Ask me anything - Beer, waffles, fries and chocolate edition

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Why am I on this list?

You'll receive a "cease and desist order" from my lawyer soon...

j/k actually I am a little touched. So, I finally made it on somebodies list, that means I am not a nobody, somebody took notice of me! *glee*

But why you? j/k again *ggg*
French Fries with mayonnaise, yes/no?
First off, what type of mayonnaise? Belgian, Dutch, and French mayo are three very different sauces.

Secondly, french fries, always yes, but I personally prefer ketchup. It's one of my failings as a Belgian :-P
Closer to French than Dutch mayo. Dutch mayo is this sickeningly sweet thing, French mayo tends to be with just eggs. Belgian mayo is like French mayonnaise, but with some lemon added.
Well, I suppose you could not like chocolate, like a certain girl I know. Or be allergic to beer, like another girl I know.
Oh, and there's the whole believing Belgium should be abolished bit :-P
Hmmmyeah. Sensitive/dangerous subject, I guess. And me answering that when I'm on my way to the drunk/wasted thread. Ah well.

He's been much villified by some foreigners, and most assuredly, he's done some pretty bad things. He's - quite personally - responsible for a lot of crimes against the indigenous people of Congo. Heck, 5 million disappeared or were forced into labour and so forth during his reign.
On the other hand - he wasn't the sole big evil he's sometimes made out to be. Comparatively, the Congolese had it better than those of some of the surrounding nations, being exploited by England or France. He was just somewhat more vocal about it, and in his case, it was the King doing the extorting and abusing, rather than some shady people given leeway.

That aside - and ys, it's a huge aside - he's one of the kings who's done most to remodel Belgioum in his image; sanctioning or ordering several huge constructions which still are really apparent in Brussels, Antwerp and other cities in Belgium. he's done a lot of things to drag Belgium from the 19th century forward. And, he didn't leave his estate (being most of Congo) to his heirs, instead donating it to the Belgian state.

All in all, he's done a lot of things frowned upon today - and some things fronwned upon even in his day - but he wasn't the storybook villain you can sometimes see him made out to be, and he's doen a lot of good, too. A difficult person to classify if you want to think in blacks and whites.
Leopold II was one of our best kings.

Don't ask about Leopold III tho.

Dear bubble, what do you think about Vlaams Belang?


Staff member
If you had to choose an unorthodox greeting to give people (something not at all like "hello" or "what's up" or "greetings"), what would it be?
Hey! I made a reply here! I swear! I wasn't *that* inebriated...Was I?

a) VB are a bunch of idiots who go about reaching their goals in all the wrong ways. Also, 1/4 of them are actual racists, 1/4 are ignorant, 1/4 are misguided, and 1/4 are powerhungry. Some of those overlap :-P NV-A or LSP are smarter about being Flemish, and LDD is smarter about being populistic.

b) I already usually greet women by pickign them up and twirling them around, and men with bear hugs, so I guess that qualifies. Other than that, I'm mostly known for greeting people with things as "What would you ask of me?", "At your service!", "I beg the right to serve you, milady", "What ho, fair maiden", "Fair damsel, what can I do to ease your distress"and other assorted game-based or semi-medieval greetings. Yarr.


FC Brugge, Anderlecht or Standard (or some other crazy thing)

did you watch the red devils Saturday and if so will you watch them again Wednesday?

What is your favorite town in Belgium?

Was it you who stole my wallet?

Did you the like de helaasheid der dingen?
FC Brugge, Anderlecht or Standard (or some other crazy thing)

did you watch the red devils Saturday and if so will you watch them again Wednesday?

What is your favorite town in Belgium?

Was it you who stole my wallet?

Did you the like de helaasheid der dingen?
KV Mechelen, yo.

I didn't, and I won't, since I'll be at work. I do work right next to the Heyzel, so I can actually hear and see parts of the match.



Haven't seen it yet :-(
Would you be willing to move permanently to the Netherlands for your (then) significant other?
Gladly. I love the Netherlands. Some downsides, some upsides to Belgium vs the Netherlands, but I really do love going there and I have a few friends in Utrecht and such, so, sure!

Additional question due to dare:
Gusto said:
I dare you to ask Bubble for his phone number. :)
Can I get your phone number, please?
PM will suffice.
Pfeh, I don't mind people knowing my number, as long as the google bots don't pick it up :-P +32 485 nul vijfhonderd 94 is my cell phone =)
Hmmm...Cuisine, for one thing. I know it's a cliché, but generally speaking, I vastly prefer the Belgian food over Dutch food. Both for top cooking, as for fastfood. And because I'm not going to take the easy route, I'll include chocolate, and the very obvious, beer, here.
Secondly, our educational system. It has its drawbacks, certainly, but I've known friends in both, and I tend to prefer the way it's handled in Belgium - universities are given funds according to starting students in stead of for graduating students, for example, and tuition fees are much lower. Again, so as not to cheap out, I'll throw in the bigger multiculturalism and multilingualism. Practically all Flemish know at least French and English; many know either German or another language as well.
Thirdly...hmm. Though I do prefer the Dutch way of approaching things, which is more bussinesslike and oftentimes seems cooler and more efficient, sometimes I do really appreciate the Belgian - and this mostly in Wallonia, really - joviality and openness to strangers. It's different from the way the Dutch are open; and there's a certain...Bon-vivant thing going on, often. It can irk me greatly occasionally, and it is once again quite clichéd, but still.

And gruebeard: "nul vijfhonderd" means "zero fivehundred". The rest's just my number :-P

Kitty Sinatra

Great. Now you're gonna think I'm gonna call you some time. Satisfied?


Bobbejaanland Rules !?!

sorry just had to say it, carry on

actually no, Bubs what do you think of Van Rompuy as president of Europe?
Bobbejaanland is pretty awesome, though I prefer Fantasialand or the Efteling. Yes, 'I'm a sucker for that kind of stuff.

Van Rompuy...He was quite capable as a senator and a member of parliament, but he's a useless prime minister, and he wouldn't have the strength nor the charisma to really achieve anything as a European President. It'll just mean the strong countries like the UK and Germany continue following their own agendas. And I'm all in favour of a strong Europe. I'd love to see Merkel or someone like that become president, but it won't happen.

Ame...Hmmm. I'll have to think about that. Lots of possible good answers. Including all their talents, their knowledge, their way of acting, etc etc? Jeesh. Someone with some great talent to create, for sure. Possibly either some great songwriter or composer (though I couldn't do much in a day, I guess), or painter or poet. A poet or composer, perhaps, so I can try to put down my thoughts down on paper using their talents. I dunno.

Kitty Sinatra

Will you let Vyx dare you once you answer five of her questions?

Will you let me dare you once you answer five of mine?
Yes, and yes; I have to say that I don't have a camera or similar here, though, so many types of dares will be hard to carry out. Also, due to work, parties, a funeral, moving stuff, and something that appears to be turning into a relationship, I may not be on line much the coming days.

Kitty Sinatra

Cool, also: I've got a dare in hand for Vyx. What do you suggest I dare her to do?
Hmmm...No clue. I've refrained from asking her 5 questions specifically because I couldn't think of a good dare. I'll get back to you rtomorrow.
Hmmm... I dunno. I do like having some peace and quiet occasionally, but I also enjoy looking forward to lots of stuff to do. Once I have my work schedule for the month (unfortunately usually only the 23 or 24th of the month), I look at all the empty bits and start filling them up. I still can't manage to stay in touch with all the people I'd want to stay in touch with, or see many of my friends as often as I'd like. not to mention housholding, which is eternally a week late :-P
So...While I do enjoy the occasional calm (just going away for a weekend somewhere, walking around a bit, reading a good book, sleeping long,...), I do like having things to look forward to. I don't have any set hobbies (because of the varying work schedule), so if I don't have things planned, I'm just home alone...And being alone for a day can be fun, but being alone for 3 or 4 days in a row, just surfing this palce and Facebook, maybe watching a movie, I start to get lonely and passive, so I try to avoid that.
A hard question, really. I'm pretty easy-going and let pretty much anything slide, word-wise. I think almost any word can be used, in the proper context. Plenty of things can get me going (ik ben makkelijk om op m'n paard te zetten :-P), but not with any one word or expression.

Perhaps one: "van de week". It's an "expression" that simply doesn't exist. I know language evolves and all that,but it bugs the shit out of me. "Van de week zijn er rellen geweest...", "Ik kom van de maand nog langs", "Van't jaar is't een mooie zomer he"....AUGH.


I know, hijacking your tread but if you ask me the most annoying sentence in Dutch is "ik heb zoiets van"
A hard question, really. I'm pretty easy-going and let pretty much anything slide, word-wise. I think almost any word can be used, in the proper context. Plenty of things can get me going (ik ben makkelijk om op m'n paard te zetten :-P), but not with any one word or expression.

Perhaps one: "van de week". It's an "expression" that simply doesn't exist. I know language evolves and all that,but it bugs the shit out of me. "Van de week zijn er rellen geweest...", "Ik kom van de maand nog langs", "Van't jaar is't een mooie zomer he"....AUGH.

Ik bel nog wel van de week.[/QUOTE]

If a girl picks up the phone, it's my girlfriend. Feel free to ask about threesomes :unibrow:
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