I was confused when I thought you told me I was analyzing Taylor Swift's lyrics too much. But you were calling me out on interpreting SHAKESPEARE? Jesus Christ! What are we allowed to process and explicate? Nothing?
No, i was talking about this:
First of all, the "horny" comment was about how they weren't really in love, not why they killed themselves. It was a shot at all the people who try and point out how much they love each other by using a pair of stupid kids that knew each other for a matter of days. But, you know, now that you're taking the most negative interpretation of my words, and saying they killed themselves because they were horny, let me ask: does anyone that knows anything about the real world (I realize this is ironic seeing as how we're discussing a fictional piece) think that Romeo and Juliet didn't kill themselves because they were horny? Seriously. I'm not saying they were like "so horny can't take it gotta die" but they were teenagers. Sorry I didn't fill in the blanks for you, but horny teenagers [warning, generalization alert!] 1) "fall in love" quickly, 2) feel like it's "for sure the one" because they're inexperienced and don't know any better, and 3) make rash and unadvised decisions.
being applied to a Taylor Swift song... :tongue:
But my original point was that she's obviously using a less, let say realistic, interpretation of R&J, and very likely one closer to the original intent of the author (14-15 was marrying age, just ask Juliet), and it's unfair to use that against the song when it's not like she first came out with that interpretation, and it's even the most endorsed one even in academia.
And i always hate it when people find way overcomplicated reasons to hate on something when there are simpler ones available...
As for the play itself... sure, you could go with that but it's not like the adults in it are presented as any better
(who's idea was the fake poisoning of Juliet?)... the Bard even lampshaded it at the end...
That and I for one doubt that many teenagers kill themselves over that in the real world, or we'd be having a teenagers shortage (or at least less emos)...
Meh, she should have just used Tristan and Isolde...
Romeo and Juliet is considered a tragedy drama for a reason. It's not a love story. It's utterly retarded to compare a couple in love to Romeo and Juliet.
Dude, name one love story that wasn't a tragedy (or a comedy) from back then...
The whole point of the plot behind Romeo and Juliet is to show the consequences of rashly made choices based on impulses nested in prejudice, tradition, or raw emotion.
Ehh... the words are right, but because of you agreeing with what you quoted the idea is wrong... all the killing etc was stupid, but as the love part was presented as sacrifice that finally fixed the whole feud thing i doubt that it was intended to be seen negatively.