you have been diagnosed with

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Thank buddha you did. I was thinking you guys were in the same ballpark. Maybe even both playing baseball.

I don't have kids, or a lot of possessions, or any money, or the balls to off myself. So really, I don't think I'd really do anything out of the ordinary.

I'd probably stop going to class.
Case in point. Unfortunate, I was actually enjoying the honest nature of this thread until you had to be your usual self.


Staff member
The honest nature where you had to once more insinuate evvvvil things that you...naw, ya know what, you are right. i will bow out, sorry to interrupt the thread all. That was my fault.


I believe it's the context, rather than the diction, that's befuddling him.
My brother had an interesting response for this kind of question once.

Break into the deepest levels of the Vatican. Find out what the crap they're hiding in there.


I drew it, and thank you very much! It's from Underling, a webcomic that is negative two weeks old. It'll show up in my sig when my friend finishes the programming side of the website.


I'd likely sit down, figure out all the things I decided I wasn't going to do because they were too dangerous and do them anyway.

Then, if I survive, I'd find one person that has a chance at a full life and do everything in my power to make that life a better one.


Staff member
I would first hold a HUGE benefit so that my wife and kids were well taken care of, then I would hunt down my 5 celebrity crushes and totally try and bang them using the cancer as a pity excuse.
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