Demographics: Relationship Status

I am closest to:

  • Single

    Votes: 39 43.3%
  • Have a boyfriend/girlfriend

    Votes: 13 14.4%
  • Have a significant other (live together)

    Votes: 9 10.0%
  • Married/civil union/made vows/common law/committed life-long partner

    Votes: 27 30.0%
  • Divorced

    Votes: 2 2.2%
  • Widowed/widower

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
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I went with "significant other," even though we're not currently living together. We're celebrating our 5-year anniversary in about 3 weeks, moved to Scotland together for a few months last year, and probably will be getting a condo together and getting engaged next summer once I graduate college and find a job. I think that moves me up to the next bracket over "boyfriend/girlfriend" :D


Staff member
I'm completely unattached, and have been for several years. I was engaged about 4 years ago, but that didn't work out.
I went with "significant other," even though we're not currently living together. We're celebrating our 5-year anniversary in about 3 weeks, moved to Scotland together for a few months last year, and probably will be getting a condo together and getting engaged next summer once I graduate college and find a job. I think that moves me up to the next bracket over "boyfriend/girlfriend" :D
That sounds about right. I was going to say, "Significant other (discusses most decisions with SO)" but it was longer and a bit too cryptic - what is most? So I cut it down to "live in" which is essentially the same commitment level.

I went with "significant other," even though we're not currently living together. We're celebrating our 5-year anniversary in about 3 weeks, moved to Scotland together for a few months last year, and probably will be getting a condo together and getting engaged next summer once I graduate college and find a job. I think that moves me up to the next bracket over "boyfriend/girlfriend" :D
That sounds about right. I was going to say, "Significant other (discusses most decisions with SO)" but it was longer and a bit too cryptic - what is most? So I cut it down to "live in" which is essentially the same commitment level.


I'll usually skip that whole mess entirely and just introduce him as my accountant. People in Scotland used to ask me all the time who I was traveling with, and their eyes would just about jump out of their faces when I told them I was 19 years old and living with my accountant. It gives such an illicit vibe, I guess.


Married. Almost 2 years. She's working in another city right now so it's pretty quiet around the house and my dog is moping.


In a four-year relationship, trying to build up the courage to be single again.


Staff member
Been with the fella for 6 years. I should have marked significant other... simply because I don't like saying boyfriend that much. 'Makes me feel like I'm 15.
After 8 years of long distance relationship I finally move in with my precious (that's what I call her, my intonation of those two words can tell a lot about my current mood).

Even if it's still 4 weeks till the move I voted SO, as engagement plans are coming along as soon we are settled in.
Single. Not a status I want to keep forever but I remain positive about it. Relationships are comforting but sometimes more trouble than they are worth. My history of relationships have all been complicated and usually end in a heartbreaking moment for at least one of the people involved. My "type" is the librarian or bookworm.


Married 3 years. Dated for like 4 before hand.

Almost became a widower last year.

I'm actually somewhat surprised by the results... I'd imagine that in a forum like this, it'd swing closer to Single than With Someone.

I'm actually somewhat surprised by the results... I'd imagine that in a forum like this, it'd swing closer to Single than With Someone.
I was thinking the results might be a bit surprising, and I'm glad I asked.

Still, we've only got through 50+ votes, when usually we get 80 or so over a day voting in these polls, so it could change quite a bit by tonight.


Wasabi Poptart

Married for 5 years, been together for 7 years. Total time we've lived together is probably more like 3.5 years because he got stationed overseas for 2 years right after we met, he's been on 2 deployments, and he was away for several months to complete a tech school for his job.
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