Oh, what the hell...ask me anything!

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Don't they always?

Wouldn't be my first rodeo with a camera. :twisted:

So let me see where I have that rolodex of addresses sitting....

Wasabi Poptart

Just don't ring the doorbell at 2am like some bastard did a few weeks ago and woke up the whole damn house.

Wasabi Poptart

I've been shocked by the number of people who have never seen Dr. Tran.

Wasabi Poptart

Exactly how Vild is your Soul?
I've actually mellowed out quite a bit since having kids. I used to be a lot more...open to experiences than I am now. I was an outright crazy bitch. I used to do a lot of things just because I could. Some of it still makes me laugh. Like being spread eagle over a police barricade and getting spanked by an off duty cop that I just met in front of a crowd of people on a street in Philadelphia.
I had a friend who was interested in sfx make-up, so I asked him to make me a prosthetic 3rd breast as a joke. I was at his house naked from the waist up every time I went there for a few months. His girlfriend didn't care. He used to invite his friends over to watch. It earned me the nickname "Tits".


Obligatory "pics or gtfo". :D

Seriously though, damn. You were exactly the kind of person I try to avoid and usually insult. I'm sure you're awesome though! :thumbsup: ;)

Wasabi Poptart

How did you meet ze hubby?
We met online. I accidentally left my computer on one morning when I left for work and had Yahoo's IM program running. He had gotten out of his class and went online looking for people to talk to on Yahoo. He decided to search profiles for people who listed Sluggy Freelance (an online comic) as one of their interests. I had it listed, so he sent me an IM with the comic's tag line "Is it not nifty?" and nothing else. I came home and saw I had an IM waiting for me. I figure it has to be a stupid ass troll especially since his username had "Beaver" in it (turns out it was a nickname he was given on the first ship he got assigned to). But for some reason I opened it up anyway. I read the line and was going to close out the IM. Then I saw he had messaged me hours ago, never made any other comment except the line from Sluggy, and was still online. Well, in my head, if he was the typical IM troll I would have seen some request for nude pics or cyber sex. So, I messaged him back explaining that I had been at work. We started talking regularly over the next week. I found out that he was in the US Navy and right then I knew I was in trouble. You see, I come from a family of Navy men. My dad, maternal grandfather, my dad's oldest brother, and nearly all of my great-uncles all served in the Navy. I already had a soft-spot for guys in uniform, especially sailors. One evening, we were chatting in IMs and I told him that I needed to go cook my dinner. He asked what I was making, so I told him. He replied that it had been a long time since he had a homecooked meal. It then became my mission to get him some real food instead of the crap he told me he had been eating. I asked where he was stationed. Turned out he was in Virginia, which was about a 6 hour drive from my house in New Jersey. I called him on the phone and we figured out what would be a good weekend for me to bring him dinner. I made him a deal, though. I would bring him homemade Italian food and he had to meet me at the gate of the base in his uniform. He agreed. We met face-to-face about 3 weeks after we first started talking online. It just happened to be on my parents' wedding anniversary, too.

So, how many non-male trysts have you experienced in your Vild lifetime? :slywink:
Actually none. I was asked if I wanted to have a threesome by two different couples. I didn't do it because the guys in those couples were my good friends and it was weird. One was the guy who was making me the prosthetic third breast and his girlfriend. Another was a couple that I used to roleplay with online, but I knew them IRL too. The chick in that relationship, while she was my friend, was a total psycho. I didn't want to get involved any more than I already was.
Actually none. I was asked if I wanted to have a threesome by two different couples. I didn't do it because the guys in those couples were my good friends and it was weird. One was the guy who was making me the prosthetic third breast and his girlfriend. Another was a couple that I used to roleplay with online, but I knew them IRL too. The chick in that relationship, while she was my friend, was a total psycho. I didn't want to get involved any more than I already was.
So basically what you're saying is, the only reason you've not is lack of a good situation? Good to know. :slywink:

Wasabi Poptart

No, it's not the only reason. Those were the two opportunities I've had and the immediate reasons why I didn't take them. I like women. I have no problems looking at a woman and pointing her out to my husband because she's attractive. Before he deployed last year, I downloaded a ton of pictures for him because he knows I have a good eye when it comes to what he physically likes in a woman.
I used to wonder what it would be like to have sex with another woman. But can I take it from curiosity to something I would act on? The honest answer is no. I admire and appreciate the female form, but there is something about a man that takes my breath away like no woman, no matter how attractive, ever has for me. I still like to keep an open mind about it though. Plus, I wouldn't want it to be one of those things I'm doing just for kicks either, like the girls that French kiss their female friends because it's cool to act like you're bi instead of because they are really bi.
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