Post embarassing things you wrote in the past

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Looking through an old blog for something to contribute. I can't find anything completely horrifying, but this post did sort of catch my attention.

But to contribute to the poetry, I'll put something of my own! Only two years old, and I kind of still like it. But it is quite foolish:

Proposal for the Changing of the Anomaly of Language That is the Word \"Orange\"

Orange we know,
Is a word with no rhyme.
Search if you will,
But you're wasting your time.

This colour, no doubt,
Is abandoned indeed,
Rhymes for the others
Are found with great speed.

So I would propose
A most foolhardy aim,
To modify \"orange\"
But not change it's name.

That's just too outrageous!
Surely you jest!
Cry misunderstanders,
While pounding their chests.

But our word \"orange\"
is a strange one, amen?
With it's letters \"G.E.\"
Preceded by \"N.\"

Similar words,
Like arrange and change,
Have companions plenty,
They're not estranged.

Was it an error,
Or is something amiss?
Why don't we say
Fair orange like this?

So from this day onwards
I am fixing this wrong.
\"Or-ange\" it is,
Like it should all along.

Now my dear list'ner,
My rant finds it's end.
Like red, blue, and green,
\"Or-ange\" has some friends.

And my most dear colour,
You might think it's strange,
Can end a rhyme scheme,
Just watch: \"Or-ange!\"


Staff member
Back when I frequented Alt.Games.Video.Nintendo, before Pez got added to figment, I wrote this post, which for some unfathomable reason I decided to save:

> >>>> <Running gag> jake is a newbie. </rg>
> >>>>
> >>>
> >>>Justin is a newbie....
> >>
> >>We've got lots of newbies, Kwarklord.
> >
> >Yeah, and our newbies can beat up your newbies!
> Hey this is starting to look like a Pokemon fight.
> Thomas!

<Figment does his insult attack>

"Your father was a hamster and your mother smelt of elderberries, now go
away or I shall have to taunt you a second time!"

Part II
> ::Team Rocket captures your newbies::

<Editor's Note: figment does not actually exist, and thus cannot be

Jessie: huh, what happened to that newbie?

James: I don't know, he was here a moment ago. At least I think he was.

Meowth: Can't you two do anything right?
::Mewoth fury swipes Jessie & James::

::figment sneaks up behind Team Rocket and does his Dueling Proverbs
Figment:"We'll cross that bridge when we come to it" But "Forewarned is

James: I don't get it.

Jessie: I'm not sure it's supposed to make sense.

Meowth: I'm confused

::Figment hurls and allegory, which approaches and bites Team Rocket::

Team Rocket: Looks like Team Rocket is blasting off again!

At least I wasn't stupid enough to save my bad habit of falling for troll-bait. Once I got into an argument with a guy who claimed that all emulation was illegal, eventually it devolved into him, literally, arguing that the sky isn't blue.
In this game, there can be no losers..... not for me anyway. :slywink:
Which segues nicely into some poetry I wrote in high school. Heh

I watch you, possessed.
Your slightest movement
Sets my flesh aflame.
My eyes caress you with hunger.

I watch you lick your lips.
Imagining how your skin feels
Soft, smooth, yeilding
My loins stiffen in response

My hands itch to caress you.
My mouth burns to be pressed upon yours.
I can taste you on my mouth.
I can smell your heat.

Your cries of desire
Burn hot on my neck.
Our bodies intertwined,
Connected in a primal dance

The world falls away.
No words. No excuses. Just you.
Beneath me, subjugated.
I hope you handed that in as an English assignment and gave your teacher one of these :unibrow:. Bonus if it was a male teacher.
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