Fun Fact Thread!

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Our national debt is larger then the number of stars in the galaxy.

Goats have rectangular pupils.

You can dance if you want to. You can leave your friends behind. Because your friends don't dance and if they don't dance, well, they're no friends of mine.
A herring is a unit of volume.

A pound of gold does not weigh the same as a pound of feathers.

One of the stars in the Big Dipper is actually made up of 5 stars.

The Ceasar Salad was invented in Mexico.
If "pro-" is the opposite of "con-," what's the opposite of "progress"?

Why is it called a "Tugboat" when most of its job is pushing?

Why are the people who catch crooks called "The Police" when the people who put out fires are called the "Fire Department"? Shouldn't they either rename the Police to the "Crime Department" or the Fire Department to "The Extinguishers"?

Why is there braille on drive-up ATMs?

Were the people who named Oranges just being lazy?

These are the things that keep me awake at night.
It is estimated that less than 1% of all bacteria have been grown in the lab. That leaves ~99% of all bacteria that could be used for antibiotics and industrial applications.

The # of bacteria in/on you outnumber your own cells.

Bacteria make up about 2 lbs of your body weight.


fag break means something entirely different to my UK friends, as I found out this AM.


Staff member
King Charles II of Spain (1661-1700) was a disastrously crazy ruler, mostly because of heavy in-breeding among his Habsburg ancestors: he was both mentally and physically disabled, disfigured and did not learn to talk until the age of four or to walk until the age of eight - and being a frail young man with the power of a Habsburg monarch, his whims - such as unwillingness to bathe - were indulged without question. In his later life, he demanded that his dead family be exhumed so he could look at the corpses.
Your eyelashes are home to hundreds of mites.
I named all of mine. Harold is my favorite.

After what he did to Stacy?! I can't believe you're that cold-hearted. I mean, I thought you cared for her! How can you even let that mite live in your lashes anymore, I just can't understand - and now you name him your favourite?! I...I just feel like I don't know you anymore. You've changed.
It's probably just the continental US.

More fun facts! The Newfoundland edition:

St. John's, Newfoundlandis also the oldest European settlement in North America.
George St. in the downtown core has the highest number of bars per square foot in the world (outside of Ireland)


During the last 6 months of 1941, the Red Army lost 7 million men yet still existed as an effective force.


Staff member
Your eyelashes are home to hundreds of mites.
I named all of mine. Harold is my favorite.

After what he did to Stacy?! I can't believe you're that cold-hearted. I mean, I thought you cared for her! How can you even let that mite live in your lashes anymore, I just can't understand - and now you name him your favourite?! I...I just feel like I don't know you anymore. You've changed.[/QUOTE]

She shouldn't have dresses so provocatively.


It's probably just the continental US.

More fun facts! The Newfoundland edition:

St. John's, Newfoundlandis also the oldest European settlement in North America.
George St. in the downtown core has the highest number of bars per square foot in the world (outside of Ireland)
Oldest English settlement. Saint Augustine Florida, San Juan Puerto Rico, and Santo Domingo Dominican Republic are all older.

Hops are in the same family as Cannabis. They grow on bines and not vines. They climb clockwise. They are female, proving once again that lady parts are the greatest things on the planet.


The life cycle of a blow fly usually lasts 9-21 days from egg to adult.


Staff member
In the 17th century, a one-way voyage from England to the North American colonies cost a year's wages for a labourer.
more word stuff: In catalan, "fart" means "full" (in the sense of "I ate so much, I'm full" and "I've had enough of this attitude of yours"). The word that means the same in catalan as fart in english is "Pet".
More fun facts! The Newfoundland edition:

St. John's, Newfoundlandis also the oldest European settlement in North America.
George St. in the downtown core has the highest number of bars per square foot in the world (outside of Ireland)
Oldest English settlement. Saint Augustine Florida, San Juan Puerto Rico, and Santo Domingo Dominican Republic are all older.[/QUOTE]

San Juan and Santo Domingo are both older, but I wouldn't really call them North American. I'm also ignoring a few settlements in Mexico. Perhaps I'm being a little selective. :p

As far as the other goes ...
St. Augustine: 1565
St. John's 1541

But, we also have the oldest European settlement in any of the Americas, but it wasn't continuously inhabited. L'Anse aux Meadows, aka 'Vinland.' Circa 1000 A.D.


San Juan and Santo Domingo are both older, but I wouldn't really call them North American. I'm also ignoring a few settlements in Mexico. Perhaps I'm being a little selective. :p

As far as the other goes ...
St. Augustine: 1565
St. John's 1541

But, we also have the oldest European settlement in any of the Americas, but it wasn't continuously inhabited. L'Anse aux Meadows, aka 'Vinland.' Circa 1000 A.D.
Let me start by saying that I'm not trying to bash St. John's. I'm all for the acknowledgement of Newfoundlands significant history. It tears me when a history channel documentary labels Jamestown as the oldest settlement.

This is my map of North America.

---------- Post added at 02:26 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:13 PM ----------

I tried to fix that damn Wiki link, but it won't let me edit it. So yeah, here's another fun fact about hops!

Germany produces the most by tonnes. Followed by good ol' America

Arnold (Arnoul) of Soissons or Arnold or Arnulf of Oudenburg is the patron saint of hops pickers.
Let me start by saying that I'm not trying to bash St. John's. I'm all for the acknowledgement of Newfoundlands significant history. It tears me when a history channel documentary labels Jamestown as the oldest settlement.

This is my map of North America.
I'll be happy to disard PR and DR if you want. Also we can cut out virtually all cities everywhere else. The Spanish tended to settle in places that were already inhabited. Mexico City became a municipality of Spain in 1524, but it was an established city. My city also has no founding date. It was incorporated (wherein a city charter was written) in 1775, however Spaniards had been living there since at least the 1540s and possibly the 1520s and natives for quite a long time (off and on for 12k and potentially upwards of 3500 years prior of continuous habitation). I think you'll agree that they don't count in this context.

However, even by the pages that you listed St John's appears on a map in 1541, but it wasn't established until 1583. Lots of places appear on maps years before they're settled, that's usually how people find it after their drunk ass cousin comes back and jokingly tells them how awesome it is. That includes St Augustine which has an establishment date of 1565. I think it's interesting that St Aggies is the county seat of St. John's county. Talk about lazy landmark naming.

As far as L'Anse aux Meadows. You won't find argument here. That's a bad ass place. And to this silly little archaeologist is probably one of the coolest sites in the new world.

Cool, cool. It's mostly just half-foolish dickwaving on my part anyhow.

I had a conversation a few months back about continents and how we define them. The link you provided is what I was taught, but I've since seen maps that exclude everything south of the US-Mexico border. I'm not sure I like that, but it's a lot easier to wave my dick without Latin America getting in the way.

Truthfully, I had to look up the date for St. John's. I didn't know it off the top of my head. I was sure I learned that there was a definite foundation date, where the king signed a charter or somesuch, but my google-fu (or wiki-fu as the case may be) was pretty weak while trying to look it up.

[EDIT] Derp! "On August 5 [1583], Sir Humphrey Gilbert claimed the area as England's first overseas colony under Royal Charter of Queen Elizabeth I." (From Wikipedia)[/EDIT]

And honestly, I'm glad to be arguing with someone other then Quebecois about the whole 'who's city is older' bit. Quebec has a 'We're 400 years old!' party for Quebec City the other year, and all of us here in St. John's just rolled our eyes at the damn foolish youngsters.

Also, what it is it with you and Hops?


The Main Library at Indiana University sinks over an inch
every year because when it was built, engineers failed to
take into account the weight of all the
books that would occupy the building.

It takes 8.3 minutes for the sun's light-traveling at 186,282 miles per second-to reach the Earth.

Hippos can run faster than humans.

Over 10,000 birds a year die from smashing into windows

A barnacle has the largest penis of any other animal in the world in relation to its size.

Astronauts are not allowed to eat beans before they go into space because passing wind in a spacesuit damages them

Both Hitler and Napoleon were missing one testicle

Cats have over one hundred vocal sounds, while dogs only have about ten.

Evian (the bottled water) spelled backwards is "naive."

Iguanas, koalas and Komodo dragons all have two penises.

Non-dairy creamer is flammable.


Cool, cool. It's mostly just half-foolish dickwaving on my part anyhow.

I had a conversation a few months back about continents and how we define them. The link you provided is what I was taught, but I've since seen maps that exclude everything south of the US-Mexico border. I'm not sure I like that, but it's a lot easier to wave my dick without Latin America getting in the way.

Truthfully, I had to look up the date for St. John's. I didn't know it off the top of my head. I was sure I learned that there was a definite foundation date, where the king signed a charter or somesuch, but my google-fu (or wiki-fu as the case may be) was pretty weak while trying to look it up.

[EDIT] Derp! "On August 5 [1583], Sir Humphrey Gilbert claimed the area as England's first overseas colony under Royal Charter of Queen Elizabeth I." (From Wikipedia)[/EDIT]

And honestly, I'm glad to be arguing with someone other then Quebecois about the whole 'who's city is older' bit. Quebec has a 'We're 400 years old!' party for Quebec City the other year, and all of us here in St. John's just rolled our eyes at the damn foolish youngsters.

Also, what it is it with you and Hops?
I hear you. You've plenty reason to dick wave. According to that one link you do have the oldest street on the continent. That's actually kind of cool. I was never into 'monumental' archaeology/history. Sure big pyramids are cool and all, but I like the mundane things you find or read about.

And Quebecois can suck it. My maternal lineage is French speaking US. They can't stand Quebecois. But I say give them that one thing, it'll shut them up.

I make my own beer so I read a lot about all the ingredients. Hops just happen to be on my mind. I've been thinking of growing some.

Latest hop facts. Hops were once banned in England. The alpha acids found in hops (what makes beer bitter) has been used in deoderant, Julmust (a Swedish drink), and Malta (a latin american drink)


Staff member
Contrary to popular belief...

... Hitler was not vegan.
... Napoleon was not short. In fact, at 5ft 7in he was considered tall by the standards of the era.
... the Great Wall of China cannot be seen from space.
... Caesar was not born by a Caesarean.
... Nero did not fiddle when Rome was burning. First of all, he would have likely been playing a harp. Second, he was said to have taken part in containing the fire and evacuating the populace.
... feminists didn't burn their bras in the 1960s.


You can make a tripple stacked cheeseburger with bacon & all condiments for $2.

Go-->Wendys-->Order double stack + jr bacon cheeseburger

Combine and enjoy the savings
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