Ask Cajungal Anything

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Forget cross contamination. I'm worried about regular contamination. But yes... provided it was some manner of non-diseased armadillo I'd keep it away from any other meats and vegetables I was using.

Still, though. This is a gross scenario.


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do you believe that hunger is the best sauce?
Actually, yeah. Despite my culinary arts background, I really enjoy making simple yet nourishing food. That lentil recipe I've mentioned a couple of times? I pretty much live on that, fruits, veggies, eggs and sardines on bagels. Oh, and cereal and milk.

I love to cook more complicated things, but I just don't have the time or money lately. So I live in very simple things, and they usually taste the best and give me a lot of pep.

---------- Post added at 10:28 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:13 PM ----------

What was the coolest thing about culinary school?
The coolest thing was all that stuff I had free reign over. Any time there wasn't a class, I could just go in there with my knives and practice chopping or some cooking technique. The labs were really expensive, because they expect you to take advantage of all the resources. I could literally go in there several times a day and use all the carrots and potatoes I wanted to practice doing a julienne or a perfect dice. Plus, after every class, we had a big meal. Of course, that's part of how I gained 50 damn pounds :eek:. But most of it's gone now.

What was the worst?
Cooks can kind of be assholes. I mean, when I have to share a kitchen, I'm an asshole too. Most people there were kind of prima donnas, and everything had to be done their way. The expression "too many cooks spoil the broth" is so true, because we often did. :p Learning to cooperate with each other and get over out power trips was way harder than the actual dishes and techniques. I'm glad I'm out, honestly. I was there hoping for a community but we were all kind of at each other's throats all the time. I expected to start hearing people say, "I'm not here to make friends!"

What's the coolest thing about teaching?
The coolest thing about teaching is being bombarded with questions. I love children. Not because they're oh so cute, but because they're honest--sometimes to the point of callousness. And if they are genuinely curious about something, they will usually ask. That's how everyone should be, no matter what the age--constantly seeking. I love feeding that. It's more satisfying than any job I've ever done before.

What's the worst?
Probably all the administration stuff you have to deal with, followed closely by kids who come from low-income or abusive homes. In Louisiana, everything rides on our Grade-Level Expectations, and some schools are more strict about how you teach them than others. At some schools they require you to use a certain lesson plan. Plus there's so much emphasis on passing the LEAP test that sometimes I feel like the kids can't focus on learning.
If you had a choice between teaching at a private (parochial) school or a public school, which would you choose and why?

(as background on this, my wife graduated from LSU with an education degree, and worked in both sectors during her training, also worked on a military base which was better than either of the other choices)


Staff member
Ya know it's funny. I went to Catholic school all my life, but I've only worked at public schools. That's actually fine with me, considering my experiences as a private school student.

Seriously, though, I could get paid more at a public school, and I like the diverse groups I've been working with. Some schools have been REALLY nice and well-equipped. Some have been awful. But they all share the need for good teachers.

I'll probably try to start someplace easier--a little nicer and in a less rough area than some in which I've worked--just to ease into it. Then, when I'm more experience, I can move on to a challenge if I want.

I could still see myself working in a private school someday, depending on my situation. I'm even experienced enough to teach religion if they need me to.
"Do you think I'll be able to restrain myself in a room full of said knives and cutting utensils when I start Culinary School next year?"


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"Do you think I'll be able to restrain myself in a room full of said knives and cutting utensils when I start Culinary School next year?"
Given what I know about you, that you care more about your freedom than in giving in to your urges, I'd say so. Plus, you'll get to carve into a lot of red, dripping meat. That might make you feel a bit better. Maybe you can pretend it's screaming and begging for mercy. :p
Seej, let's say you uncover a secret society using an area of knowledge that not many people have. You learn this secret society has been guarding a great secret. How important to society is this secret?


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Really depends on what exactly it was. If they've kept it a secret this long, maybe it's for a good reason.


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Because I think it would be easier my way than to have to come up with a machine that tells humans what to dream. Plus I'd feel too much like I was ripping off the Matrix... only with more cats.


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Or that. Either way, I like mine better.

If cats are in charge (and always have been) then maybe humanity doesn't suck so bad. It's just all the feline influence. We could give people a chance to run the world.


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What book do you regret the most for not having read
I guess I regret not yet finishing Moby Dick. It's hard to get through, but I've enjoyed it so far. But I don't feel regret about it... I just keep a running list of things to read. :D

---------- Post added at 10:34 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:31 AM ----------

How you liking the new avatar?

(see how I'm making the questions about me now?)
I like it very much.

And yes, I do see. ^_^ It's all good, amiga.


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seej, is it possible to make a liar out of cocaine?

---------- Post added at 10:50 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:48 AM ----------

Have you seen the new Star Trek movie yet? And if you have what was your opinion of it?
I have, and I loooooved it. I thought the actors and the action scenes were great. I never really watched Star Trek much, except when my Dad watched TNG when I was a kid, but this was really cool.


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I've been feeling lonesome for Jake this week. I always miss him a little, but I was just kind of in a slump. He made/found... I'm not sure.... these avatars in pink and green. They match these necklaces we wear almost exactly.

Kind of a long story. He wore a green one like this when we were first going out, and he knew I loved it. One day he just gave it to me. I took really good care of it, because I knew he really liked and probably missed wearing it. Well... one day I accidentally broke it and felt horrible, so I went to the lady who made it and asked if she could make one like it.

I gave that one to him and apologized for not taking better care of the gift. That Christmas, he had one made for me. They're kind of a common thing that "links" us, if that makes sense... probably cheesy, but I'm kinda fond of the guy. :p Anyway, he sent me this to use as an AIM avatar when we chat, and he has his green one up. I thought I'd put one here too. It cheers me up to see it.
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