's gone now.

What was the worst?
Cooks can kind of be assholes. I mean, when I have to share a kitchen, I'm an asshole too. Most people there were kind of prima donnas, and everything had to be done their way. The expression "too many cooks spoil the broth" is so true, because we often did. :p Learning to cooperate with each other and get over out power trips was way harder than the actual dishes and techniques. I'm glad I'm out, honestly. I was there hoping for a community but we were all kind of at each other's throats all the time. I expected to start hearing people say, "I'm not here to make friends!"

What's the coolest thing about teaching?
The coolest thing about teaching is being bombarded with questions. I love children. Not because they're oh so cute, but because they're honest--sometimes to the point of callousness. And if they are genuinely curious about something, they will usually ask. That's how everyone should be, no matter what the age--constantly seeking. I love feeding that. It's more satisfying than any job I've ever done before.

What's the worst?
Probably all the administration stuff you have to deal with, followed closely by kids who come from low-income or abusive homes. In Louisiana, everything rides on our Grade-Level Expectations, and some schools are more strict about how you teach them than others. At some schools they require you to use a certain lesson plan. Plus there's so much emphasis on passing the LEAP test that sometimes I feel like the kids can't focus on learning.




If you had a choice between teaching at a private (parochial) school or a public school, which would you choose and why?

(as background on this, my wife graduated from LSU with an education degree, and worked in both sectors during her training, also worked on a military base which was better than either of the other choices)




Ya know it's funny. I went to Catholic school all my life, but I've only worked at public schools. That's actually fine with me, considering my experiences as a private school student.

Seriously, though, I could get paid more at a public school, and I like the diverse groups I've been working with. Some schools have been REALLY nice and well-equipped. Some have been awful. But they all share the need for good teachers.

I'll probably try to start someplace easier--a little nicer and in a less rough area than some in which I've worked--just to ease into it. Then, when I'm more experience, I can move on to a challenge if I want.

I could still see myself working in a private school someday, depending on my situation. I'm even experienced enough to teach religion if they need me to.


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet


somebody walks up to you, and begins to bow repeatedly while saying "I'm not worthy. I'm not worthy." Your thoughts?





somebody walks up to you, and begins to bow repeatedly while saying "I'm not worthy. I'm not worthy." Your thoughts?
I'd probably pick them up and ask their name. Maybe buy them a coffee.




"Do you think I'll be able to restrain myself in a room full of said knives and cutting utensils when I start Culinary School next year?"




"Do you think I'll be able to restrain myself in a room full of said knives and cutting utensils when I start Culinary School next year?"
Given what I know about you, that you care more about your freedom than in giving in to your urges, I'd say so. Plus, you'll get to carve into a lot of red, dripping meat. That might make you feel a bit better. Maybe you can pretend it's screaming and begging for mercy. :p


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

Seej, let's say you uncover a secret society using an area of knowledge that not many people have. You learn this secret society has been guarding a great secret. How important to society is this secret?





Really depends on what exactly it was. If they've kept it a secret this long, maybe it's for a good reason.





Really depends on what exactly it was.
Cats are sentient, and actually control the world.






Really depends on what exactly it was.
Cats are sentient, and actually control the world.


Get a bunch of catnip and helicopters... lead them to a secure location with a giant pet transport cage.


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

why don't you just gather the humans en masse and have them dream that the world is actually controlled by humans so it is controlled by humans?




Because I think it would be easier my way than to have to come up with a machine that tells humans what to dream. Plus I'd feel too much like I was ripping off the Matrix... only with more cats.


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

actually, you would be ripping off a Sandman plot




Or that. Either way, I like mine better.

If cats are in charge (and always have been) then maybe humanity doesn't suck so bad. It's just all the feline influence. We could give people a chance to run the world.




How are you liking the Mable storyline I'm written so far?




I only read that first part, but you paint quite a picture.




Read em now... Oh jeez, what are you gonna do???


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

Does she lie?




What book do you regret the most for not having read




How you liking the new avatar?

(see how I'm making the questions about me now?)





somebody walks up to you, and begins to bow repeatedly while saying "I'm not worthy. I'm not worthy." Your thoughts?
I'd probably pick them up and ask their name. Maybe buy them a coffee.[/QUOTE]

Name's Robin :-P




What book do you regret the most for not having read
I guess I regret not yet finishing Moby Dick. It's hard to get through, but I've enjoyed it so far. But I don't feel regret about it... I just keep a running list of things to read. :D

---------- Post added at 10:34 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:31 AM ----------

How you liking the new avatar?

(see how I'm making the questions about me now?)
I like it very much.

And yes, I do see. ^_^ It's all good, amiga.


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

seej, is it possible to make a liar out of cocaine?




Have you seen the new Star Trek movie yet? And if you have what was your opinion of it?




seej, is it possible to make a liar out of cocaine?

---------- Post added at 10:50 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:48 AM ----------

Have you seen the new Star Trek movie yet? And if you have what was your opinion of it?
I have, and I loooooved it. I thought the actors and the action scenes were great. I never really watched Star Trek much, except when my Dad watched TNG when I was a kid, but this was really cool.




Why the change of avatar?




I've been feeling lonesome for Jake this week. I always miss him a little, but I was just kind of in a slump. He made/found... I'm not sure.... these avatars in pink and green. They match these necklaces we wear almost exactly.

Kind of a long story. He wore a green one like this when we were first going out, and he knew I loved it. One day he just gave it to me. I took really good care of it, because I knew he really liked and probably missed wearing it. Well... one day I accidentally broke it and felt horrible, so I went to the lady who made it and asked if she could make one like it.

I gave that one to him and apologized for not taking better care of the gift. That Christmas, he had one made for me. They're kind of a common thing that "links" us, if that makes sense... probably cheesy, but I'm kinda fond of the guy. :p Anyway, he sent me this to use as an AIM avatar when we chat, and he has his green one up. I thought I'd put one here too. It cheers me up to see it.




seej, is it possible to make a liar out of cocaine?

"She don't lie, she don't lie, she don't lie, cocaine."

Eric Clapton




Where do YOU think my story with Mabel is going to go?

Where do you HOPE it'll go?




Ohhhh... Cocaine. Hehe.

Shego, I'm scared you're either going to kill or seduce her.

I'd rather you just go along your merry way and find yourself a nice drifter. Don't make Chippy all sad.




Eating 'unusual' animals (snake, monkey, dog, cat, etc.), yes or no?




I'm going to guess, that with her upbringing (area) she's already had a few non-chicken/pig/cow meat.


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

Ohhhh... Cocaine. Hehe.
Seej, why are you laughing at cocaine?




Eating 'unusual' animals (snake, monkey, dog, cat, etc.), yes or no?
Alligator, but that's about as strange as I've gotten. My boyfriend's father has offered to fix me squirrel and snake meat. Some people consider crawfish unusual, but they're only crustaceans.

---------- Post added at 12:01 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:00 PM ----------

Ohhhh... Cocaine. Hehe.
Seej, why are you laughing at cocaine?[/QUOTE]

So you'd ask me why I was laughing at cocaine?


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

So you'd ask "so you'd ask me why I was laughing at cocaine"?




Pretty much?


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet


So, how are you?




I'm great. I'm about to go have a picnic with Jake in the park. It's a beautiful day. :D Plus, I found my new favorite body lotion. It smells like coconut and lime and now I feel all tropical and fancy. ^_^


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

Are you packing egg salad?




There's no food in the house. I'm visiting my parents', and they're going out of town, so we're all cleaned out here, pretty much. I'll probably get us some Shchlotsky's (sp?) because that's one of his favorite places to eat.


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

what do they serve at Shchlotsky's (sp?)?




Tasty sandwiches and pizza.


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

Do they make a decent reuben?




Actually, no. It's hard to find a decent Reuben around here.


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

If you were German, would your reuben situation make you one sour kraut?

what is your favorite pick-up line?




It would. I love a good reuben. When I went to NY for the first time, I went to a deli every chance I got.

No one's ever really used one on me. I just hear a bunch of funny ones. I still love, "are those mirror pants, because I can see myself in them." :rofl:

I used, "So you wanna get outta here?" on the first night we kinda decided we wanted to go out. Seemed to work pretty damn well.


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

favorite bands?




The Black Keys, Dirty Laundry, The Figs, They Might Be Giants, The Pillows, John Ellis and the Double Wide, Cowboy Mouth...

I also love Tom Waits and lots and lots of other jazz (besides John Ellis). But the double wide was the only actual band name I could think of besides the Count Basie Orchestra.


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

seej, how was your picnic?




So very nice. :) We had our sandwiches and then just sat back and watched people walk their dogs. Then we talked about what kinds of pets we wanted one day. I keep lobbying for a pig, and he keeps saying, 'no way in hell' but we both know it's happening.

Then we lay back and watched the clouds while I played a few songs. Then I started humming Sweeney Todd songs, and we both sang "Joanna" together. Then we sang TMBG's "She's an Angel." Then the sun started to go down, and we talked about how pretty the sky and clouds were that day.

Then we went back to get ready for mom's party, where we both looked quite smart and fancy. Pics later if I can get em from mom.




If you could be a zombie, who would you bite first, and why?


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

How do you feel about competitive rock paper scissors?




If you could be a zombie, who would you bite first, and why?
Al Gore. No other reason besides it's the first name that popped into my head. I don't have anything against him, but I didn't have any other thoughts. Sorry, Al.

---------- Post added at 11:27 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:21 AM ----------

How do you feel about competitive rock paper scissors?
I think that RPS is a game best played with friends and acquaintances. It's fun to see if you can guess what their moves will be. If you're talking some kind of actual televised competition... which sounds weird... I can think of more fun things to watch. Like UFC. :D




If you could bring one TV show back that was canceled what show would you choose?


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

How would you make Jambalaya? If you don't know what this is, or have never attempted cooking it before, then just guess off the top of your head what it is.




If you could bring one TV show back that was canceled what show would you choose?
Maybe Home Movies. A lot of people thought they jumped the shark, and the earlier seasons were definitely better, but the later ones were really funny to me, too. Plus, Brendan always had a way of trying to make trends in film his own, like when he tried to copy Memento and did it really poorly. It's one of my favorite shows for the dry, witty dialogue.

---------- Post added at 11:45 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:42 AM ----------

How would you make Jambalaya? If you don't know what this is, or have never attempted cooking it before, then just guess off the top of your head what it is.
It's very easy to make.

Saute seasoned chicken and sausage; cook onion, pepper, and celery in the fat. Throw the meat back in, throw in some rice, pour in chicken broth and simmer a while. Finish seasoning and eat. ^_^




Why is your "ask a question" thread so popular?




Why is your "ask a question" thread so popular?
Probably because I'm shameless. I enjoy answering these questions so much that I bumped my thread myself. :p




What is the question you dare not hear?




What is the question you dare not hear?
I can't think of one... maybe a question that involves recalling information learned in History class. I'm not good at remembering things like that. It's why I'm working on getting some books together right now, so I can brush up!




How would you make Jambalaya? If you don't know what this is, or have never attempted cooking it before, then just guess off the top of your head what it is.
It's very easy to make.

Saute seasoned chicken and sausage; cook onion, pepper, and celery in the fat. Throw the meat back in, throw in some rice, pour in chicken broth and simmer a while. Finish seasoning and eat. ^_^[/QUOTE]

Mmmmm, I'll be over to eat some Cajun soon!

Then later you can make me some Jambalaya. :slywink:




Can I make comments like that too?

If I come over for vacation, could I sleep on your couch for a night, or would Jake kill me/throw me out?

Do you think America is the greatest country in the world? Why/not?




are you disturbed by the tags for this thread?


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

Probably because I'm shameless. I enjoy answering these questions so much that I bumped my thread myself. :p
how come my ask me thread isn't so popular then?




Can I make comments like that too?

If I come over for vacation, could I sleep on your couch for a night, or would Jake kill me/throw me out?

Do you think America is the greatest country in the world? Why/not?
1. I technically can't do anything to stop you, and those kinds of things don't bother me. Anything said like that in a place like this, I consider all in good fun.

2. He's had negative experiences with forums and online friends that I won't go into detail here. But those experiences have made him very wary. He never tells me what to do, but he would flat-out tell me (and this isn't even his place) not to let you stay. And, to be honest, I probably wouldn't feel comfortable right away.

3. To me, that's the kind of question that better-traveled people can answer. I think it's a pretty good country with many flaws, just like lots of other ones. I like living here, but I sometimes wonder what it would be like to live in Canada or somewhere in Europe... or maybe South America, since I have some family in Brazil. You never know til you try sometimes. I guess that's the best answer I can give.


Kitty Sinatra

Can I make comments like that too?

If I come over for vacation, could I sleep on your couch for a night, or would Jake kill me/throw me out?
I skipped over everything from page 6 where Shego asked about your underthingies straight to the end, where I saw this. Given that context, along with the first question Bubble asked, I read his second question as "Could I sleep on your crotch for a night?"

So, umm, yeah . . . could Bubble sleep on your crotch for a night?





Nope. Chez Boudreaux is an exclusive place.




Awwww. So how about lying with my head in your lap while watching TV if I'm feeling down.

Also, Grue, tsk tsk tsk :-P




Awwww. So how about lying with my head in your lap while watching TV if I'm feeling down.

Also, Grue, tsk tsk tsk :-P
How about a big hug? My hugs are legendary. ^_^




When are you going to answer my last question? :D




O oops. No I'm not disturbed by them. ^_^ Stuff like that doesn't bug me. They're funny!


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

when are you going to answer my last question?




When are you going to answer Allen's last two question?


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

seej, is it true that you think I ask terrible questions and then refuse to answer them because of it?




Probably because I'm shameless. I enjoy answering these questions so much that I bumped my thread myself. :p
how come my ask me thread isn't so popular then?[/QUOTE]

Got me. I asked you some questions. Maybe people are afraid you're going to be quiet. :p




Who is better Mario or Luigi?




when are you going to answer my last question?
There you are. ^_^

---------- Post added at 12:48 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:48 PM ----------

When are you going to answer Allen's last two question?
I'm working on it. You people are so demanding. :p

---------- Post added at 12:49 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:48 PM ----------

seej, is it true that you think I ask terrible questions and then refuse to answer them because of it?
Nooooooo, you ask good questions. :) I just overlooked it accidentally.

---------- Post added at 12:49 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:49 PM ----------

Who is better Mario or Luigi?
I always liked Luigi, even though the cartoon made him into a big weenie. In Mario 2 I liked his frantic jumping.




Do you think based on my posts I am mentally unstable? :1:




Do you think based on my posts I am mentally unstable? :1:
:rofl: No more than anyone else here.




Which forumite do you wish you were better friends with?




Which forumite do you wish you were better friends with?
Me, of course! :unibrow:




Which forumite do you wish you were better friends with?
Me, of course! :unibrow:[/QUOTE]

You too Shego. I don't think you have an AMA thread, but who would you like to be better friends with?




My AMA thread would go downhill faster than Calvin and Hobbes in a sled.

Better friends? I wish I was a better friend to Crone, but I dissapoint her more than anythingelse. :( That's a long story.....

I also wish I knew Sera on a more personal level. Though I think her fiance might take some issue with that...




Which forumite do you wish you were better friends with?
Well, first of all, I wish you and I could actually hang out someplace besides the internet. :) I think we'd have fun. You're the only 'internet-friend' that I also considered a true confidante.

I'd also like to hang with North Ranger. He seems smart and lovable. And I'd love to meet Bubble, if only just to see what he's like in person, because I have some guesses about that.

There are a lot, though... most of you would be really fun to be friends with. I hope to meet Vyta and Sparhawk someday since we apparently all live near each other!




Should I feel hurt that you didn't mention my name? :D




No, it would just take a long time to write out allllllll those names. ^_^ I'd like to meet you too.

Actually, I saw a guy on campus a while back who looked just like you. I almost shouted, "Hey Hylian!" out my window. :p


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

hypothetical situation: you are being marketed. what is your slogan?




No, it would just take a long time to write out allllllll those names. ^_^ I'd like to meet you too.

Actually, I saw a guy on campus a while back who looked just like you. I almost shouted, "Hey Hylian!" out my window. :p

You saw Freakazoid?




hypothetical situation: you are being marketed. what is your slogan?

Cajun hospitality in cute, short gal form.

*cue accordion and fiddle music*

---------- Post added at 05:20 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:20 PM ----------

No, it would just take a long time to write out allllllll those names. ^_^ I'd like to meet you too.

Actually, I saw a guy on campus a while back who looked just like you. I almost shouted, "Hey Hylian!" out my window. :p

You saw Freakazoid?[/QUOTE]

Noooo, actually you. Goober.

---------- Post added at 05:20 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:20 PM ----------

...unless I'm thinking of someone else.


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

how do you feel about cadaver manufacturers?




Have you ever eaten chocolate covered sunflower seeds?




how do you feel about cadaver manufacturers?
I've never thought anything about them at all, really.

---------- Post added at 05:57 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:56 PM ----------

Have you ever eaten chocolate covered sunflower seeds?
I don't really like sunflower seeds that much. I don't hate them, but I won't go out of my way to eat them. I'd prefer a chocolate covered almond.

---------- Post added at 05:57 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:57 PM ----------

But no, never had one of those.




Eat raw oysters?




Eat raw oysters?
I'd love to get up the nerve to try them. They just look so weird. And I have a thing about consistencies. I can get over bad tastes, but if I don't like the feel of something, I want to throw up immediately. I love a fried oyster poboy, but raw?... never have.



Eat raw oysters?
I'd love to get up the nerve to try them. They just look so weird. And I have a thing about consistencies. I can get over bad tastes, but if I don't like the feel of something, I want to throw up immediately. I love a fried oyster poboy, but raw?... never have.[/QUOTE]

would it help if somebody told you not to chew just swallow?

yes I know that sounds weird




I actual give them a few quick bites just to get the favor than I swallow. I actually don't mind the texture to much. It is a little weird but certainly not the strangest I have ever eaten.




Eat raw oysters?
I'd love to get up the nerve to try them. They just look so weird. And I have a thing about consistencies. I can get over bad tastes, but if I don't like the feel of something, I want to throw up immediately. I love a fried oyster poboy, but raw?... never have.[/QUOTE]

would it help if somebody told you not to chew just swallow?

yes I know that sounds weird

That's what I'm always instructed to do, but I don't care. I still think it would feel weird going down. It's just not up there on my list of things to do.




Are you threatened by Charlie trying to out-answer you in his thread?




Are you threatened by Charlie trying to out-answer you in his thread?
Naaahhh, in fact, I think I'll ask him some more questions. :D




What kind of questions will you ask?




What kind of questions will you ask?
You should go there and find out. ;)




How does it feel to be the person people most like to hear about? :)




How does it feel to be the person people most like to hear about? :)
I feel very cool. :toocool: Although I feel like I haven't been asking enough. It's fun coming up with questions for other people, and I've enjoyed reading the answers.




If you could ask me in a thread of "Ask Shegokigo Anything: The Unabridged Truth", what would you top 3 questions be for me?




If you could ask me in a thread of "Ask Shegokigo Anything: The Unabridged Truth", what would you top 3 questions be for me?
Hmm........ top of my head?

1. When you become a chef, say you had the chance to open your own restaurant. What type would it be and what kind would it be and what would it be called?

2. What's your real name?

3. How are things going with your lady lately (if you don't mind my asking)?


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

describe to me this man with large nipples.

or, in question form:

would you mind describing to me this man with large nipples?




Gladly. I was walking to walmart to pick up some ground turkey and cumin, and I pass this short dude in an Under Armor shirt. He's sort of muscular, but he's also got some man-boobs going on at the same time. He looks about 50, and he's got spiky, salt-and-pepper hair.

So I just glance his way and realize that this dude's nipples are freakin huge. The pointy parts looked like damn pen caps. And I could see the outline of the rest of them, his shirt was so tight. Saucer nipples. :Leyla:


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet


what are you making with this ground turkey and cumin?




Well the ground turkey was for a meat sauce that I made tonight. The cumin's for tomorrow when I'm making lentils and rice again.


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

There is a spice fight. Who wins?




Hmm..... cayenne pepper wins, because it's good for all occasions... unless you come across a delicate little flower who can't handle it. :p

Followed closely by thyme, because it makes my chicken irresistible.


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

is your chicken always on thyme?

if yes, can I have your recipe for the punctual chicken?




No, sometimes it's late, because I don't cook very quickly. ;P

It's very easy.

1 whole chicken
a little vegetable oil
black, white, and red pepper
chopped parsley and thyme
minced onion and garlic cloves

Heat the oven to 400 F and pat down the chicken with a paper towel before adding oil. Brush on a very thin layer of vegetable oil. Season the outside generously, and top with the onion and garlic. I also stick some onion and garlic under the loose part of the chicken skin.

Bake for about an hour, depending on the weight. C'est tout. (Btw, I also stuff some big chunks of garlic and onion into the cavity. Throw some herbs in there, too. :D)




As a Cajun, are you ragin'?


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

as a cajun, are you disappointed that you weren't asked that earlier?




As a Cajun, do you prefer the cadence of "Rampagin' "?


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

If you were to discover a disease, would you call it the Cajun Contagion?

---------- Post added at 07:28 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:27 PM ----------

do you call older cajuns "agin' cajuns"?




If you were to discover a disease, would you call it the Cajun Contagion?
Goddamnit, this wins.




Can you forgive me for opening this can of worms?




Hmm........ top of my head?

1. When you become a chef, say you had the chance to open your own restaurant. What type would it be and what kind would it be and what would it be called?

2. What's your real name?

3. How are things going with your lady lately (if you don't mind my asking)?
1: I have no intentions of opening my own restaurant, my end goal is to be a food critic. If I ever did, it would definitely be a Mexican Style restaurant somewhere in the Northern States to take advantage of a real lack of "authentic style" Mexican food. I would use connections I have here to import real Mexican ingredients to my restaurant up north and just blow "gringos" minds away with delicous food they had no idea existed. As for the name, it'd have to be something that "white folks" could pronounce like "La Cocina".

2: Check your PM in like 3minutes after this post.

3: It's kinda strange, I've recently become paranoid of HER possibly wanting to be out of the relationship now and staying for reasons other than caring about me. Go figure.




1. I'd go there. :)

2. I'm happy to know it, thanks.

3. Well, I wish you happiness. :) After that thread you started I've been keeping ya in my thoughts.


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

seej, are you pro-rhyme or anti-rhyme?




1: You'd eat for free everytime. :)

2: :slywink:

3: We'll see, tonight I think we're having a group get together and I'm wondering how things will be this time around after everything that's happened so far. (Couple of things I didn't mention were that I've gained a few pounds from eating myself through stress and I still have "her" on the mind more than I used to, try as I do to shake the thoughts, they are coming more frequently) :eek:rly:




seej, are you pro-rhyme or anti-rhyme?
I rhyme all the time.

It's fun on a bun.

Ask me more! I'll try not to be a bore.


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

if that is the case, then how come you treated all those rhyme questions like blank space?




:confused: I have no clue how I missed those.

---------- Post added at 10:27 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:26 PM ----------

As a Cajun, are you ragin'?
I tend not to rage unless I'm tailgating with my friends from ULL. (That's their team name, the Ragin' Cajuns ;P)

I also rage in really bad traffic.

---------- Post added at 10:28 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:27 PM ----------

as a cajun, are you disappointed that you weren't asked that earlier?
Nope. I'm glad y'all were able to be more original for so long. ^_^

---------- Post added at 10:29 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:28 PM ----------

As a Cajun, do you prefer the cadence of "Rampagin' "?
Nah, I like ragin' better.






Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

he is angry that his rhyme is not the preferred one




If you were to discover a disease, would you call it the Cajun Contagion?

---------- Post added at 07:28 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:27 PM ----------

do you call older cajuns "agin' cajuns"?
1. I would, because, as Gusto said, that owns.

2. That's all over tshirts and birthday cards and other tacky Cajun souvenirs for older people. So yes.

---------- Post added at 10:32 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:31 PM ----------

Can you forgive me for opening this can of worms?
I suppose. After all, you did tame your couch for me. :p




he is angry that his rhyme is not the preferred one
Re: My AMA: Saddest thing.




he is angry that his rhyme is not the preferred one
What's an "angry" word that rhymes with Canadian?


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

he is angry that his rhyme is not the preferred one
What's an "angry" word that rhymes with Canadian?[/QUOTE]


I am sure that your response made him a dumbstruck canuck




he is angry that his rhyme is not the preferred one
What's an "angry" word that rhymes with Canadian?[/QUOTE]


I am sure that your response made him a dumbstruck canuck[/QUOTE]






*runs crying back to his thread*





*runs crying back to his thread*
:( Don't gooooo!!!!!


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet


you don't have to go-o




How is it possible that I am so awesome?




What is the question to the answer 42?




How is it possible that I am so awesome?
I don't know. I attribute about 33% to your avatar, 66% to your succinct posting style, and 1% to some magical secret.

---------- Post added at 03:47 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:42 PM ----------

What is the question to the answer 42?
Ask again later.




Do you like me?




Do you like me?
I do like you. :) We don't talk much, it seems. The most vivid memory I have of you at the moment (unless I'm thinking of someone else) is that you were very active in the Transformers thread.

So tell me something about yourself that I might not know so that I might get better acquainted with Mr. Jay.




What is the question to the answer 42?




What is the question to the answer 42?
Oops, time to take my roast out of the oven! Back later!




Seej have you ever narrowly escaped DEATH?




Seej have you ever narrowly escaped DEATH?
I almost got run over when I was 4. I was playing outside, and I ran down the hill in our backyard and into the road. This jackass came speeding down the street about 40 mph (in a private neighborhood.... :eek:rly:). I felt dad pull me away and mom literally RAN after the car screaming at him. I remember not having time to be scared until after it all happened.

I love my grandpa. He once had people driving fast through his apartment complex, so he started hiding behind cars and pushing a little wagon into the road when someone would be going over 5-10 or so. When they screeched to a stop, he'd walk up and say, "What if that had been a kid?" then just pick up his wagon and walk away. There are a lot of things I rant about, but only a few things that make me actually angry. People speeding in parking lots and neighborhoods is one of those things. There's just no reason for it. If your time is so damn valuable, then leave early instead of barreling through a place where children play.




Why did you change your avatars pic so often?




Well, in the beginning of my time here it was about finding the perfect picture. I got tired of the accordion, and the Kirby pic was cute but not quite what I wanted. Then I tried Jason from Home Movies, because I decided I wanted my avatar to be one of my favorite characters.

When we came to halforum, I googled "Fone Bone" on a whim and found my current pic. I consider that my primary. Lately it's just been because of all the avatar "holidays." Then last week it was because Jake went to the trouble of finding that pic for me that looks like my necklace. :)

I plan to stick with Fone Bone unless there's an avatar week that really really intrigues me.




Are all my questions getting annoying?

how about now?













Nope! ^_^




Are you prepared for the nasty, nasty line of storms heading you way this evening?

(we've had over 3 inches of rain today and several severe storms, and they're heading your way)




Are you prepared for the nasty, nasty line of storms heading you way this evening?

(we've had over 3 inches of rain today and several severe storms, and they're heading your way)
I'd prefer that they come tonight since I have a road trip ahead of me tomorrow... but it looks like it might rain tomorrow, too. I have nowhere to be tonight, so yes, I'm ready.




Are you a fan of Ducktales?




I never watched Ducktales, except for the movie with the cave duck. I still have that on tape.




Have you ever shown 'em, to get some beads at Mardi Gras?




Have you ever shown 'em, to get some beads at Mardi Gras?
Nah, not when jumping up and down gets me a fair amount.




You ever watch Eek! the Cat?




You ever watch Eek! the Cat?
Yeah, and it always weirded me out that "Koombaya" was some sort of kid-safe expletive.




What's your favorite Mario game?




What's your favorite Mario game?
The one I play the most is Mario RPG. I don't think it's the best one, but it's definitely the one that entertains me the most. :)




Can you tell I am bored today?




Can you tell I am bored today?
Maybe a little. ;) But I was bored today too, so I thank you very much, sir.




Hitler, Jesus and your future mother in law are all coming over to play contract bridge, who is your partner and what snacks do you serve?




Hitler, Jesus and your future mother in law are all coming over to play contract bridge, who is your partner and what snacks do you serve?
Probably Jesus. I'm bad at cards, and the woman who will be my mother in law is a huge brat about losing games. I wouldn't want Jesus to cheat using his Jesus powers.... just thought it would be fun.

I'd serve some homemade pizza, probably. And a crudite platter.




Pizza. Thin or deep-dish?




I like a hand-tossed, foccacia-style crust the best. But if I had to choose between those two, I'd say thin. I love a veggie pizza with light sauce and crispy crust. On the other hand, I also loooooooooooove Chicago pizza. If I'm not trying to be healthy I'd go for that.





*takes notes*




When you bite the ends off of a twizzler to make a licorice straw, what beverage do you drink it with?




I would never eat a Twizzler. Red OR black. Blech.




Do you own a Xbox 360? If so have you gotten the dreaded and yet inevitable RROD?




Do you own a Xbox 360? If so have you gotten the dreaded and yet inevitable RROD?
I do not. I don't own any of the newer systems. What's RROD?


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

would the cajun like a brandy before she goes to bed?

warm milk?





would the cajun like a brandy before she goes to bed?

warm milk?



Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

cajun, thank you.




You're always keeping my quoting skills sharp. :p


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

would you like some more schnitzengruben?




would you like some more schnitzengruben?
No thank you. Fifteen's my limit on schnitzengruben.




Do you own a Xbox 360? If so have you gotten the dreaded and yet inevitable RROD?
I do not. I don't own any of the newer systems. What's RROD?[/QUOTE]


Three flashing red lights around the Xbox 360 power button (nicknamed the \"Red Ring of Death\" or \"Red Lights of Death\"), in lieu of the one to four green lights indicating normal operation, represent an internal problem that requires service.[7] Warning signs may include freeze-ups, graphical problems in the middle of gameplay, such as checkerboard or pinstripe patterns on the screen, and sound errors, and the console only responds to pressing the power button to turn it off.[citation needed] These events may happen once or several times until the hardware failure occurs, or not at all. If the console freezes occasionally, the error will not necessarily follow. When the error does occur, on the user's attempt to turn the console on the three red lights are seen and the console does not function.[citation needed]
This error code is usually caused by failure of one or more hardware components, although it can indicate that the console is not receiving enough power from the power supply, which can either be due to a faulty power supply or if the power supply cable is not fully inserted into the console.[citation needed]
Distinct from the General Hardware Failure is a similar-looking error warning where four red lights appear, in which case the console does not detect an AV cable is plugged in.[8] The four lights can sometimes also be seen when power surges or very brief power outages occur while the console is running, in which the console needs to be unplugged and plugged back in again to reset the error. Two red lights appear when the system is overheated.

Response to rate of failure

In the early months after the console's launch, Microsoft stated that the Xbox 360's failure rate was within the consumer electronics industry's typical 3% to 5%.[9][10][11][12] Nevertheless, Microsoft has not released its official statistics on the failure rate of the various versions of the console; the company's press relations policy is to focus on the prompt resolution of any technical problems.[13]
On July 5, 2007, the Vice-President of Microsoft's Interactive Entertainment Business division published an open letter recognizing the console's problems, as well as announcing a three-year warranty extension for every Xbox 360 console that experiences the \"general hardware failure\" indicated by three flashing red LEDs on the console.[14]
A source that has been identified as a team leader and key architect in the creation of the Xbox and Xbox 360 and a founding member of the Xbox team[15][16] provided insight as to the high rate of failures. The interviews suggest that Xbox 360 units that fail early in their life do so because of problems in the system design, parts supply, material reliability, and manufacturing issues as well as a system not tolerant to faults. If your warranty has run out and you are experiencing the RROD (Red Ring Of Death), you will need to buy a new console or stop using the 360.[citation needed] These issues were alleged to be the end results of the decisions of management in Microsoft's Xbox team and inadequate testing resources prior to the console's release. A second source cited that, at one time, there was just a 32% yield of one of the test production runs. 68 of every 100 test units were found to be defective.[17][18]
On the 8th of February 2008, during the Game Developers Conference 2008, Microsoft announced that the \"Failure rate has officially dropped\", but without mentioning any specifics.[19] The same month, electronics warranty provider SquareTrade published an examination of 1040 Xbox 360s and said that they suffered from a failure rate of 16.4% (one in six). Of the 171 failures, 60% were due to a general hardware failure (and thus fell under the 3 year extended warranty). And of the remaining 40% which were not covered by the extended warranty, 18% were disc read errors, 13% were video card failures, 13% were hard drive freezes, 10% were power issues and 7% were disc tray malfunctions.[20][21] SquareTrade also stated that its estimates are likely much lower than reality due to the time span of the sample (six to ten months), the eventual failure of many consoles that did not fail within this time span and the fact that many owners did not deal with SquareTrade and had their consoles repaired directly through Microsoft via the much publicized extended RROD warranty.
On October 17, 2008 a class action lawsuit was filed in California against Microsoft over the RROD problem.[6]
On August 28, 2009, SquareTrade published a report saying that \"early indications point to the problem abating in 2009\", projecting that 1-year failure rates with the Jasper chipsets might be below 4%.[22]
[edit] Causes

Electronics industry newspaper EE Times reported that the problems may have started in the graphics chip. Microsoft designed the chip in-house to cut out the traditional ASIC vendor with the goal of hoping to save money in ASIC design costs. After the multiple product failures, Microsoft went back to an ASIC vendor and had the chip redesigned so it would dissipate less heat.[23][24]
One possible cause of the General Hardware Error may be cold solder joints. The added mass of the CSP chips (including the GPU and CPU) absorb the heat flow that allows proper soldering of the lead-free solders on the motherboard, therefore, the solder has not properly melted underneath these chips, which can lead to voids (air bubbles) and weak spots in the solder known as cold solder joints. Because of prolonged constant temperature changes inside the console, the voids cause cracking. Some people[who?] claim this issue does not exist, and claim it is caused by a confusion over this issue. They have suggested that the dull appearance only suggests that the joints are cold soldered, as lead-free solders, even when properly soldered, take on a dull appearance that non-professionals might mistake for a cold solder joint (as the older lead/tin solder solder-joints became dull when not heated sufficiently). This suggestion is, however, rejected by the majority of experts. Lead-free solder requires a greater amount of heat (213 degrees celsius) to solder properly when compared to older lead/tin solders (185 degrees celsius).[25]
The Nyko Intercooler has also been reported to have led to a general hardware failure in a number of consoles, as well as scorching of the power AC input.[26] Microsoft stated that the peripheral drains too much power from the console (the Intercooler power cord is installed between the Xbox 360 power supply and the console itself) and can cause faults to occur, and stated that consoles fitted with the peripheral will have their warranties null and void. Nyko has recently released an updated Intercooler that uses its own power source. Nyko claims this problem no longer occurs with new versions of this cooler. However, Microsoft still considers it an unlicensed add-on and will void the warranty of machines showing signs of its use. There is no data available to indicate whether the Intercooler decreases the chance of hardware failure.[26] However, if the Intercooler fails, it can hinder rather than help the overheating problems.
The game console heats up during use, and given enough time, the temperature inside can reach very high levels due to insufficient cooling. An overheated Xbox 360 is indicated by both left quadrants lighting up red. Because of the way the Xbox 360 is constructed, this may result in stresses building up between the delicate ball grid array solder joints of the CPU and GPU and the motherboard, causing them to break. The problem is exacerbated by the specific type of lead-free solder used, a type which is more brittle than the older tin/lead solder that was used in the past and the GPU's location directly underneath the DVD drive.[27] Microsoft needed to make room for the DVD Drive, so it shrank the heat sink.
German computer magazine c't, in an article titled \"Jede dritte stirbt den Hitzetod\" (tr. \"Every third One Dies of Heat\"), published in July 2006, blames the problems primarily on the use of the wrong type of lead-free solder, a type that when exposed to elevated temperatures for extended periods of time becomes brittle and can develop hair-line cracks that are almost irreparable.[28][29] Also, according to the same article, Microsoft has created an internal account, funded with more than $1 billion, dedicated to addressing this problem. The fund would only be fully depleted by $100 in repairs to every existing Xbox 360, or complete replacement of every third Xbox 360 ever made.[30]
The article also revealed that representatives of the three largest Xbox 360 resellers in the world (EB Games, Gamestop and Best Buy) claimed that the failure rate of the Xbox 360 was between 30% and 33%, and that Micromart, the largest repair shop in the United Kingdom, stopped repairing Xbox 360s because it was unable to fully repair the defective systems. Because of the nature of the problem, Micromart could only make temporary repairs, which led to many of the \"repaired\" systems failing again after a few weeks. At that time Micromart was receiving 2,500 defective consoles per day from the U.K. alone.[28]
The console's design utilizes heatsinks, vented openings, and fans to aid in dissipation of heat, but the potential still exists for excessive heat buildup inside the console if these measures become insufficient. Users are advised not to obstruct air flow to the enclosure vents or power supply. Problems associated with overheating include reduced system performance and instability that may result in crashing or hardware failure. Xbox 360s with \"Falcon\" motherboards, which use the smaller device geometry 65 nm CPUs, are reportedly less susceptible to these failures[citation needed].
According to the October 2007 issue of The Official Xbox Magazine, there are reports that new Xbox 360 Elites and newer Premiums, as well as officially refurbished units, have larger heatsinks. It has yet to be determined how far this fix has gone in alleviating the issues.
Some third-party manufacturers have also introduced external cooling devices that attach to the console, and claim to help prevent the console from overheating.[31] However, reports indicate that some such devices can do exactly the opposite, including the attachment melting on the console itself, possibly damaging the internal microprocessors, and voiding the product warranty. Also, when the attachment is powered by the Xbox 360's power brick, it might overheat the power brick, causing even more problems. Third-party cooling devices are available which use their own power sources.[32]




Ohhh, right. I knew that.


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

can you now fight half of a battle?




can you now fight half of a battle?
Sure, now that I know.


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

What don't you know?




How to finish my geology homework before bedtime... without completely bombing it.




Is knowing really half the battle? And if so what is the other half?


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

how do you feel about stalemates?




Is knowing really half the battle? And if so what is the other half?
gettin shit done, of course.

---------- Post added at 10:36 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:34 PM ----------

how do you feel about stalemates?
They're ok, but I prefer fresh ones.


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet


let's say you had me on my knees and I was begging darling please.

would you ease my worried mind?





We'll never find a way.

All your love's in vain.


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet





It seems I've got you on your knees.


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

well, when I want to get down
I get down on the ground, Cajun

---------- Post added at 08:51 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:48 PM ----------

do you want to talk about the Olympian ideal?





And listen to me. You are not evil. You... are... GOOD.


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

what are the symptoms of the cajun contagion?




Increase of appetite


Sudden wish for big hugs

Craving for Zydeco, even if you don't know what it is.

Aversion to bland food


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

would there be a sudden wish for boiled mud bugs?




definitely. and crabs. Those specifics you can find listed under "increased appetite" in this brochure.


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

so why does the cajun contagion make you want crabs?



Allen loves you and needs to invest in a good IM program.

How did you get so sweet cajun?




Aw jeez, I'm not so sweet all the time, but----

A really really really good family, I think. They're my greatest gift, and they taught me to be loving. I feel happiest when I'm comforting someone.

---------- Post added at 12:16 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:14 AM ----------

Also, heheh, Allen's sometimes iming me WHILE doing this. :p

---------- Post added at 12:18 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:16 AM ----------

so why does the cajun contagion make you want crabs?
not the tiny ones that you need to comb away, you silly thing....


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

if you could punch a train so hard it would fly off the tracks, do you like tea and if yes, what kind is your favorite?




No, and chamomile. Until very recently, I couldn't drink any type of tea at all. But now I can handle herbal.


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

if you could lift up a car, what did you want to be when you grew up?




Seej, would us being drunk have improved or ruined tonight's conversation?




if you could lift up a car, what did you want to be when you grew up?
Wow, man.

In the parallel dimension in which I could lift up a car, I wanted to be a superhero when I grew up?

---------- Post added at 12:45 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:43 AM ----------

Seej, would us being drunk have improved or ruined tonight's conversation?
It would have been really funny if we'd been drunk... and it would have been less uncomfortable at times. But I also believe that we should cherish the discomfort that comes with having a conversation that is truly not dull.

So, in short, I prefer talking to you when I'm sober. ^_^




D'awww! :)




What's your superhero alter ego?




Cajungal IS who mild-mannered little Leslie turns into.

Beware the spicy sting of justice, evildoers! FLYING CAYENNE ATTAAAAAAAACK!




If you could take a vacation in a video game worl (like Hyrule from the LoZ series) what game world would you choose?




Cajungal IS who mild-mannered little Leslie turns into.

Beware the spicy sting of justice, evildoers! FLYING CAYENNE ATTAAAAAAAACK!
Don't mind me, I'm just double taking the word "Leslie". Could have sworn it said.....


Fun Size

Fun Size

Cajungal IS who mild-mannered little Leslie turns into.

Beware the spicy sting of justice, evildoers! FLYING CAYENNE ATTAAAAAAAACK!
Gah! Spicy eyes!:Leyla:




Cajungal IS who mild-mannered little Leslie turns into.

Beware the spicy sting of justice, evildoers! FLYING CAYENNE ATTAAAAAAAACK!
Gah! Spicy eyes!:Leyla:[/QUOTE]

That'll teach you to steal the orphans' Christmas presents!


Fun Size

Fun Size

Cajungal IS who mild-mannered little Leslie turns into.

Beware the spicy sting of justice, evildoers! FLYING CAYENNE ATTAAAAAAAACK!
Gah! Spicy eyes!:Leyla:[/quote]

That'll teach you to steal the orphans' Christmas presents![/QUOTE]

Everyone saw it - that orphanage attacked me first.




Well, maybe you shouldn't have looked so creepy, then. Did you ever think of that???




Why do you keep ignoring my questions? Do you hate me? :(

j/k :D




Nooope, just easily confused. ;)

---------- Post added at 11:00 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:58 AM ----------

If you could take a vacation in a video game worl (like Hyrule from the LoZ series) what game world would you choose?
Hmmmm.... I don't have a very strong attachment to video games. I think they're fun, but I've never really thought of anything like that before. I guess, for me, I'd wanna go to Morrowind. That was one of the first non-Mario, non-fighting, non-kiddy games I ever got REALLY attached to.

Otherwise, I'd go to Hyrule and bring my boyfriend back souvenirs. He's a die-hard Zelda fan. He's also a big Metroid fan, but I would NOT bring him back Samus. :eek:rly:




What would you do if you had Samus's armor?




Jump around a whole lot. I like that twirly jump. I'm sorry.. I know so little about metroid. I know for a fact I'd pay the fellow a visit. He's appreciate it more and know more about what it does.


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

would you say my love was really something if I could change the world?

what did you want to be when you grew up?




Are you a registered voter?




would you say my love was really something if I could change the world?

what did you want to be when you grew up?

As a kid? I wanted to be a teacher, a famous singer, and an author... and possibly topublish my own adventure comic book.

---------- Post added at 10:25 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:24 PM ----------

Are you a registered voter?
Sure am.


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

would you know my name if I saw you in heaven?

would you be the same if I saw you in heaven?




would you know my name if I saw you in heaven?

would you be the same if I saw you in heaven?
Duuuuude, that song makes me sad. :(


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet





I mean, probably. But I don't even have a solid concept of an afterlife, so it's hard to say.


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

if you could lift up a car, why exactly did you not like doing the cooking career?





I chose to end my culinary arts education because I suddenly couldn't see myself working in a kitchen for the rest of my life. Plus, I got the teaching pangs.


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

is "oy" a positive or negative sound?




A little tired, since your questions confuse me sometimes.


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

would you prefer if I asked questions but used lead ins that were actually related to what I was asking?




I would!




Is anyone else getting a little sick of Allen?





Does Allen make you more, or less uncomfortable than me?

Would you rather date a mime or a mute?

If you had to lose one, sight or hearing?

If you had to lose one, touch or smell?

If you had to lose one, true love or good health?

If you can keep only one, your pet, your mother, father, or Jake?

If you can keep only one, me or Allen?

If you have to keep one, GasBandit or Shannow?




If you could bring one person back to life but at the cost of never seeing them again who would you bring back to life?


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

Is anyone else getting a little sick of Allen?






Does Allen make you more, or less uncomfortable than me?

Would you rather date a mime or a mute?

If you had to lose one, sight or hearing?

If you had to lose one, touch or smell?

If you had to lose one, true love or good health?

If you can keep only one, your pet, your mother, father, or Jake?

If you can keep only one, me or Allen?

If you have to keep one, GasBandit or Shannow?
-Neither of you make me uncomfortable at all. You have only said a couple of things in the past that actually made me uncomfortable, but that was a long while ago. We're all cool.

-I guess a mute person (or "nonverbal," as we're instructed to say in class). I'm not big on mime.

-I'd lose sight. Easiest question here. I must hear.

-I'd lose smell.

-I'd lose good health.

-:( Those are too hard. Can't I keep all of you?

---------- Post added at 12:04 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:03 PM ----------

If you could bring one person back to life but at the cost of never seeing them again who would you bring back to life?
I'd bring back Uncle Joey. He died saving his son's life, and my I'm still worried if my aunt will ever be happy again. He was a strong and loving father, and a lot of things are going wrong without him here. It would be enough to know that my aunt and cousins could be happy again.

---------- Post added at 12:05 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:04 PM ----------

Is anyone else getting a little sick of Allen?


No, come back! Just ask normal questions! :p




What is your favorite TV show?




What is your favourite episode of Justice League? Jake's?


Fun Size

Fun Size

Cajungal! Cagungal! Fun Size here. If you had to drink an entire bottle of hot sauce, what brand would you choose and why?




What is your favourite episode of Justice League? Jake's?
I don't know what Jake's favorites are. I know he loves Batman, but he also thinks Green Lantern is a badass... so probably episodes that focus on them. I like the ones at the end of Season one that focus on Hawkgirl, but there are so many that I love.

---------- Post added at 02:29 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:27 PM ----------

What is your favorite TV show?
Here's a top-of-my-head favorites list:

Home Movies
The Office
The Venture Brothers

---------- Post added at 02:30 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:29 PM ----------

Cajungal! Cagungal! Fun Size here. If you had to drink an entire bottle of hot sauce, what brand would you choose and why?
I wouldn't... I get terrible heartburn. If I had no choice, I'd go with Louisiana sauce, because it's wussier in terms of heat and would go down easier.

Which do I use everyday in smaller amounts? Tabasco!


Fun Size

Fun Size

Cajungal! Cagungal! Fun Size here. If you had to drink an entire bottle of hot sauce, what brand would you choose and why?
I wouldn't... I get terrible heartburn. If I had no choice, I'd go with Louisiana sauce, because it's wussier in terms of heat and would go down easier.

Which do I use everyday in smaller amounts? Tabasco![/QUOTE]

Follow up question: what's your favorite euphemism for the embarrassing flatulence caused by drinking an entire bottle of hot sauce?




Cajungal! Cagungal! Fun Size here. If you had to drink an entire bottle of hot sauce, what brand would you choose and why?
I wouldn't... I get terrible heartburn. If I had no choice, I'd go with Louisiana sauce, because it's wussier in terms of heat and would go down easier.

Which do I use everyday in smaller amounts? Tabasco![/QUOTE]

Follow up question: what's your favorite euphemism for the embarrassing flatulence caused by drinking an entire bottle of hot sauce?[/QUOTE]

Pepper Poots?




Pepper Poots?
Iron Man 2 just took on a whole new meaning.... :rofl:-:thumbsup:




Yay, that's just what I was going for! ^_^ Thank you.




Will the dragon lord kill the silver haired queen of the sea monkeys?




Only if he remembers to poke holes in a potato before putting it in the microwave?




-:( Those are too hard. Can't I keep all of you?
Well, young lady ,that's a big responsibility. We'll expect you to take good care of us than. Be sure to walk us and play with us every day, and pet us and give us attention. Are you sure you can do that? :-P

Cats or dogs?

A cat, a dog, or a bird?

Cats, dogs, birds, or fish?

Traditional or adventurous?

Exotic or known?

Taking riscs or keeping what you have?

Living life to the fullest, or being content and calm,

A world without love, or a world without hope?

People or animals?

Ban cigarettes, or ban alcohol?

Give up alcohol or caffeine?

No more hugs, or no more kisses?

Luck or knowledge?




Yesss, I promise! I'll take good care of all of you. Here, have a praline. Do you need to go outside?


-A dog, a bulldog or a pug! :D

-Still dogs


-One person's exotic is another person's known. :p

-What you have... usually. I've been known to do the other.


-Love begets hope. ^_^


-First reaction is neither, next is cigarettes





Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

Hey Seej, do you like soccer?
