Most embarrassing thing that ever happened to you?

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I was waiting outside my first University class today (I got there half an hour early and there were no seats nearby), just leaning against the wall. Then, about twenty nine minutes later I started to get really light headed. Just as a crowd appeared (the exiting class and the people waiting to go in) I fainted. Not sure what happened, but I woke up to a crowd huddled around me asking if I needed a doctor. Not my best moment to say the least.

Basically, I need to here stories of your embarrassment to know that A) I'm not alone, and B) worse could happen
I few weeks ago, my roommate went out with his unicycle like he is known to do. I assumed he was going to be practicing for a while and decided to take this opportunity at some, uh... Well, you know how there's naked people on the internet? Some of that.

So I'm watching this webcam of a girl standing there naked. She's not doing anything and thank god I wasn't either because my roommate came home PRETTY DAMN EARLY. I don't think he would have noticed anything had I not tried to close that tab as quickly as I could....then panic and start clicking wildly when firefox lagged and didn't instantly close the tab like I had wanted it to.

Another moment was when I was walking to class. Campus is uphill from where I live and right as I got into the last intersection and was crossing into the quad I tripped and fell. Normally this wouldn't be THAT bad, but between the angle of the slope and my round body shape I more of rolled to the ground. Legs, stomach area, upper body...back to stomach area and legs.


Riding down the hill on my bike back home from class.

Here's the list of things I did wrong:

1) No helmet
2) Heavy backpack
3) Flipflops
4) Hands no on handlebars
5) Going very fast

All at once my foot slips off the pedal, I slide off my seat, wobble about wildly, then slam over to the ground, backpack flying up and slaming my head into the grround where it drags a few feet.

Thankfully there was only about 15 people watching.

Not one of them said a thing or offered to help, too.

Couldn't walk hardly at all for almost a week.


There used to be this really great entertainment store chain (at least here locally) called Media Play. Imagine Best Buy, but way cooler, a huge selection of books, dvds, music, etc but they also carried a lot of harder to find stuff like anime, action figures etc. LOVED this store, really.

Well one year me and my harpie dragon of a mother were out Christmas shopping there. And I'm browsing through an issue of CGW I think at the time, walking down one of the main isles in the store (it's a pretty open ended store so not a ton of "isles"). Well I almost trip and stumble. I wasn't looking where I was going and managed to snag my foot on one of those footstools with wheels, like you see in a library. So I manage to recover BUT my foot somehow got wedged into the opening between the two steps on the stool, so I trip a second time, recover and not fall, a third time, etc like three or four times.

Now, this entire time, my arms are flailing around, doing my best to keep my balance so A) I dont fall on my ass in a store full of people and B) dont accidentally knock over a display/merchandise.

I was maybe 15 at the time, what does my dragon of a mother do? Does she see if her only child is hurt or anything? (couple scratches on my ankle, nothing a band aid couldnt fix) Nope, she turns around and walks the opposite way laughing the entire time.

A complete stranger, a fellow customer, who saw the entire thing stopped and asked if I was ok, that looked like an almost nasty fall, etc I told her no, thank you, I was fine. needless to say the rest of our Christmas shopping my mother just kept bursting out into hyena fits of giggling, I didnt find it funny at all, I could have easily tripped and snapped my ankle or something, or as a big guy, knocked over a display stand or damaged merchandise we'd have to pay for, nope she finds it fucking hilarious, I'm turning beat red in the face from embarassment, etc

She still brings it up time to time and laughs over it, I still dont find it amusing.


Staff member
Aw, man. :( I hate when they don't let it go. I'm disturbingly clumsy, so I feel your pain there.


I was waiting outside my first University class today (I got there half an hour early and there were no seats nearby), just leaning against the wall. Then, about twenty nine minutes later I started to get really light headed. Just as a crowd appeared (the exiting class and the people waiting to go in) I fainted. Not sure what happened, but I woke up to a crowd huddled around me asking if I needed a doctor. Not my best moment to say the least.

Basically, I need to here stories of your embarrassment to know that A) I'm not alone, and B) worse could happen
sounds like you locked your knees. Same thing happened to me during the middle of mass (which is like the exercise version of church, up, down, up, down, kneel, standing for 15-20 minutes) All of a sudden my head just felt like blood was rushing to it and then i saw the floor. Woke up a few minutes later in the hallway. The other people around me thought it was better i didn't disturb the service with my passing the fuck out.


I fainted.
You fainted.

That is your most embarrassing story?


In terms of quantity, yeah. I mean, I've had way more embarrassing things one on one with someone, like with a friend and I say something completely stupid. But that usually stayed with one person and didn't affect much. This time, a whole group of people that I'll have to see again repeatedly through my University career probably think I'm a loser. So, in terms of quality+quantity=most embarrassing moment, fainting in the middle of a crowd of people kind of trumps the rest of my life.
When I was paralyzed in the hospital with Guillain-Barre, having to have the nurses come in to help me with "restroom" issues. Nothing like being a grown man and having to have someone else help you like you're an infant.

Cuyval Dar

I'm sorry to say this, Mav, but I probably would have laughed my ass off,too.


Something that occured in Middle School that caused everyone to call me a nickname that was just one in a long list of things that caused my depression.

Yeah, I won't say what it was in both cases, because I really don't want the assholes on the forums to start calling me that name.
I was in an exam in middle school, I really had to go to the bathroom, but I couldn't because it was the middle of an exam.

After a while, I figured I'd just release a little bit, just enough to maybe wet my underwear and relieve a bit of the pressure. Except once I started I couldn't stop.

Yeah, so I peed my pants in an exam in middle school.


Staff member
I was in an exam in middle school, I really had to go to the bathroom, but I couldn't because it was the middle of an exam.

After a while, I figured I'd just release a little bit, just enough to maybe wet my underwear and relieve a bit of the pressure. Except once I started I couldn't stop.

Yeah, so I peed my pants in an exam in middle school.
Ah hah ha ha!

I'm sorry dude but I laaaaughed and laughed at this one!


Staff member
This happened while I was in the army...

We were on bivouac (=combat training in terrain, which in this case meant a heavily forested area), and because this was supposed to be combat training, i.e. we were to act like we were really out there, looking for The Enemy, me and another guy were told to head up a low hill, dig up firing positions, and stand sentry. Or in this case, lie sentry as we were to remain unnoticed should The Enemy appear.

So, we dig up some foxholes and masque them so that we could see the terrain ahead without being seen ourselves. The other sentry was a good distance away, so we couldn't talk. All we could do was lie in the hole, our assault rifles (unloaded) trained at the distance. It was mid-October, I think, so it was pretty cool and dank, and we just lied there... and lied there... and lied there.

Suddenly I realize that my assault rifle is missing. I panic; I had it right there, I was clutching it as I lay on my belly on the dirt. I hadn't gone anywhere, I hadn't left my post. Even if I had, I would have certainly taken my gun with me. The situation is made worse by the fact that the soldiers are very, very much responsible for their gun. If we lose our gun, we could face up to six months in prison. And me, hating the army, hating being there, have just lost my gun and I keep thinking I don't want to go to jail, no, this isn't right, this isn't right...

I call my partner in sentry, and we try to look for the gun, but it's nowhere to be found. I knew I had it, I remembered clasping it in my hands, the butt of the gun pressing against my shoulder. It's not in the foxhole, nor anywhere around it. Shivering and close to having a nervous breakdown I return to the camp. My feet felt like jelly and my heart was pounding like mad when I reported to the regular NCO commanding our two platoons that I've lost my piece. He was this short, muscular guy, like a Hobbit version of Ahnuld, and he gives me one single piercing look before he calls the platoons in. I'm still standing in attention as the rest of the soldiers line up behind me. I'm told not to return in line, and in the back of my mind I see him calling the military police to pick me up.

He starts telling the others how I had been on sentry duty, and had lost my gun. He really chews me up in front of the others, and this being the army, I just stand there and try to choke my tears. This was not supposed to happen, this was not supposed to happen... I just wanted to do my six months in the service, go home and continue my studies... but now it felt like I was going to end up in jail. I had never gotten to trouble with the law, and now I was to end up in jail. I could just feel my plans for the future shattering...

And then the NCO pulls out an assault rifle from his tent. He then goes on to tell how he was checking up on the sentries... and he had found me sleeping! Honest to God, I did not remember falling asleep. I did not remember even feeling sleepy, let alone waking up, but apparently I must have dozed off for a few minutes while lying there in that dank hole. He had taken my gun to show how easy it would be for someone to snatch a gun in a situation like that. In other words, I had been close to breaking down for nothing! Seriously, we were in the middle of frickin' nowhere! The area was part of the garrison's training grounds, with no civilians for miles! He then shoved the gun back in my hands and told me to get back to my post. Mortified, embarrassed but also strangely relieved I went back... but I still harbor this desire to one day punch this asshole in the face.

How's that for an embarrassing moment?
When I was 20 and married, I worked double shifts at Bennigans to make ends meet. Then, i'd run a newspaper route, putting them in newspaper racks at night, which took another 3-4 hours of my day.

On a day off, me and the wife visited her parents. I fell asleep in the living room while they visited in the kitchen.

Their house was a bit warm, and I normally sleep in the nude..I was so exhausted and so tired, I took off all my clothes in my sleep, without realizing what i was doing.

So, there I was, in my in-laws living room, naked as a jay bird, with sleep wood, when they come back in from the kitchen to watch TV or something.

Good times.


Staff member
When I was 20 and married, I worked double shifts at Bennigans to make ends meet. Then, i'd run a newspaper route, putting them in newspaper racks at night, which took another 3-4 hours of my day.

On a day off, me and the wife visited her parents. I fell asleep in the living room while they visited in the kitchen.

Their house was a bit warm, and I normally sleep in the nude..I was so exhausted and so tired, I took off all my clothes in my sleep, without realizing what i was doing.

So, there I was, in my in-laws living room, naked as a jay bird, with sleep wood, when they come back in from the kitchen to watch TV or something.

Good times.


Staff member
There used to be this really great entertainment store chain (at least here locally) called Media Play. Imagine Best Buy, but way cooler, a huge selection of books, dvds, music, etc but they also carried a lot of harder to find stuff like anime, action figures etc. LOVED this store, really.
media play sucked. We had 2 of them here. everything was waaaaay overpriced.
I don't really get embarrassed, and when I do, I force myself to think about it until it seems silly to me. This probably happened when I tripped in the mall and when I fell down, I said, "TAH DAH!!!!"

My freshman year of high school there was this guy who lived down the street that I had a HUUUUUUUGE crush on. I had known him for years, and got along with him just fine, but once I realized I liked him, I started acting awkward.

Well, his brother used to work for my dad on our farm, until he signed up for the army. He did his service and finally got to come home. His family threw a huge party.

At this party there were plenty of outdoor activities (a football, volleyball, a badminton net...). Once we all started going outside to watch this pickup soccer game, I was running after the ball. This was in my more physical days, by the way. I was trying to impress my crush and all of the sudden I tripped. I had no idea what I tripped on, but I remember rolling. I looked up and noticed I had tripped on one of the CLEAR wires stabilizing the badminton net... and I ended up snapping one of the cheap metal posts in half....

So, not only did I trip and awkwardly tumble, I ended up breaking that net...:eek:
I used to faint all the time in high school. I never got made fun of for it but it didn't make any less embarrassing when it happened. I had all kinds of tests done and the most they could say was "When you get anxious you faint."

The most embarassing time it happened though was when I decided to run for president in my senior year. I thought I had the election in the bag. I had bribed the populace with baked goods and with dollar store toys. I knew I had the nerd, punk and goth vote. All that was left was to give my speech.

Speech day was an event in my high school. Those running would pull out all the stops to dazzle the students. They made movie, danced, had skits...everything to distract and impress. I decided I would just play my favorite song, walk from the back of the gymnasium too the stage and give my speech in a very sincere manner....then give out a few Timbits.

So, I start walking from the back of the gym to the stage and people are cheering, I'm smiling and waving....then I start to see double. I stumble a bit but I keep going, climb the stage stairs and start to give my speech.

I don't when I blacked out...only that when I came to everyone was talking and laughing. Teachers and friends are crowding me and dragging me from the fucking stage. I was embarrassed as all high hell but I stood up, smiled with tears in my eyes and waved to the crowd. They laughed.

To add insult to injury my closest opponent, a very preppy, well groomed girl who was loved by teachers and students a like, got up and fucking smeared me. She said I would never be able to handle the pressure that comes with the post. She won by 10 fucking votes.

I am reassured though. Too this day former students come and tell me I would have been a much better President. The chick that one only ever scheduled one event, a dance, and that was closed early because of drinking on school grounds. In short, she did jack shit the whole year and actually complained about people complaining to her and how she couldn't handle the stress.

I have more storied but I think that's long enough.


This one time, I accidentally told a bunch of people on this forum I visit, that I like to fuck 14 year olds, and then I got into an argument with them all, when they started calling me a pedo.

Yeah... that was really embaressing.

Wasabi Poptart

I was riding with my dad on his brand new Harley-Davidson Road King. We were going to pick up a referral for my mom from our family doctor. Once we got to to the doctor's office, my dad told me to just hop off of the bike and grab the referral out of the mailbox while he turned the bike around. I had never been on a motorcycle with running boards. I thought my foot was on the ground, but it was on the running board instead. When I stood up and swung my opposite leg over the seat, I dumped the whole bike with my dad still on it.


Staff member
O man, I forgot one. I'm not really embarrassed about it now, but I was mortified when I was 4.

I was at a soccer game with some cousins; they were there to watch their friend play. When he finished, he came over to talk with us. I was approaching him and tripped and tried to grab him for balance. My hand somehow closed around his junk. He started screaming and fell to his knees, and I ran to my aunt's car to hide in the trunk. :eek:
Oooo, ouch. My dad's got a Road King and those are not light motorcycles. I had a moment once where I was riding with my dad, uncle, and a couple other relatives. We came to an overlook for a photo op and I went to get off my bike. Turns out my kickstand wasn't down all the way and I almost dropped my Sportster. Then I had to have my dad help me right it because I couldn't get enough leverage sitting in the saddle trying to keep it from falling all the way.
somebody want some of my Repressitol? Anybody?
Give me twenty years worth. Thanks.

You know, I was scared after my grandma got Alzheimers that I would lose my memory, but when I realize most of the memories I remember are embarrassing ones, so maybe it won't be all bad! :p

Okay I guess I can post a few.

In second grade my favorite thing to do was sit in the rocky play bit and put rocks in my hair so I could dig around to pull them out. Everyone laughed at me and thought I was mentally challenged, sometimes I think I was back then.

One time in third grade I pulled down my pants to annoy some girls nearby, I got reprimanded in front of all the other students with my pants still hanging down.

In forth grade while playing with my friends I accidentally ran into someone else classroom during a detention session. The teacher got so pissed he pulled me out to the principle and got me a one-day in school suspension. They put me in the middle of one of the hallways so that all the other students would walk past as I was forced to sit there doing my school work, only able to get up for bathroom or lunch. It was horrible the teasing, I think I cried.

Later on, forget which grade it was, but I had learned the wonders of playing with myself. One morning while taking part in it, my caretaker at the time decided it would be a perfect day to have her old lady friends come say hello to me. They just opened the door without knocking, and I was caught flying under the covers. Worst yet, one of the women gave me a lecture on why masturbating is wrong and would make me go blind, for like 10 minutes while I lay naked under my blanket.

The most recent embarrassing memory, was while helping my wife (At the time just my girlfriend) on a project she was doing. I was tired, and just go off working on a project with another woman with the same first name as my wife, one that she knew I found attractive. As we were doing the slate for the video, I accidentally said the other woman's full name since that was what I was used to doing for the last few weeks. I could see the pain in my wife's face, I don't think I will even let it down, it was such a painful moment.
I suffered from foot-in-mouth disease much of my....

Let me start over.

I suffer from foot-in-mouth disease. Period.

I'm on the ground floor of our corporate office building in Vancouver, heading to the airport to return home. There's an art show going on and I'm down there with a tall, blonde, skinny cow-orker. I've known her for a long time so I have no issues saying whatever I want to her. We're looking at paintings and she's beside me as we move from painting to painting. She stops at a particularly nice local work and I continue on down the line. I return to her, staring at this painting and I lean nice and close to her ear so she can hear me and I say,

"What's it going to take for me to drag you out of here?"

It wasn't my coworker.

My coworker was a couple paintings down still.

The woman I 'picked up' looked at me inquisitively me, but she was older than me by an Icarus so I decided that wasn't going to work. Slightly embarassed, I grabbed my (real) coworker and followed her out the revolving door.

Except I stepped into her section of the door. With my suitcase dragging along behind me.

Which locked us in the section as she's pushing forward to get out, and my luggage is behind us in the next section unable to get past the glass divider to the building.

The whole room started laughing.
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