Foreshadowing death or just pointless thoughts?

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So I'm at my niece's b-day party on Saturday night, immediately greeted by about 20 cars in my brother's parking garage area and already about 20+ people outside. We go inside to say hi, and there's another 20+ people inside. I'm looking around, and of all the b-day parties that year (my gf's sister or her brother's kids, co-worker's kids, etc) none of them even had half that kind of turn out.

To say she's "loved by all" is an understatement. On top of that, she's gorgeous, just downright amazingly beautiful girl (she's 4) that could put beauty pagent girls to shame. Just to add the cherry to the top of the sundae, she's extremely smart, I mean, she talks like a teenager at times with her vocabulary, she's profecient enough to use their computer to go to PBS kids etc. She blows her teachers away with her total grasp on everything they throw at her.

What's my point? She's going to die. She's going to die soon. Why? Because she's just that type of little girl/kid you hear about dying tragically. "Oh she was loved by everyone, she loved everyone, she was so beautiful and smart." Those words were the only things I could hear in my head the entire afternoon at that party. Is this foreshadowing or am I just being my usual self lost in my own thoughts? I can't imagine it being the second, as I wouldn't exactly get much out of it.
My Niece Is Going To Die. Soon Probably.

So, you don't know for sure she's going to die? You just imagine she will because she's 'loved by all'?

I don't think there's any kind of mystical karma that says that just because someone has a good home life they automatically get entered into some kind of karmic death pool.
My Niece Is Going To Die. Soon Probably.

See now here I was actually worried and concerned. Afraid that there was an actual illness or something.

Rest assured Shego, you are just being your usual morbid self. But what you don't realize is that everyone who is close to a child has these fears and thoughts. They worry us, sometimes I even loose sleep over the idea that it could happen. But unless you've got something solid to base your worries on, then you are only doing just that. Worrying.

She's ok. You're ok. Now don't pay any more attention to the man behind the curtain.


My Niece Is Going To Die. Soon Probably.

I suspect that you're just being paranoid, to be honest. In fact, that sort of pressing worry sounds kind of parental, if you don't mind me saying so - assuming you're worried about the idea, that is. Sounds like she's a good kid - I'd advise enjoying the time you've got with her instead of worrying about it stopping abruptly.

Unless, of course, that creepy uncle with the windowless van and the cupboard full of firearms kept inviting her to sit on his knee. That may present a problem.
My Niece Is Going To Die. Soon Probably.

So, you don't know for sure she's going to die? You just imagine she will because she's 'loved by all'?

I don't think there's any kind of mystical karma that says that just because someone has a good home life they automatically get entered into some kind of karmic death pool.
It's not just a good home life or loved by all. It's almost an eerie complete package/too good for this world vibe she gives off.

Kitty Sinatra

My Niece Is Going To Die. Soon Probably.

It's the second

or . . . are you planning something?
My Niece Is Going To Die. Soon Probably.

Good lord I thought this was going to be about cancer or something.


My Niece Is Going To Die. Soon Probably.

Good lord I thought this was going to be about cancer or something.
seriously. Fucksake shego, leave the poor kid alone and let her enjoy life. damn.


My Niece Is Going To Die. Soon Probably.

Oh fuck you Sheg. I was expecting to hear something about leukemia or another type of terminal disease, ready to give my condolences, and feeling sorry for a poor little girl that has it, and it just turns out to be you being a fucking idiot.

Piss off.
My Niece Is Going To Die. Soon Probably.


I was being serious. :eek:rly:

It really wouldn't let me "think" the entire time we were there, the nagging feeling that I'd "seen/heard all this before".
My Niece Is Going To Die. Soon Probably.

It's just that she's so young which makes her seem too good to last. At 4 it's easy to to look good, be smart and well behaved. This is twice as true when it's the 4 year old's birthday, and the 4 year old is related to you.
My Niece Is Going To Die. Soon Probably.

Well then, does she hang out with JonBenét Ramsey's parents?
My Niece Is Going To Die. Soon Probably.

I think if anything it is the fact that you care about your niece and so whether you want to are not you imagine what could happen to her even if it isn't what is going to happen.


My Niece Is Going To Die. Soon Probably.


I was being serious. :eek:rly:

It really wouldn't let me think the entire time we were there, the nagging feeling that I'd "seen/heard all this before".
so was chaz actually. don't worry about nonexistent problems just because you think the world is doom and gloom. Not everyone has a crappy childhood lacking in love you know. You have your own problems, and adding nonexistent worry to them is stupid.

Kitty Sinatra

My Niece Is Going To Die. Soon Probably.


I was being serious. :eek:rly:

It really wouldn't let me think the entire time we were there, the nagging feeling that I'd "seen/heard all this before".
As others said here, you're feeling a sort of parental anxiety.

Even though you think this concern of yours is logically valid, it's not. The responses here should help you realize that your concern is not realistic. Again, though, the anxiety is normal. If however, you keep feeling yourself plagued by thoughts like this, you need to talk them over with someone more experienced and educated in therapy than anyone here on halforums.

That is, excessive anxiety is something that therapy can help.

Your niece is not going to die..
My Niece Is Going To Die. Soon Probably.

Oh and I seem to be hearing alot of the same, so let me clear this up. "I'm not worried" as in "I care so much about her".

I simply see a case of "too good to be true" kind of thing going on. I can see your point Phil too, but understand, this is a completely unbiased view on this kid. She really is alot brighter than most of the stars out there, in every way possible.

so was chaz actually. don't worry about nonexistent problems just because you think the world is doom and gloom. Not everyone has a crappy childhood lacking in love you know. You have your own problems, and adding nonexistent worry to them is stupid.
No, Chaz was acting like I was talking about eating her or skinning her alive just to see her bleed. As far as the rest of your statement. "Not everyone has a crappy childhood lacking in love" huh? Who said anything about that?


My Niece Is Going To Die. Soon Probably.


I was being serious. :eek:rly:

It really wouldn't let me think the entire time we were there, the nagging feeling that I'd "seen/heard all this before".
so was chaz actually. don't worry about nonexistent problems just because you think the world is doom and gloom. Not everyone has a crappy childhood lacking in love you know. You have your own problems, and adding nonexistent worry to them is stupid.[/QUOTE]

I just got pissed because I see kids with terminal illnesses on a daily basis (they're patients for several of our novel research studies). I interview their parents and the kids to see if they're right for specific drug treatments that my company is in the process of developing. These kids problems are real. Just because Sheg's niece has a good life doesn't mean she's going to have something bad happen, nor deserves it on some bullshit idea of karmic balance. None of these kids I see deserve the shit they go through either, but they have it. It was the thread title that threw me off guard. I was expecting a story about how her niece has a terminal disease, and it's just Shego being an idiot.
My Niece Is Going To Die. Soon Probably.

I always had a bunch of people at my parties. Then I grew up and they stopped giving a shit.


My Niece Is Going To Die. Soon Probably.

Oh and I seem to be hearing alot of the same, so let me clear this up. "I'm not worried" as in "I care so much about her".

I simply see a case of "too good to be true" kind of thing going on. I can see your point Phil too, but understand, this is a completely unbiased view on this kid. She really is alot brighter than most of the stars out there, in every way possible.

so was chaz actually. don't worry about nonexistent problems just because you think the world is doom and gloom. Not everyone has a crappy childhood lacking in love you know. You have your own problems, and adding nonexistent worry to them is stupid.
No, Chaz was acting like I was talking about eating her or skinning her alive just to see her bleed. As far as the rest of your statement. "Not everyone has a crappy childhood lacking in love" huh? Who said anything about that?

No, I was acting like saying , 'you're a fucking idiot'. I don't recall mentioning eating or skinning...?
My Niece Is Going To Die. Soon Probably.

and it's just Shego being an idiot.
Again, this was not a case of my "usual train of thought". I wasn't sitting there entertaining ideas on which body part I should mail to my brother first.

I was just... I don't know how to describe it. I felt like something was "there". Something that just was "wrong" about being too "right". That's all it was Chaz. Seriously.
My Niece Is Going To Die. Soon Probably.

"They lied when they say the good die young."

Also. Stop scaring us forumites.


My Niece Is Going To Die. Soon Probably.

and it's just Shego being an idiot.
Again, this was not a case of my "usual train of thought". I wasn't sitting there entertaining ideas on which body part I should mail to my brother first.

I was just... I don't know how to describe it. I felt like something was "there". Something that just was "wrong" about being too "right". That's all it was Chaz. Seriously.[/QUOTE]


Your niece will die a terrible, terrible death.


If you actually believe in premonitions and psychic mumbo-jumbo then I feel sorry for you.
My Niece Is Going To Die. Soon Probably.

Oh for fucks...

Look, it seems the issue everyone is having is the title, I'll change it.

Thanks for being YOUR usual self Chaz.

(Would a mod change the title to "Foreshadowing death or just pointless thoughts?")


My Niece Is Going To Die. Soon Probably.

I definitely understand the difference between your normal violent thoughts and the "fear" of losing her, but in this case, I think it's just unfounded paranoia.

Believe it or not, there are just lucky fortunate happy people out there who DO seem to have an easier time holding onto said happiness.

Kitty Sinatra

My Niece Is Going To Die. Soon Probably.

Oh dear god, I just read the one tag for this thread.

"Chazzhattery" has gotta be added to the wiki.
My Niece Is Going To Die. Soon Probably.

Honestly? I can see her living a fulfilling life kaykordeath, I'd even be willing to go as far as hurt people who would hurt her in her life. Mostly due to the fact that she's my brother's daughter and she's an extension of him.


People just worry about the ones they love. However, just because she is loved & has a good life doesn't mean she is destined to die young. Plenty of people have it good and live great, long lives.

Now stop getting us all worried.:p
Title changed lafftaff. The key here though is, I wasn't "worrying" about someone I "love". I was just making an unbiased observation/thought.

Had it been someone I cared about, then yeah, I could see where everyone is coming from with the "You're just worrying about her".
Title changed lafftaff. The key here though is, I wasn't "worrying" about someone I "love". I was just making an unbiased observation/thought.

Had it been someone I cared about, then yeah, I could see where everyone is coming from with the "You're just worrying about her".
This post is completely at odds with what you said before.

Do you or do you not care about your niece. Even if you can explain it away as a result of your love for your brother, there's a paternal instinct there. And that doesn't come without familial concern.
I wouldn't worry to much about it... I mean if life were truly driven by Tropes and Cliches, I'd have come up with some kind of amazing invention after my numerous bouts with depression and become a millionaire by now. But then again, I could just be Wrong Genre Savvy.

So yeah, don't worry too much about it.
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