Oh, what the hell...ask me anything!

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Wasabi Poptart

How was your day?
I just woke up so it's been ok so far!

Would you kill someone if you knew you could get away with it?
Probably not. I'm always worried I will be the one to get caught even if no one else has.

Will the Halforums Baby Army be worthy of Mordor?
They shall rise and be even stronger than any Uruk-hai, wiser than the White Wizard, and hungrier than a shire filled with Hobbits!

Wasabi Poptart

If you could meet any person past or present who would it be?
I'd love to have known my great-grandmother (my maternal grandmother's mom). She was already afflicted with dementia when I was a very little girl. Many times her ranting and yelling at my grandmother frightened me to the point where I would hide in a bedroom and cry. I was told she was a very mild, sweet woman and loving grandmother before she started showing signs of Alzheimer's. I wish I could have known her as my mom did.

And one day I will meet ZenMonkey!

If you could meet someone from the future, who would it be?

Favorite werid al (or comedic/parody) song?

I'd like to meet my future self, say 30 years from now, just to see if I actually did the things I have set as my current goals.

I don't like Weird Al. My favorite comedic song is D&D by Stephen Lynch (there is some foul language in this, so you may not want to play it at work or near your little ones):


What's your favorite room in your home?
In my old house, back in NJ, it was my kitchen. I had remodeled it just the way I wanted. It was a nice, country kitchen with the dining table in the middle of the room.
Where we live right now, it's a toss up between my living room and bedroom since both are pretty comfy.

Who are you?
Super Woman. :D

Wasabi Poptart

Will you raise your children to be nerds?
I think that because my husband and I are geeks that the kids will be geeky/nerdy, too. It's nothing that we would specifically strive for, but our influence on them will probably make them lean toward being nerds. For instance, our son loves dinosaurs. Many 4 year olds do. However, he knows the names of a lot of them because my husband tells him what they are. I don't just mean the triceratops and t-rex either. He knows the diplodocus, ankylosaurus, and hadrosaurus when he sees them. We try to give him more information about the things he's interested in, like dinosaurs and outer space, and he ends up learning a lot more than we expected a little kid to understand. So, they probably will be nerds for a little while at least.

---------- Post added at 11:10 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:08 AM ----------

What would you choose for you last meal?
Clams & spaghetti dinner from this little restaurant in my hometown called Joe's Maplewood. It comes with a salad and garlic bread that make the meal by themselves.
If you could redo your life differently, what would you change?
Alternatively, if you could go back in time to your past self and give her some advice, what would you tell her?

Are you happy?

Whence 'Bitch, please'?
Airport. Gunman with one hostage. He's using her for cover; he's almost to a plane. You're a hundred feet away. WildSoul?

Wasabi Poptart

So only because of paranoia of being caught, do you hold back your homicidal rage? I'm liking you more and more. :heythere:
Getting caught and all of the consequences usually are the first things I think of when it comes to why I don't want to commit a felony. Prison doesn't appeal to me.

If you could redo your life differently, what would you change?
Alternatively, if you could go back in time to your past self and give her some advice, what would you tell her?

Are you happy?

Whence 'Bitch, please'?
I wouldn't want to change anything major. There are little things I would change, like having my friends at my wedding (it was a small ceremony with only family members) and going to college at a younger age instead of working on a degree while in my late 30's.

If I could tell my younger self something I would be to stop turning a blind eye to things because you don't want them to be true.

I don't know exactly where "Bitch, please" started. For me, when I found my current avatar last year it made me laugh and Gusto made some comments to me about that were funny. So, it stuck.

Am I happy? More so than I was 10 years ago at this time.

Airport. Gunman with one hostage. He's using her for cover; he's almost to a plane. You're a hundred feet away. WildSoul?
I would love to say I take some amazing heroic action, take out the gunman and rescue the hostage. Honestly, I would probably keep my distance, make sure someone in authority is aware of the situation, and maybe find a good hiding spot. I wouldn't want to do something stupid and end up getting innocent people killed - including myself.
So only because of paranoia of being caught, do you hold back your homicidal rage? I'm liking you more and more. :heythere:
Getting caught and all of the consequences usually are the first things I think of when it comes to why I don't want to commit a felony. Prison doesn't appeal to me. [/quote]

I believe that's the sexiest thing you've ever said. :hump:

Wasabi Poptart

For a few seconds, yes. Now that I posted it here, it's not much of a secret any more. :D

Kitty Sinatra

Will you marry me? Well, not me. You don't even know me. By me, I mean . . . wait what the hell do I mean?

Wasabi Poptart

I'm already married anyway, Grue. My husband doesn't share well. :p
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