Ask Cajungal Anything

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What question have you been hoping someone would ask?
I hadn't really been hoping for any particular questions. They've pretty much all been fun to answer.

---------- Post added at 05:57 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:56 PM ----------

How would you want to be buried when you die?
I think sometimes about being cremated. But then it might be nice to be buried in the city where I was born.
If somehow all your memories you have right now were transferred into your 6 year old past self. What would you do with those memories as you grow up?


Staff member
If somehow all your memories you have right now were transferred into your 6 year old past self. What would you do with those memories as you grow up?
Yeek, that's weird. I think I'd become a more open-minded person at a younger age, for one thing. I'd probably be tempted to go into education right away, too. Culinary school was fun, but living in Thibodaux was murder. I could have always bought some books and taught myself a lot of it.

---------- Post added at 06:15 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:14 PM ----------

Rice, pasta or potatoes?
Oh, dear Lord, I love them all. But in the end I gotta say rice. :D

---------- Post added at 06:16 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:15 PM ----------

You're biting/misspelling my style, Bubs. :humph:[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I'd say Seej is the most 'familiar' of them. ^_^


Staff member
So well! Thanks for asking.

I taught the kids about words that end in "all." I posted pictures of my materials--did you see them? I made little sentence strips that all had blanks in them--all missing "all" words. (Like I bounce the _____.)

My professor watched. She sent me an email the day after. She said that I was progressing a lot faster than her other students. :) That made me feel GREAT!
So well! Thanks for asking.

I taught the kids about words that end in "all." I posted pictures of my materials--did you see them? I made little sentence strips that all had blanks in them--all missing "all" words. (Like I bounce the _____.)

My professor watched. She sent me an email the day after. She said that I was progressing a lot faster than her other students. :) That made me feel GREAT!
Yeah, I saw the pic. Glad it went well! It's nice to hear that from a prof, I'm sure!


Is there a slow moral decay in society or is it just relative and all societies think their society is in a decline?

Fav. guilty fast food joint?

Do you believe in ghosts?

How many times did you blink whilst reading this post?


Staff member

Is there a slow moral decay in society or is it just relative and all societies think their society is in a decline?

Fav. guilty fast food joint?

Do you believe in ghosts?

How many times did you blink whilst reading this post?
1. Moral decay or all relative? I'm tempted to say decay sometimes, but when I think about it, I honestly believe there's a bit of both going on. This might take me a bit to explain, so bear with me.

I'm glad that I meet so many people who want to move away from archaic, seemingly moral beliefs about some things and black-and-white thinking. But on the other hand, I think that it's dangerous to declare that there is no real right and wrong. I think that it can make people avoid taking responsibility. They didn't do wrong; they're just doing what's best 'the them' and taking part in their own personal value system. I was raised in a family that didn't pressure me to religious, but I was urged to remember that nothing we do is in a vacuum. We affect people with our decisions, no matter how careful we are, and no matter what it is. I think that "it's between me and God" or "me and __whoever else" is misleading, because the truth is we never know who we're affecting.

So, if anything is wrong, I'd say that people wrongly believe that much of what they do has consequences that affect only them, and that is bad.

2. Fast food? I love the Wendy's spicy chicken sandwich with a small Frosty. Or better yet Popeye's fried chicken. Really, most of my protein comes from eggs, beans, tuna, and insanely lean turkey, so a good piece of dark meat that's spicy and fried is a little piece of heaven that I treat myself to about once a year or once every 6 months.

3. I actually do, with all my heart. I don't have any proof, but something in me tells me that they're real. I'm a smart person, generally. I can come to rational, logical conclusions. But I can't shake the feeling that there are a lot more strange, supernatural things going on in our world that we really think. I WISH I had proof. But I do believe that there are people out there who have died and, for some reason or other, are living through a "snapshot" of their lives over and over... in other words, I don't believe in ghosts that can communicate with us or come into contact with us, for good or for evil. But I believe in the soul, and I believe it can get lost or "stuck."

4. My eyes are dry. It took me about 5 minutes to reply. If I assume that I blinked about 8 times each minute (which seems close to the correct number), then I could estimate about 40 times.

Thank you, that was fun. :D

---------- Post added at 03:50 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:44 PM ----------

You are given a "free pass" to have a hitman kill your worst enemy. How would you like it done?
Ok my other answer was no fun since I don't really have enemies. So I'll assume I have an enemy that I actually do want to kill instead! I'd want it to be in their sleep, a surprise, something like an injection. You probably still think that's no fun.


Staff member
You are given the chance to own one mythical, legendary or imagined item of great power (think Holy Grail, the Excalibur, The One Ring or the like...). What shall it be?


Staff member
Could you share a tasty lentil recipe or two?
I only really make one.

Lentils and rice:

First you boil about a cup of rice... make sure the water's as it would be if you were making pasta: salty as the sea. No one likes bland rice! Keep the rice aside. It's ok to cook for a little less time, because it will be simmering with the lentils eventually.

Next, take about a cup and a half of lentils, rinse and sort, etc. Put the amount of water indicated on the bag to boil. Season the water with:

-about 2 tablespoons of salt
-black and cayenne pepper to taste. I like about 3-4 healthy dashes of each
-about a tablespoon of paprika
-a crapload of cumin. like, a lot of it. Like, it looks like too much but really it's not. (That's how I describe it.. I've never measured the cumin :p)
-a nice big handful of chopped parsley

When the water is seasoned, throw the lentils in. When it comes to a boil, lower it to medium heat, cover, and let simmer for at least 30 minutes. Stir occasionally. You can throw the rice in at about 20 minutes. When the lentils start to get soft, make sure it's seasoned enough for you. I usually let it simmer about an hour before eating.

This is my favorite dish. If I'm REALLY hungry or my brother's been out running all afternoon, I'll throw some chicken in there, too. Saute it in similar spices and just throw it in with the rice. Delicious.

***I almost forgot the crucial bay leaf! Throw that in the water!***

---------- Post added at 08:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:08 PM ----------

You are given the chance to own one mythical, legendary or imagined item of great power (think Holy Grail, the Excalibur, The One Ring or the like...). What shall it be?
A magical item? Hmm, that's one I've never thought of. A long time ago my boyfriend made me read The Belgariad. It was ok, but I really thought it was neat how

the gem in Garion's sword spoke to him.

I guess, that... just to not name something obvious, hehe.
A magical item? Hmm, that's one I've never thought of. A long time ago my boyfriend made me read The Belgariad. It was ok, but I really thought it was neat how

the gem in Garion's sword spoke to him.

I guess, that... just to not name something obvious, hehe.
You must re-read, it was the prophecy speaking to him, not the Orb of Aldur.

---------- Post added at 09:24 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:23 AM ----------

Excluding Mardi Gras, what is your favorite local festival in Louisiana? Any particular "street vendor" food that you love that you can only really get at festivals?


Staff member
I'll be honest. I'd rather change my answer than read that book again. It was entertaining, but that's all. I always figured it was speaking to him through that orb or something. O well.

Favorite Festival? Easy. Festival International de Louisiane. It's a 4-5 day celebration in Lafayette of international culture--music, clothing, jewelry, etc. There are all these awesome vendors from all over. One of my favorite things to do besides listen to the bands is watch people scoop fresh cocoa butter right into cans for sale.

Almost all of the food you can get there is available in Lafayette at any time; but it's fun to have it made fresh right there in front of you. My favorite foods at festival... There's a Greek booth with killer Moussaka and gyros, a great Alligator or Crawfish Poboy stand, and a jambalaya stand with a dutch oven full of it.... seriously, the size of a damn bathtub. So much good food...... it's hard to choose.

A tourist favorite is a creamy crawfish and spinach dish served inside of hollowed-out homemade bread. I actually think that's a festival exclusive.

Everyone should experience this at least once:


Staff member
To calm myself down and put things into perspective, I make myself a cold drink (nonalcoholic) and stand outside and look around. I take a few deep breaths, count my blessings, and think about how lucky I am to even have the time to think about the problems I have. Some people are so burdened by basic needs that they'd never even think to acknowledge my problems like mine.

Then I'll usually go to my favorite coffee shop, order an au lait, and listen to Shirley Horn or John Ellis while I either read, write, or chat with you people.

I also exercise. I try to do this every day, because it really improves my disposition.


Staff member
Sounds weird, maybe, but I love hairy dudes. ^_^

Beards that are neatly trimmed and goatees are my weakness. I love love love them. I just wanna scratch the guy's chin until he falls asleep. :p I'm not a fan of loooong sideburns or moustaches by themselves. It's a special sort of man who can pull off JUST a moustache.

---------- Post added at 05:27 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:25 PM ----------

(Also, Wahad, about different kinds of cuisine... if I'm not eating Louisiana food I'm probably looking for Thai, Greek, or Indian. I love foods with lots of interesting spices. I also looooove Tex Mex. Yeah, the fakie Mexican food... love it.)
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