Couldn't agree more. Too bad she's not a FemShep choice.It seems to me that having intercourse with someone named Patient Zero would be the best sex of your life.
Or rather, those who couldn't play 20 minutes after release.Once again, DRM fucks over the customers willing to ACTUALLY PAY FOR YOUR FUCKING GAME.
You know, I thought the same thing...those trailers are annoying. Terrible, overdramatic voice acting. Reminds me of Claire Bennet in Heroes.No, *that* looks like an annoying 90's anti hero archetype.
Seriously, just look at her trailer:
\"[Shepard's] Deliberate...and PISSES ME OFF!\" Ugh.
I LOLedYeah, the Bioware forums says, "SOME PEOPLE are having issues".
Why am I always in that some people group. Eff you Jay.
I don't know. Ability to leave comments? That's a deal-sealer.For those of you who can't play the game FEAR NOT because you can watch someone playing the FIRST HOUR of the game LIVE on Gametrailers AND leave comments!
...yeah, I think this is retarded as well.