you have been diagnosed with

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terminal cancer, which means you have 8 to twelve months of good life left, and then a rapid 1 month painful decline to death.

What do you do?
Spend as much time with my family as possible, make videos if you have to for the kids to watch later as they grow up so you are still there for them even though you aren't. Go on vacation anywhere, everywhere and take it all in but most importantly let the ones you love know it and feel it every day you have left.


Staff member
terminal cancer, which means you have 8 to twelve months of good life left, and then a rapid 1 month painful decline to death.

What do you do?
Celebrate, I would finally know what the hell has been wrong with me for the last 14 years and people would finally stop treating me like a lazy slacker-headcase.


Staff member
Make a list of what I want to do before dying, and do as many before I croak. Some things on the list:
- Spend more time with my niece and nephew.
- Go to Ireland one more time.
- Apologize to old friends I've insulted.
- Make my will.
- Finish all the good books I've had to put on hold.
- Thank in person some of the professors at the university.

And so on...

Kitty Sinatra

Seeing and doing it all isn't my thing so I'd probably blow my cash on ale and whores, and keep working so I can afford to do so.

In other words, I'd keep on doing what I've been doing.
I'd make funeral arrangements, and complete a will. Then I would live as best as I could, yet I'd still do everything in my power to defeat the cancer. Going quietly into the night was never my style. If I go down; I intend to do it fighting.
Build a Sandcastle in Dubai.

I don't know why, but for the last few years, that's one thing I've really wanted to do. There are other things, but that's the one that jumps to my mind first.


Well, I'd blow my college and car savings on a trip around the world to make up for all those years I'm not going to get to have. If I had any dough left, It'd go to charity, and the second to last month I'd spend with my family. The last month I wouldn't spend at all because I'd find some extravagant and hopefully public way of giving up the ghost before I did it miserable.

Kitty Sinatra

why would you kill yourself publicly? All you're gonna wind up doing is giving someone nightmares. If you're gonna commit suicide, do it someplace that doesn't involve anyone who doesn't want to be involved.
I think he means like some sort of blaze of glory. Being killed while fighting the KGB, rescuing a hundred Ukranian orphans, or something.
First, I would cry and lament and bitch about my fate.

Then I would shove it away, forget about it and live my life in the utmost respect to myself (not harming me anymore with smoking and there like, not being too lazy and harsh at the same time to myself...) and to others.

And I would probably meditate a lot, find my inner peace and just go on. Until I finally die. IF I really die, there is... ^^

Boring, I know...

Wasabi Poptart

I would write letters to my kids and take as many pictures with them as possible, fly back east to see my friends & family, put my affairs in order so my husband wouldn't have to worry about it once I die, then ask my doctors for some great drugs. I'd kill myself, but then my life insurance policy wouldn't get paid out.
I would write letters to my kids and take as many pictures with them as possible, fly back east to see my friends & family, put my affairs in order so my husband wouldn't have to worry about it once I die, then ask my doctors for some great drugs. I'd kill myself, but then my life insurance policy wouldn't get paid out.
Huh, a job perfectly suited to a our lovable resident psycho; Shego.

Wasabi Poptart

Nah I'd rather be high as a kite or in a drug induced coma than to be sliced into neat little strips and woven into a basket or something.
Make a will, do a lot of things I intended to do but haven't done yet, say goodbye to everyone I know, euthanasia before I start to suffer.

Kitty Sinatra

I couldn't do euthanasia. Have you seen Star Trek 5? Bones euthanised his father and then a cure was found. That could happen to me.
Yes, yes it could.

I'd still happily take euthanasia over long, drawn-out suffering, though. You get to say goodbye at somewhere close to your peak, everyone can get a modicum of closure, you can choose the date, stuff.


Staff member
OOH! Have a portrait painted of me, say I want to be forever like this, and make sure nobody ever stabs the painting.
I would spend some time with my family and than I awould make my funeral preperations. ( I would go cheap since I couldn't care less about my body after I am dead) I would divide up my meager possessions among my family.
Not trying to pull a Shego... but in all honesty, there would probably be one or two bodies buried somewhere before I left this mortal coil.
If I were to answer this thread question Ashburner, people would remember what I'm reallying like and noone would akin you to me.
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